Renolock with Kazakus and the new warlock legendary is the most fun I had in a long time in this game.
Totally agreed! Reminds me of OG handlock.
In other news, I was fairly sure Jade Rogue was eh-tier but I did like a 24-8 in my last 32 matches with it (albeit Kripps N'Zoth Jade Rogue, but still...). I went from rank 15 straight to 5 in 3 hours of play. Pirate warrior mostly ate me, so I teched in a ooze for a fan of knives and that helped quite a bit. I often got that extra turn to get lethal by the skin of my teeth. Renolock, jade shaman, jade Druid and Dragon-kaza-preist (the match ups I got the most) felt fairly easy to overcome. And it's so much fun to play! I just wanted to clear a win 2 Rogue quest and here I am.
Edit: felt like elaborating: The deck is really smart in the sense that the jade mechanic makes it so you don't hate when N'Zoth brings back your early deathrattles like Jade Swarmer, since by then it's gonna spawn an 8/8. Never liked when a Fiery bat or Toad took the place of my highmane in hunter N'Zoth lists. And since you'll often want to out-jade your opponents in control match ups the N'Zoth turns are back-breaking especially to Druid, who should have no way except a puny ancient if war to stop you. Your slowish start is also offset by the traditional Rogue tempo tools like backstab, SI:7 etc. Barnes also has a lot of great results. Slightly above 50 % for a 1/1 with a good/great effect. And Brann just has so many synergies as well.
In a weird way it's a combo-ish deck, only it staves off the shortfall of having to have 'those exact 3 cards to win' since there's multiple synergies across multiple mechanics.
Mind you, I don't think 5 is some great achievement either, but I'm sorts surprised at the ease. Outdid my renolock easy peasy.