The meta is certainly better than it has been in a long time. There are no decks with zero bad match ups like Mid-range Shaman was after Karazahn. Facing Mid-range shaman in 30% of your games was not fun. But all is not perfect in the meta.
At legend ranks: Shaman is top dog still, but aggro is the best. Pirate Warrior takes second aggro fiddle and despite all the Reddit wailing and moaning pre-MSG release, Rogue is actually the 3rd most popular class in the game. Of course, pirates are a main component of these decks.
Pirates have created strong aggro decks, Jade has created a powerful anti-fatigue mechanic that can punish slower decks, Dragon Priest and Shaman have insane mid-range capabilities and there are several combo decks that can burst you down from full health or close to it. We even see Reno priest do well at higher ranks. Trump is doing quite well with his Dragon Reno priest, but it seems like it is basically a mid-range Dragon Priest in actual play style.
We also have more cards in the card pool than at any time in the history of the game. In theory you could create a wide range of decks from any period of time in the game since Standard was released.
That said I think the failure of the Grimy Goons mechanic means that there has been a failure somewhere in the balancing of the game, but I'm not sure what it is. There is a rock-paper-scissors aspect to the meta that was promised with the Kabal, Jade and Goons, but the Pirates have added a fourth mechanic to the meta; the explosive start.
The top decks right now are either pirates or anti pirates. Everything else is trying to take advantage of one or the other and your success will depend on which style of deck you run into more often.
So no, the meta isn't "all aggro" and it certainly isn't "all control", it's better than Karazahn, but I'm just not sure if it is healthy yet. I'm not a card game expert and really everything depends on if I'm having fun playing the game. Right now it is a mixed bag. Typically I have fun unless I play against shamans and Pirate warriors. Hell even pirate warriors can be fun when you beat them, but a broken shaman start is pretty depressing since you know they are just OP and there was nothing you could do.
With that said, my coffee cup is empty and my essay ends with it.