What server do you play on, what timezone are you in, and what time of day do you typically play?
I play on the US server, but on JST. Usually a bit in the morning, around lunch, and in the evening on my way home or before bed.
Don't craft Goya and waste your dust. Kazakus is extremely top-tier and can be used in several decks. Game-defining if you craft a good spell.
Yeah, but my conundrum is this: I don't like Warlock, though I do like Priest (and Mage to some degree). Reno Priest pretty much loses to Reno Lock, so there's not much incentive to play it right now. The only thing is that when Reno rotates out, I imagine (without having seen any of the cards from the next expansion) that only Priest will be able to field a viable highlander-style deck since they have Raza and their hero power.
Still, Kazakus (along with Finja, Shaku, and Goya) are on my "Want" list.
my issue is slightly similar. I make a hard push but I usually abandon ladder mid month. This is my favorite game by far but I still have other games I want to play on the side (so after getting a decent chest I slack off a lot). but that is nice you found it easy to get to 11/12.
It literally has never been this easy for me. As a Priest "main", the difference between pre-Gadgetzan and post is massive. It's so hard to describe...I guess Shaman players understand since they went through the same thing with TGT, LoE, and WotG.
To be fair though, Dragon Priest is pretty boring for me. Resurrect / Goya / Barnes / Y'shaarj sounds a lot more fun...
Guess I'll see if I can hit Rank 5. Might as well. Once I get my gold Priest, I may switch classes for a while.