Mobius and pet octopus
getting so much cards from nat paggle is probably a huge misplay from your opponent, card draw is pretty impactful in the game and nat can be very easily gotten rid. I don't think the opponent played that well if he let that card live for so long
at least you didn't get both legendaries from opening packs, I got mine just after I openened the first...
4 health minion can be very tough to deal with for a control warrior. Then I dropped power word shield on it. So at first he wanted to get rid of it. But after a couple draws off it, it can be awkward to play efficiently as the priest. These games almost always go to fatigue, so drawing too many can be a big deal. And then overdrawing and losing a powerful card like entomb should have let the warrior win. He was also running elise and I was not. He was running actual late game (ysera iirc) and my biggest late game threat was medievh at that point. Plus I was like 5-6 cards ahead in draw... should've been easy for the warrior to win with that fatigue advantage.