I was kinda being facetious with the post.
Hearthstone has changed a lot when it comes to which class is on top vs bottom. But the overall playstyle is still the same despite numerous expansions. You are essentially playing the same decks as last year just with different art. You still play on curve, get the early game lead on board the finish with burst later on. Only thing different right now is that we have a control deck at the top that is doing work and is actually not easy to play so that's good but it's also easy to target.
The main thing people want is for there to be more types of ways to play the game. And that's hard to do when you have streamlined aggro decks running on ladder. Harder to make home brew decks and or play with limited card pools.
DOTA 2 has gone through what feels like thousands of patches and they just released a game changing new one. DOTA is in its own league when it comes to supporting the game long term and with patches. And even that game is not immune to having top picks.
Hearthstone has changed a lot when it comes to which class is on top vs bottom. But the overall playstyle is still the same despite numerous expansions. You are essentially playing the same decks as last year just with different art. You still play on curve, get the early game lead on board the finish with burst later on. Only thing different right now is that we have a control deck at the top that is doing work and is actually not easy to play so that's good but it's also easy to target.
The main thing people want is for there to be more types of ways to play the game. And that's hard to do when you have streamlined aggro decks running on ladder. Harder to make home brew decks and or play with limited card pools.
DOTA 2 has gone through what feels like thousands of patches and they just released a game changing new one. DOTA is in its own league when it comes to supporting the game long term and with patches. And even that game is not immune to having top picks.