I think the reason I hate playing aggro decks is because running out of steam just feels horrible.
Worse than losing to aggro.
I think I even get a little embarrassed when it happens.
Draw Finley, pick Life Tap. ez
I think the reason I hate playing aggro decks is because running out of steam just feels horrible.
Worse than losing to aggro.
I think I even get a little embarrassed when it happens.
I think that's probably an exaggeration. Think of an existing 2 mana card and ask yourself if adding stonetusk boar is really like a 4 mana card. 1.5 mana at best.
What's your list look like?
Deck thinning doesn't matter when you aim to win by turn 5.
Zoo could easily punish Jade decks, but Zoo has a bad matchup against all of the PPP decks.
The difference between a 29 card deck and a 30 card deck is pretty small. This is like point #4 on why the card is good. If Patches didn't thin your deck, it wouldn't see less play.
Your first pirate draws and plays a 1 mana card. Just do the math there. Drawing a card alone is roughly 1.5 mana worth of value. You're then playing a 1 mana card. 2.5 mana.
You don't include "draw a card" in the math. There is value in gaining an extra card in your hand and Patches doesn't provide that value.
whenever I play wyrmrest agent the pirate warrior just an't recover, that or any minion with somewhat amount of life, like a twilight welp.
The deal with these pirate decks is to have some early game and abandon the greediness since they can kill in a couple of turns.
I don't think either patcher or the priate warrior decks are something to be concerned, they are viable decks as much as others out there, nothing huge like people are making it to believe
Draws and plays. Better than just drawing a card.
I think the reason I hate playing aggro decks is because running out of steam just feels horrible.
Worse than losing to aggro.
I think I even get a little embarrassed when it happens.
You don't include "draw a card" in the math. There is value in gaining an extra card in your hand and Patches doesn't provide that value.
No. It isn't.
Razorfen Hunter. Is this card 3 mana 2/3, draw and play a wisp?
Call of the Wild. Is this card play animal companion, and then draw and play two more animal companions?
And don't say "no because these cards don't thin you deck" because if you do then you don't understand what thinning your deck actually means or why it would be good.
Also considering Razorfen Hunter is 3 mana I'd say a 2 mana stated card with summon a 1/1 charge as text would probably be worth 4 mana.
Mad Scientist has always been valued as basically a "Draw a card" card. It applies the same to the first pirate you play.
Mad Scientist has always been valued as basically a "Draw a card" card. It applies the same to the first pirate you play.
Mad Scientist has always been valued as basically a "Draw a card" card. It applies the same to the first pirate you play.
Kripp probably floored because he experienced the power of Shaman after playing jank as hell decks.Kripp needs to calm the fuck down.
First he tries to tell people that his combo Reno Priest is good against everything, and now he thinks his Jade N'Zoth Shaman is perfect too.
Patches isn't even a real card that you play. It's like a start of game aura effect that says "You first Pirate summons a 1/1 Pirate with Charge". Patches would see play EVEN IF IT DID NOT HAVE CHARGE!
If Patches is 0/1 he would still OP
If Patches is 0/1 he would still OP
Yeah, no. If he was a 0/1 he'd only see play in Warrior in order to activate Bloodsail Cultist. Maybe Shaman runs it along with flametongue and bloodlust, but I doubt it.
Kripp needs to calm the fuck down.
First he tries to tell people that his combo Reno Priest is good against everything, and now he thinks his Jade N'Zoth Shaman is perfect too.
The more I play Reno Priest and Reno Mage, the more I face Jade Druid and get rekt. Seems I can't burn them before they get out too many big Jade minions, and if I try to play the long game they of course win as I can't fatigue them.
I have no clue what sort of Reno Priest is good against slower decks, unless that combo is insane.
The combo is basically an OTK. If you're healthy enough for it, it can be a pretty huge closer against a control deck. It's kind of like the Leeroy+PO+Faceless finisher, but sort of worse.
"Like a good deck, but worse." is basically Kripp's entire deck building philosophy.
this is j4ckiechan's egg druid deck. he was playing an updated egg druid deck yesterday on stream in which he included patches and bloodsail corsairI can't take credit, I found the deck online and thought it looked interesting. Basically you run a shitload of 1 mana minions and then shove in basically every way Druid has to buff tokens and flood the board early, before everybody's AOE comes online.
Argent Squire x2
Dragon Egg x2
Enchanted Raven x2
Living Roots x2
Mark of the Lotus x2
Runic Egg x2
Sir Finley Mrrggleton
Druid of the Saber x2
Lance Carrier
Mark of the Wild x2
Mark of Y'Shaarj x2
Power of the Wild x2
Mounted Raptor x2
Savage Roar x2
Defender of Argus x2
Soul of the Forest x2
Rank 5 and up is super brutal this season. Was at rank 3 briefly, but I've been shut down. A lot of games I've lost with Reno Mage just not drawing the Reno, even if I find the Ice Block.
I mean the deck doesn't seem that bad and I would imagine that Shaman will head in that sort of direction once Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem get chucked out, but Kripp being all "I make decks that are good against everything" is pretty arrogant. I get you're good at arena dude but if you want to make claims like that in constructed you need to put up or shut up and perform in some tournaments.
I'm prob gonna start trying out reno mage tonight. What's a good list?
Forbidden Flame
Arcane Blast
Babbling Book
Acidic Swamp Ooze
Bloodmage Thalnos
Arcane Intellect
Brann Bronzebeard
Forgotten Torch
Frost Nova
Ice Barrier
Ice Block
Kabal Courier
Manic Soulcaster
Volcanic Potion
Refreshment Vendor
Water Elemental
Azure Drake
Cabalist's Tome
Ethereal Conjurer
Flame Lance
Reno Jackson
Firelands Portal
Medivh, the Guardian
With Hunters out of the meta, I think all the hunter players switched to Priest, because now Priests are the most BM players in the game.
Priests used to play Undertaker and was like the 3rd best deck to utilize Undertaker.This is what we've come to now...
Priest playing the PPP Package.