Start of next rotation, Miracoli Rogue and Pirate Warrior are losing very little. Rogue is losing Tomb Pillager... that's it. Pirate Warrior is losing Argent Horserider... that's it.
And they will probably get something in the next expansion to somewhat make up for the ONE CARD they are losing in their deck.
Bigger losses are the following:
Warlock: Renolock loses Emperor, the Leeroy combo, Reno Jackson, Imp Gang Boss, Demonwrath, Dark Peddler. Zoo is nerfed but Renolock is going to get gutted. Neutral options like Vendor and Bran are big too.
Paladin: Anyfin Paladin RIP. Losing Keeper of Uldaman is significant too. Dragon Paladin probably done too but it never really lived either.
Shaman: Heavy losses in here for the entire spectrum including Control Shaman. Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Elemental Destruction, Ancestral Knowledge, Healing Wave, Tuskar Totemic, Thunderbluff.
Priest: Excavated Evil, Entomb, Wyrmrrest Agent, Welp, Curator. Hurts Control/Reno Priest and Dragon Priest.
Control Warrior: No Justicar anymore. No Revenge but it's not that essential. No Bash. No Fierce Monkey. Dragon Warrior is RIP.
Mage: Flamewaker and Arcane Blast loss are big for Tempo Mage. No Emperor and Torch are big losses for Freeze Mage. Though Mage's core package is still in tact, they might have an excuse to go in on the Secrets theme.
Druid: Living Roots, Darnassus Aspirant, Savage Combatant, Raven Idol, Mounted Raptor. Some losses all around from Beast Druid to Spell Druid but Druid will be fine because it has broken Innervate.
Hunter: King Elekk, Quick Shot, Bear Trap... alright not that much to be honest.
Man TGT was a HORRENDOUS expansion for just about everyone except Shaman. LoE and BRM would be bigger losses for some of these classes.