I recently had one of my best mirror matches ever, specially after reading that "is hearthstone the most rage inducing game ever"
I queued on ranked with reno kazakus mage, it was
THIS same deck from Hearthstone Top Decks.
My opponent had exactly the same deck (I knew because we reached fatigue) and the match was very slow since this deck is from the most part reactive.
I did the combo of Kazakus and Brann, so I got 2 spells, from the moment I was fine, but then my opponent did a brann + kabal courier combo which thanks to RNG granted him another Kazakus, which he played on this same turn so he got 2 spells too with the chance of a third one from the kazakus that was still in the deck.
Even though he had the card advantage I won this match up because I used kazakus and other cards better
I picked a 5 and 10 cost card, the 5 cost card was deal 4 damage to all minions and summon a 5/5 demon. The 10 cost card was deal 8 damage and get 3 demons cards.
My opponent picked the deal 4 damage to all minions and summon a 5/5 demon, deal 8 damage and summon a 6/6, and convert all minions in sheep and revive 3 characters that died. this last card was his doom, since he revived an acolyte of pain which I already pinged and dealed damage before so he would steal 3 cards (didn't burned anything with it, but I knew that this match will end in fatigue at a proper time) so with me 2 sheeps he stole another 3 cards.
Also, I used my removals better, and had answers to his alexstrasa that he played and the other one that revived. Also, I knew that it was a bad idea to revive minions since I could get a doomsayer and screw my turn
In the end this match was obviously influenced by RNG, but since I knew the game better than him, I still won, even though we had the exact same decks (and he have 1 more spell)