I would be happy with Aggro Shaman as well though, but that's nowhere to be found either.
So you are still against nerfing Patches or nah? Because that's what people wanted, not specifically nerfing Pirate Warrior.
You know I really fucking hate the design of the Hunter class, but I even feel bad now in MSOG how just goddamn awful they are. They are worse off than Paladin is right now. I got to Rank 5 with a Hand Buff deck and I fell 3 ranks because I tried some random netdeck midrange hunter and it just sucks.
Kazakus isn't even in the same stratosphere as Patches. Actually I am shocked that people think there's a card in the game in Standard that is as close to being as broken as Patches is right now.Like, Kazakus is blatantly overpowered, but it's a control card so people aren't up in arms. An over-powered aggro card is treated differently by the community and I'm not sure that's healthy. Removing aggro from the game entirely isn't a goal that I think Blizzard should have. I think it was necessary for aggro to be as strong as it was in order to challenge all these super greedy Jade and Reno lists people were trying. I don't think a super-slow, Jade meta would be better than what we have now, which is a diverse meta with options for Control, Midrange and Aggro. (If we lump in combo decks that run a control shell with straight control, this might be the most control-friendly meta I can ever remember.)
As far as Pirate Warrior being 20%, I'm sure at least some of those warrior decks are the new Dragon Warrior (which I think is a better, more consistent list anyway) and certainly there are still some loyalists running Alley Armorsmiths and I know a guy and other new cards in a control shell.
People are going to say whatever comes to their mind in order to defend Patches getting nerfed.First I heard someone call kazakus blatantly overpowered...
Aya is one of the most annoying minions to kill. That stat distribution along with the death rattle... (and battlecry)
You forgot Jade synergy.Miladesn said:You just stick it in your deck because why not. you have a spell power overload totem synergy deck with pirates added and it works great? lol.
Meh Don Han Cho cost too much for no immediate impact.And yeah Aya is definitely over powered too but again it has to be to both be usable itself and to enable the archetype.
Don Honcho is a good card but it's not over powered enough to enable the archetype. That's one of the reasons why the Grimestreet mechanic has been a failure thus far. The good thing going for Don Honcho is that it's usable in more decks unlike Aya and Kazakus so that probably explains the lowered power level. Like you can create a Paladin or Hunter OTK deck with it (lul at Hunter combo deck with those awful draw options).
Kazakus isn't even in the same stratosphere as Patches. Actually I am shocked that people think there's a card in the game in Standard that is as close to being as broken as Patches is right now.
It's a bit early to call this the best control meta especially when we have two aggro decks in tier 1 and only one control deck in there. I do agree that we actually have the best control deck we have ever gotten in the history of HS but I don't even know if that will be enough to deter people from pointing the arrow to face.
For the record I am also generally against nerfing early. But I am also for making emergency changes when there's an obvious issue at hand. You don't need 2 months to figure out that Patches is over powered just like you didn't need 2 months to figure out that Undertaker was over powered. Things at that scale are obvious the minute you play the deck for the first time.
People are going to say whatever comes to their mind in order to defend Patches getting nerfed.
wouldn't be surprised to see classes like Paladin try their hand at it too.
I hate Jade druid
I hate Jade druid
0 mana 0 card that deals free damage to opponent and requires some resources from the opponent to deal with AND activate Pirate synergy cards?Levi said:Patches isn't Undertaker. At the end of the day, Patches is a free ping on turn one that sometimes costs your opponent resources to be dealt with and increases the consistency of pirate synergy cards. It isn't game-breaking.
It's not Kazakus by itself that pushed Renolock to tier 1 and you would be foolish to believe otherwise.Levi said:Kazakus took Reno decks from a tier 3 niche deck few people played to one of the most powerful archetypes in the game, and the "restriction" of only running one-ofs isn't really that much of a restriction since at the moment Standard has its largest library of available cards in Hearthstone history.
I don't struggle against Patches decks, you made a poor assumption there. I can beat any deck with my Renolock, I am not scared of anything.Levi said:I also have a hard time believing emergency nerfs are due because when I see patches I heave a huge sigh of relief because I know I'm against a deck I can easily beat. If you're seeing a large number of Patches decks, maybe it's you who needs to adjust to the meta instead of asking Blizzard to adjust the meta to you.
0 mana 0 card that deals free damage to opponent and requires some resources from the opponent to deal with AND activate Pirate synergy cards?
Not sure what your idea of game breaking is. This is about on par with Undertaker level. At least there were games where they didn't have Undertaker on turn 1 because it's still only 2 cards in the deck, Patches can be activated by 6+ cards.
Patches is already more ubiquitous than Undertaker. Undertaker was used in two decks mostly, Zoo and Hunter. And you could actually play games where they didn't have Undertaker.Patches is not undertaker?
Maybe it's better.
I ALMOST want to throw in Patches into Renolock decks with Dread Corsair. I would've done so already if 99% of Pirate cards weren't face cards.
Yeah I meant Bloodsail Corsair but I always get the names messed up.
Search the Thijs jade Druid or Kolento oneWhat are people's Jade Druid lists? I might want to take a break from thinking this evening.
It's the only deck at the moment that is consistently beating the shit out of me. No idea what to do against it. It just spirals out of control.
I feel like I have to just go face to stand a chance, but more people are putting in Ancient of War, and after that drops, I'm fucked lol.
It's astounding to me that nobody seems concerned with the fact that Druid draws more cards more consistently than fucking Warlock does lol.
It's astounding to me that nobody seems concerned with the fact that Druid draws more cards more consistently than fucking Warlock does lol.
Forgot I had a dupe Patches and he got dusted when I hit the button.