Ask me about the GAF Notebook
That Hunter COTW nerf from 8 to 9 looks stupid on Blizzard's part seeing as they had to see the game was gonna swing towards other aggro.
The COTW nerf was needed. That card was stupid at 8 mana. It's still good at 9 mana, just not broken.
Games over before you hit 9 mana against most of the top aggro decks. At least 8 gets us slightly closer.
wow I just beat amnesiac on stream lul
wow I just beat amnesiac on stream lul
I play renolock, he already switched to avikun druid when I queue him thoI watched his stream earlier. He was playing renolock. What deck were you using?
fertygo confirmed OpieOp.
Games over before you hit 9 mana against most of the top aggro decks. At least 8 gets us slightly closer.
Yes, I know what Aggro is.
Not trying to brag (which would be childish) but I was thinking to myself I dont think I've ever being this successful in a ranked game before. I read that I can hover over my rank in the Quest interface and it says I'm in the Top 9%. Being a working man with family & kids I am usually content to just play games casually and have often just settled for Bronze in MOBAs and the like
I know you do Sensei but I got confused. Apologies if my reply aggravated you I was wondering was there a miscommunication
Granted like either yourself or Dahbomb (think it was you tho) pointed out- a lot of us newer players (WoTG era) have never seen a fast meta like this. Along with that I had come to realize that's more of my style (at least at the moment)
Goddamn I hate playing against good dragon priests...
Good ol HS community. As lovely as always.
Merry Christmas HSGAF.
I hope all your packs contain legendaries, and all your RNG is favorable.
Recently added someone to ask something about his deck , the guy was surprised it wasn't to insult his family.
Granted like either yourself or Dahbomb (think it was you tho) pointed out- a lot of us newer players (WoTG era) have never seen a fast meta like this. Along with that I had come to realize that's more of my style (at least at the moment)
Yeah, that was me. People got too used to midrange Shaman pushing all the aggro decks out of the meta. People want to paint the current meta's speed as an anomaly, but it just isn't so.
Losing ranks like crazy. It's just Dragon Priest after boring-ass Dragon Priest only broken up by boring-ass Reno Lock.
Glad I got my gold Priest because it looks like Blizzard is done pushing the old standard Control Priest, and done with things like Zoth or Rez Priest.
A lot of fun cards out there that no one is playing because it's either AoE for days or you're dead by turn 5-6.
^ Dang you had a lot of minions on your board yer opponent must've shat on himself
I got gold Hobart but I never play warrior, is he safe to dust or should I wait for any card changes
I got gold Hobart but I never play warrior, is he safe to dust or should I wait for any card changes
I was losing a shitload of ranks after climbing to 8. I dropped all the way to 13. Pirate Warrior just wasn't working out for me anymore. I switched to Dragon Warrior and now I'm back to 11 and I've only lost 1 game so far. Fierce Monkey and The Curator are bailing my ass out. Maybe I need to throw more taunts into pirate warrior, but I don't know what to cut.Losing ranks like crazy. It's just Dragon Priest after boring-ass Dragon Priest only broken up by boring-ass Reno Lock.
Glad I got my gold Priest because it looks like Blizzard is done pushing the old standard Control Priest, and done with things like Zoth or Rez Priest.
A lot of fun cards out there that no one is playing because it's either AoE for days or you're dead by turn 5-6.
It's insane that PPP just outzoos Zoos.
That just happened to me. I was thinking C'thun Warrior might work out right now but then I played a goddamn Hunter. First Hunter I've seen in days.So, I play cwar and I immediately find a midrange hunter. Weird.
Some people are actually trying to argue that Emperor shouldn't rotate, smdh.
Patches pirate packageSo, I play cwar and I immediately find a midrange hunter. Weird.
So, I play a control priest, and the worst match up is renolock. Guess what deck I've faced over and over for the last hour straight?
Last guy was bad at the game but still OTKed me from 30 health. I would have won this game if Kazakus had offered me 10 armor.
Some people are actually trying to argue that Emperor shouldn't rotate, smdh.
What's PPP?
It's insane that PPP just outzoos Zoos. When Zoo loses the board they usually have only a couple turns to close out the game and Patches makes it so you lose the board from the get go.
Midrange Shaman didn't even entirely kill Zoo
Once Emperor rotates out, how am I supposed to do Sylvanas/Brawl. Oh man that's probably my favorite combo to drop in the whole game.
Patches pirate package
Cool, 30 damage taken on turn 8.
But yes Blizzard, let's not nerf Preparation.
Hundreds of games of secret paladin have accustomed me to discarding cards by drawnig them.The funny thing about PPP for me is that like day 1-3 I never saw patches in hand a single time. It was probably 30 games before I drew patches in my hand. And then that day I drew patches in hand so many times. It was pretty absurd.
I'm really curious. What do people count as BM during a match? Because I've barely gotten any since I started playing in April, and I've never hit the squelch button once. Sure there are the edgelord wannabes who come out swinging with the threats, but I usually respond with "The pleasure is mine"/"Thank you" until they either do a 180 or just stop. I've also only gotten one bad post-match message and encountered maybe five ropers, tops.Ive done some experimental research lately. I usually auto-squellch but tried leaving it up for a couple days just because chistmas makes people happy right?.
Wrong, every time my opponents won they BM me every single time except for 2 persons (you are cool guys). And when I won I received a couple of friend requests to tell me "kys" or how they liked the sex with my mom last night.
Good ol HS community. As lovely as always.
Rogue is a class that can lose to itself like no other.
Many times I've had hands look like, prep, prep, coin, cold blood that does absolutely nothing