Just played against a control warrior with my heavily WIP reno priest. Trying out nat pagle and he draws me so many cards. Then later gets resurrected by kazakus potion and mills entomb and raza. I somehow ended up winning cause my idiot opponent was bad. There is no way I should have won that game.
I did manage to dirty rat and shadow word death his ragnaros... so there was that.
Ok let's rap on Reno priest. I've been running it for a few days and here's my WIP list (based mostly off Savjz's list). I'll go over what I think sucks about it (a few things) and what I like right (everything else) after:
Northshire Cleric
Pint-Size Potion
Twilight Whelp
Acidic Swamp Ooze (tech choice)
Dirty Rat
Netherspite Historian
Auctioneer Beardo
Brann Bronzebeard

Kabal Talonpriest

Kabal Chemist
Twilight Guardian
Azure Drake
Blackwing Corruptor
Drakonid Operative (OP OP)
Holy Nova
Kabal Songstealer
Raza The Chained (MVP)
Book Wyrm
Cabal Shadowpriest
Dragonfire Potion
Reno Jackson
Beardo and Shadowform. I'm not really liking how infrequently they show up and the lack of options before you get Shadowform is annoying. I think I tried too much to straddle the line between combo and nomal control and it doesn't work. I'm thinking cut both of them for something else like maybe Wyrmrest Agent (a card I hate because its stats blow without the dragon activation) or MCT or something.
The deck feels like it could use 1 more big threat maybe Ragnaros? Not sure what to cut for it though as I already frequently pass the first 3 turns. Maybe remove the Cabal Shadowpriest and put it in.
I also feel like I should be running Priest of the Feast, but I don't feel like there are enough spells to be worth it atm.
Everything else. Raza is awesome. Kabal Songstealer is surprisingly useful. That silence does so much work against taunts (allowing you to actually pressure the opponent while always healing yourself) and buffed up minions (suck it Goons!). Pint-size potion is actually quite useful but I might cut it if I take out Cabal Shadowpriest. Getting a better minion is awesome or just using it to make really favorable trades is ok, but it feels dead just a bit more often than I'd like. Still a fun card to have though.