finally crafted leeroy, now I see that I was missing
pretty sure he would have won his last Renolock game if he didn't play as poorly as he did.C4mlann is so fucking bad.
Well, Hearthstone the lower the rank you are, the better, so I think 14 is somewhat high, no?
According to the people here, your worth as a human being is tied to whether or not hit you can hit 5 every month.
The very best part is that even once you do hit 5 all the people who mocked you and denigrated you and took every opportunity to remind you how shit you are don't actually apologize or anything. They just find some new reason to mock you.
If you feel like people are mocking or denigrating you report to a mod. It's generally not accepted.
No mod is gonna give a shit that people are making fun of me.
Try them.
I'm pretty sure they will.
I found this game to be hilarious. I just threw together a trash Rogue deck to complete a combo card quest. Ending up winning. That Elemental Destruction/Hallazeal combo doh...
What number of dragons do you think you need to justify two Drak Ops?
It feels wrong to run any priest without using drak ops.
Who are these people? Start name dropping them because I have not seen these people denigrate others based on rank. Show posts, user names and receipts please so we can all denigrate them instead.According to the people here, your worth as a human being is tied to whether or not hit you can hit 5 every month.
The very best part is that even once you do hit 5 all the people who mocked you and denigrated you and took every opportunity to remind you how shit you are don't actually apologize or anything. They just find some new reason to mock you.
I love players like this. Gives me so much time to do other shit while I'm playing lol.Speaking of toxic people, this guy BM emoted me turn 1 and then roped every turn until I got sick of it and conceded:
Things are going great.
Who are these people? Start name dropping them because I have not seen these people denigrate others based on rank. Show posts, user names and receipts please so we can all denigrate them instead.
I am not calling you a liar, I am saying I may have missed these people, especially if they posted in older threads. If they were pointed out then I would put them on blast for taking seriously rank in a children's card game.No, you're right, I'm a fucking liar making it all up.
My first hand experience doesn't matter.
I should have to go through thousands of posts in the old thread to find proof for you.
Seems reasonable.
Been having a lot of luck with this aggro druid (no one steal this pls let people keep playing pirate decks)
Finally landed my combo of turn 4 mukla + celestial dreamer
I broke through a doom sayer AND an ancient of war to win on turn 6
I am not calling you a liar, I am saying I may have missed these people, especially if they posted in older threads. If they were pointed out then I would put them on blast for taking seriously rank in a children's card game.
Real nice. Only criticism I have is that you should have played the mounted raptor and saved swipe in case you had to get passed another taunt. Otherwise real strong play. Celestial dreamer seems like a good card but druid has so many good cards atm it kinda gets ignored.
I haven't seen it either. I think a rank 15 person will hit a high rank if they put enough time and effort into the game. It's not that difficult.
Finishing top 100 legend though is a different story, especially if you can manage it on a consistent basis.
Even rank 15 is pretty good tbh, considered like top 25%?
Well, Hearthstone the lower the rank you are, the better, so I think 14 is somewhat high, no?
I am not calling you a liar, I am saying I may have missed these people, especially if they posted in older threads. If they were pointed out then I would put them on blast for taking seriously rank in a children's card game.
I tried to find the post that really hurt my feelings... when someone I thought was my friend suggested to another poster who was asking my advice that they should "ask him how to get to rank 5." I even PMed the guy asking him why he did that, but didn't get a response.
Found a few other posts I'm still holding a grudge about, though. Fun to relive these memories! Thank you so much for this!
Got made fun of for posting Boar Control's Spellpower Shaman list that came out right after Kara launched. Not only was I the first person in the thread to post about what became THE meta-defining deck, but I had to eat shit about it from people claiming I'm too stupid to recognize the difference between an aggressive midrange deck and a control deck but who themselves are too stupid to know what a fucking apostrophe means when it's in the title of a deck.
The Kindly Grandmother post is LOL though. Shouldn't have blacked out the name so we could call that person out for not only incorrectly judging a card but also bringing rank into it. Make judgment on cards based on reasoning not on ranks. Except Malchezaar of course.
Now do the right thing and accept my friend request on! I am Danthebadass#1260.
what are these plays
I have definitely seem the thread talk down about not hitting rank 5 on numerous occasions. I've probably been a part of it, as well.
Missed lethal, never punished.