Loatheb too if you don't have it.
Warlock and Priest are actually top tier in arena right now. Shaman is #6.
Control Warrior: No Justicar anymore. No Revenge but it's not that essential. No Bash. No Fierce Monkey.
Don't craft any of the legendaries before trying wild out. They aren't super critical. Find a deck you want to play, craft the commons and rares you need them try it out.
I just fought a Dr Boom user in Wild at rank 20. Wild ladder is not easy at all. I had to put on my tryhard pants to finish my Shaman quest there just now ;(
Was fun using my Control Shaman but lots of greedy decks there. I hope its not this rough for f2p newbies. I know Kripp was saying he hates playing on his f2p account now
(Just go to Standard ladder if you're not worried bout yer rank its much easier lol)
[edit] It might be the time of day. I find it much easier to climb in early mornings and lunch breaks at work
Um...priest has such useless early game options in arena i'm straight shocked people think its good, i donno, just from experience, every time i draft it i get shittons of minions that restore health or add to health pools, but when you have a trash early game, it's such a useless ability when classes like mage and shaman can just shatter your game from their hand and put out more powerful minions you can't deal with
You have an over powered 1 mana spell that covers for the early game in case you miss a drop..
Any 2 drop that Priest drafts from the neutral pool becomes god like when they play Kabal Talonpriest on curve.
That's all they need to be good in Arena because once they survive the early game, they are the kings of late game.
Priest has premium early game removal too in Shadow Pain combined with Potion of Madness.except talon priest isn't going to hit anything on curve because the good classes in arena have prime t 1-3 removal so your battlecry is weak compared to classes that can directly affect the board with their hero power and abundance of 3 damage 1-2 mana spells
Should let the people at Heartharena know because they have Potion of Madness at a whooping 85, basically Shredder tier.and spells that don't do guranteed damage are a trap in arena.
Priest has premium early game removal too in Shadow Pain combined with Potion of Madness.
But early game removal is still very hard to come by for anyone except for Priest due to the occurrence bonus. If anyone is going to be removing something early... then it's going to be Priest.
Usually in Arena a 2 drop does get to survive especially for the player going first, hence the first player advantage.
And Priest's hero power does impact the board. Far more than something like Warrior, Hunter or Warlock for example. Being able to heal own minions for 2 HP is really strong in Arena.
50% winrate isn't even good in Arena... going 3-3 or 4-3 on average, meh.
Potion of Madness is a great card, Kabal Talonpriest is one of the best cards in Arena and that Priest common 5 mana 5/5 is solid too. Priest got quite a big boost in this expansion and they had the hero power to carry them in the mid to late game.
Pretty much everyone has Priest in top 3 for Arena alongside the other Kabal classes.
So yeah, I really think Blizzard fucked up bad in terms of Renolock. They gave the deck way, way too much in a single set and now it's just flat out ridiculous. It's the best deck in the game by a large margin at this point in my opinion.
Good.So yeah, I really think Blizzard fucked up bad in terms of Renolock. They gave the deck way, way too much in a single set and now it's just flat out ridiculous. It's the best deck in the game by a large margin at this point in my opinion.
So yeah, I really think Blizzard fucked up bad in terms of Renolock. They gave the deck way, way too much in a single set and now it's just flat out ridiculous. It's the best deck in the game by a large margin at this point in my opinion.
This is more of a Jade Idol problem than an Auctioneer problem though the synergy there is definitely very strong.By the way I'm sitting here with 14 cards left in my deck and this Druid has drawn his entire deck and about 6 Jade Idols.
Not sure how anyone can say that's okay. Probably about time for another Auctioneer nerf.
By the way I'm sitting here with 14 cards left in my deck and this Druid has drawn his entire deck and about 6 Jade Idols.
Not sure how anyone can say that's okay. Probably about time for another Auctioneer nerf.
This is more of a Jade Idol problem than an Auctioneer problem though the synergy there is definitely very strong.
Auctioneer in Druid is going to be a lot weaker post rotation with Living Roots and Raven Idol gone. Though the real cultprit has and always will be god damn Innervate. Rogue has HALF an Innervate which is actually seeing play, just tells you how obscene Innervate is.
You are not going to win with any Gang Up Rogue deck against Patches decks.Interested on your thoughts on this Dahbomb: What do you think of Gang Up with a Miracle package in Jade Rogue? I was testing this out last night and found it too slow. I found it was more effective to build a Jade rogue deck focusing on the jade cards, deathrattle, shadowstep, and cycle cards (Loot Hoarder, Thalnos, Fan, Drakes). I was testing this out in Wild and was having more success than using the miracle list of Thijs.
Surprisingly, shadowstep is really amazing if you can get it off on the Jade Spirit or Aya. I also found Journey Below to be pretty reliable in getting the Jade train rolling. Afraid to play it in standard though because I was facing nothing but Aggro Shamans last night.
It's not the issue that Renolock is too good or has no counters.
It's that the counters of Renolock are hard countered by the Patches decks. Midrange Hunter, Tempo Mage, Malygos Druid, Freeze Mage, Rogue decks etc. historically beat this deck but are kept significantly down by the Patches decks at the moment. This has allowed Renolock to basically tech only against aggro and beat everyone else.
I also think that pairing the Jades with Deathrattles is probably the way to go with Unearthed Raptor and those other cards you mentioned.
i feel like druid is better than warlock and priest. but regardless, i'd take shaman over all of those. still loaded with board clears and obscenely OP class minions, and more weapons than ever. i don't think i've lost to a warlock yet since the exp, that's kinda shocking. that 7 mana 3 damage dude is good but other than that, i don't see it. shaman can still easily flood the board and bloodlust is a monster finisher for zoo shaman drafts. priests 3 drop and dragonfire potion are good but, as long as you draft well with removal, priest can't roll with the top 3 imo, any draft with strong removal wrecks them
What counters pirate dragon warrior ?
What counters pirate dragon warrior ?
Dragon Priest can't be bad against it.
Don't faster face decks also counter it?
No that deck kill faster aggro
its had fast opener and eventually curving out to midrange minion like fierce monkey n twilight guardian and outvalue them
Ah forgot about the monkey, yeah 4 good taunts should give them the edge with the hero power.
I guess the new face/jade shaman would do well.
Dragon warrior always favored against aggro shaman
this time no different I think
Ty, playing and watching is slowly helping me figure this deck out. I'm starting to get the hang of things except the mirror which is like the best/worst game of chicken ever.Asmodai currently stream in high legend with renolock, for a guy that ask renolock streamer yesterday
Asmo got Legend rank#1 with renolock PogChamp
insane winrate today
There is no greater feeling than playing dirty rat and pulling a Reno out .
Feels good man
Dragon warrior always favored against aggro shaman
this time no different I think
There is no greater feeling than playing dirty rat and pulling a Reno out .
Feels good man