Keyser Soze
i just realized there is no win streak bonus at Rank 5+
I guess I am hanging up my Wild ladder boots now
I guess I am hanging up my Wild ladder boots now
i just realized there is no win streak bonus at Rank 5+
I guess I am hanging up my Wild ladder boots now
In 30 minutes you'll be free
No point in nerfing Gadgetan when after standard Druid is going to be a lot worse with it. No more Living Roots and Raven Idol to fall back on.
The problem has and always will be those 0 mana spells like Innervate. If it's not Gadgetan then it's some other abuse happening with that card like with Fandral.
yeah its function just fine currently thoHearthstone is not a game that can function when one player is drawing half their deck in a single turn with no possible form of counterplay.
I am 100% convinced at this point that Auctioneer will be getting nerfed again. Both Druid and Rogue are doing the exact same shit that got the card nerfed in the first place.
Hearthstone is not a game that can function when one player is drawing half their deck in a single turn with no possible form of counterplay.
First draft of a Wild Demon Renolock... I want to fit in Darkbomb (probably replace demonfire) but not sure I need implosion.
Any suggestions for me? It performed well at rank 15 wild vs aggro pally in my test run.
That's a completely different deck than standard Renolock by the way.
It's a Demon Krulock, win condition is putting demons on the board.
So in what fucking world is the whole Aviana + Kun thing deemed okay?
It's 100% the exact thing Blizzard said they don't want in the game, yet here we are.
Hellfire is a great card.
Twilight Drake?
Void Terror and Floating Watcher are odd inclusions to me.
What's your win condition? No Jaraxxus.
If the win condition is dumping a bunch of big demons, then the deck could use some more big demons, I say!
My only issue with that card is that Blizzard made most demons awful. Succubus, Felguard, Pit Lord, etc., are all cards I wish I could voluntarily discard.It's a classic control deck. Build a big board, remove opponent's threats, outvalue opponent, win the late game with Mal'ganis (possibly free with Krul) buffing my board.
I think I will replace Felfire with Hellfire. I might try and fit it Sylvanas/Po/Shadowflame, possibly removing Dirty Rat/Mc tech combo to do it. May not need both Refreshment Vendor and Antique Healbot, might cut Vendor as well.
What do you think about... infinite demons!
My only issue with that card is that Blizzard made most demons awful. Succubus, Felguard, Pit Lord, etc., are all cards I wish I could voluntarily discard.
I'm so close to going on a QQ e-rage spree because of how cheesy Reno is. You just have to go full on aggro.
Well, with Krul you don't have to pay the penalty to get those minions on board.
Anyone wan to play a game for 80g
Rainmaker #1189
ffs I hate the gimmicky matchmaking.
I have a rogue quest. Ofc I run into NOTHING but dragon priests.
And this while I never meet them when I play my other decks where they are free wins..
lol at putting that gimmicky Menagerie Druid so high
ffs I hate the gimmicky matchmaking.
I have a rogue quest. Ofc I run into NOTHING but dragon priests.
And this while I never meet them when I play my other decks where they are free wins..
Adding you.
ffs I hate the gimmicky matchmaking.
I have a rogue quest. Ofc I run into NOTHING but dragon priests.
And this while I never meet them when I play my other decks where they are free wins..
Watched my friend climb from rank 4 to legend using nothing but what he called "Finja Druid" but I would call Menagerie Druid. At one point he was 12-2 on his climb, don't know what his final winrate was.
I want to play myself but I'm stuck at work so spectatin' is all I can do at the moment.
While I agree the matchmaking can feel rigged sometimes (Blizzard swears it isn't), as far as the data suggests, Miracle Rogue should be favored vs. both Dragon and Reno Priest.
Would a good nerf to innervate be that you can only use one in a turn?
Would a good nerf to innervate be that you can only use one in a turn?
There are cards that need a nerf more then innervate.
Watched my friend climb from rank 4 to legend using nothing but what he called "Finja Druid" but I would call Menagerie Druid. At one point he was 12-2 on his climb, don't know what his final winrate was.
I want to play myself but I'm stuck at work so spectatin' is all I can do at the moment.