I haven't played a *ton* since MSOG came out, but I really don't think Patches needs a nerf. Yes, he's powerful compared to, say, Wisp and Stonetusk Boar, but those cards pretty much suck. Yes, Patches is "free" if you don't have him in hand and play a pirate. Yet his impact isn't much more impressive than the previously mentioned Wisp or Boar. He usually does a few damage at most and it's very weak otherwise.
The reason he's so used is because it's "free" value and damage. But you need to use pirates to make him any good. IMO, the "problem" is that pirates are better than ever.
Small-time Buccaneer is a great aggro card, especially when combined with:
N'zoths First Mate, which synergizes well with Upgrade and...:
Bloodsail Cultists and Captain Greenskin, which also works well with Fiery War Axe and Arcanite Reaper.
Since you will almost always have an upgraded weapon in hand, Bloodsail Raider is a great aggro card now too.
All of these pirates are now so good that aggro decks don't even run Southsea Captain anymore because it's not as impactful.
The problem is that the Pirate tag is now too consistent and powerful, so what should be a restriction for Patches -- building a deck with many pirates -- isn't a detriment at all. And unlike with something like Murlocs or Beasts, it's not even that they synergize with each other exceptionally well (although they do with the *deck*). It's that they are good on their own and all contribute to an aggro game plan on their own.
Patches is just icing on the pirate cake, not the actual substance of the issue.
IMO, of course.