Turns out muster, muster, coghammer, truesilver, divine favour is a bad hand against zoo.
Starting to get the hang of reno mage vs reno lock https://hsreplay.net/replay/BhL77PaXZYPoPr9Fs6HVhj
especially in mirror you dont have a win condition.Non leeroy renolock seems like the worst version of the deck
actually encountered a control warrior with my midrange shaman. got worried when he put down ragnaros but managed to pull out a win
Twitch chat has an uncanny ability to spot lethal faster than streamers. I don't just mean the fake shouts either.
I suppose it's kinda like when I'm watching fighting games. I notice a lot of stuff that could've and should've happened. There's no pressure on me, so I probably pick up on a lot of things that the player won't in the moment.Twitch chat has an uncanny ability to spot lethal faster than streamers. I don't just mean the fake shouts either.
Clearing quests on EU... goddamn I love and hate Rogue. This is called the "he only runs one copy of Nether so why am I going to play around it?" play:
Here's the game if you want to see how I made a 16/16 stealthed Van Cleef on turn 8: https://hsreplay.net/replay/QbJoT632Ya9zWE3u7EFXUA
As much as I enjoy RenoLock, the games can tend to last a while.
Thinking about crafting Pirate Warrior or Shaman so I can play more games, win or lose faster.
Pirate Shaman is stronger, Pirate Warrior albeit faster is a very fragile deck. Taunts and AOEs wreck it.
I just finished Karazhan and the only gadgetzan legendary I have is Madam Goya, so I think I might punish myself by making a shit gimmick RNG deck using her and malchezzar just to see what I end up with on turn 6 swaps. It will not win very much but might prove fun.
Yeah I had that feeling. Thanks for the replays. Doesn't look too expensive to craft either.
Got a link to a good list?
Bad match ups
Bad mannered opponents
Unfair rank disparity with opponents
Every opponent has a legendary cardback
Must be Hearthstone's broken fucking ladder!
How can the game give me my worst match up four times in a row when I'm one win from rank 5? Why am I facing rank 3 golden Priests when I'm rank 6? Why are Priests the biggest jerks in the game? I guess we'll never know.
Screw this, I'm going to see star wars and hopefully when I get back I can face some patches decks instead of autopilot mindless priest over and over.
Pretty sure that's the first time I've ever read autopilot or mindless and priest in the same sentence.
Deck list are available in the replays (right side of the screen).
Oh thanks, didn't know that.
Why do they play Sir Finley? 1/3 for 1? What hero power are you looking to get in these matches?
Oh thanks, didn't know that.
Why do they play Sir Finley? 1/3 for 1? What hero power are you looking to get in these matches?
Hunter or warlock.
2/3 of the deck costs 2 mana or less, you will run out of cards in a lot of games and your basic totems are not that useful as you don't run Thing from Below. So you are hoping for Life Tap from Sir Finley. Steady Shot is also ok.
You can run a copy of Ancestral Knowledge if you don't want to play Sir Finley, it synergizes with Trogg as well so it's a good replacement.
It's not a Hearthstone GAF thread without Levi tilting unreasonably about something.
After the Nazi Germany fell, they all rolled Priest.
This is dumb hyperbole. I've seen some Rogues as well.
This is dumb hyperbole. I've seen some Rogues as well.
Is there a substitute for Rag/Antonidas in Tempo Mage? I put in Medivh but it seems too slow.
Is there a substitute for Rag/Antonidas in Tempo Mage? I put in Medivh but it seems too slow.
I want to know where everyone is seeing these rogues and Priests. All I'm seeing are Renolock and Warriors.
I want to know where everyone is seeing these rogues and Priests. All I'm seeing are Renolock and Warriors.
Priest is pretty much the easiest deck there is. Play overstatted crap on curve and abuse your hero power to gain card advantage by keeping your bullshit minions alive forever. Aggro pirate takes more braincells. That's why priest players BM so much, even they get bored playing their paint by numbers deck and they have to BM to stay awake.
Okay, so maybe I'm tilted and venting and not making sense, but really I can't think of any other reason EVERY single priest is a rude pos.
Win vs priest? They add you to call you names. Lose vs priest? THEY ADD YOU TO CALL YOU NAMES.
Blizzard should change the notification to "A recent Priest opponent would like to tell you to get cancer and die!", it's more accurate than what they display now.![]()
This is dumb hyperbole. I've seen some Rogues as well.
why is seatstory a cooking show?
Where do you think all the dragonfire and felfire potions come from? Hard work by hafu in the kitchen
Reynad : "Man when Renolock gets ahead it just stays ahead, I think this game is done".
Reynad : "Man Eloise misplaced twice and still won with Pirate Warrior... lul"
Honestly mate. Saying priest is easier to play then pirate warrior is just not true.
I do agree though that most priest players seem like arrogant little kids with their BM spam.