Doing my druid quest today in wild (only one wild card in the deck) and I'm rolling over people. Finja is so good, if it wasn't for pirates that might be the card everyone would be obsessed with nerfing.
Succumbed to the scumbaggery and dusted a bunch of my collection to craft patches. God help me.
If the opponent passes their first turn, they end up having to deal with the Bloodsail Raider. Turn 3 I drop the Captain.what you're describing is a scenario that should never happen. Patches and Nzoth's first mate don't live until turn 3/4
If the opponent passes their first turn, they end up having to deal with the Bloodsail Raider. Turn 3 I drop the Captain.
If I have the coin, then there's a few different scenarios that can play out.
i'd be fine with healbot in the classic set once bronzebeard goes out, i'd rather keep BB around tho, makes a lot of mediocre cards very playable (and cards like AHB way too good)
If the mana crystal on the left most card in your hand is completely below the border of the play area, you have ten cards in hand. It's a useful little shortcut until they add counts.
I might ACTUALLY pay for Waifulock...
I have finja from mi initial pack opening, never used it, am I missing?
Replays and deck sharing would be nice especially since I play a lot on I pad
Yeah I would love replays. Beeing able to study my games and learn mistakes I made could really help me improve.
Use hearthstone deck tracker. It has replay functionality. Doesn't help for mobile though it's something.
Been trying to find a cheap n' dirty deck to ladder with, are Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman my "best" options? I know they're scumbag decks but at least the matches are over quickly.
Aggro shaman is the best deck in the game, that's what I'd use. PirWar is outclassed by it.
Pretty sure I just played the only pirate warrior that plays rag.
Like wtf
If you've got the cards to make this deck, give it a test drive and see what you think I've been having fun with a slightly modified version in wild. (I don't want to play a deck I haven't practiced in ranked standard this late in the season).
What new cards from MSOG should I look to add to my old WOTOG agro Shaman?
Haven't played since MSOG launch.
thanks, I only have to craft a rare for that deck, going to try it.
how does one counter jade golem decks
how does one counter jade golem decks
Face decks.
Or in the case of Druid, pray they don't draw well and outvalue them before they can build up their golems. Druid has very little in the way of comeback mechanics.
Been trying to find a cheap n' dirty deck to ladder with, are Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman my "best" options? I know they're scumbag decks but at least the matches are over quickly.
sup Breezy!? I thought I accidently clicked on HoTS/LoL thread (seriously) when I saw your name tag.
Hope you have fun.
how does one counter jade golem decks
Queued into casual just to quickly do a quest. Ran into all aggro decks. This game atm is... ugh... makes me want sludge belcher and healbot back in standard.
Golems have all but died off since people figured out you just stop trading and go face against them.
This is the current most popular list.
I was playing midrange Shammy and got stalled at rank 6, this is the list that got me to rank five.
Damn, that art. What is that from?Hell at times it feels rank 5 - Legend is 3-4x longer than from rank 20 to 5.
My wishlist for 2017 (besides obvious Patches nerfed):
*Replay function added.
*Be able to spectate friends while they are building decks.
*Be able to share deck lists in-game.
*Better stat tracking in-game.
*This is a personal request but I really need a way for the game to display how many cards are in hand. Most digital card games do this now and I kinda got used to them so now it's kinda annoying having to keep counting cards especially playing Renolock.
*Arena overhaul. It's long overdue and Blizzard said it was coming.
*Ladder system overhaul.
*Legendary pity timer lowered to 30. Will absolutely never happen but hey it's a wishlist.
*Alternate heroes for Warlock and Rogue. Another thing that is long over due.
I might ACTUALLY pay for Waifulock...
Thanks for that, because counting cards messes me up all the time.If the mana crystal on the left most card in your hand is completely below the border of the play area, you have ten cards in hand. It's a useful little shortcut until they add counts.
Doesn't all of Standard run Ooze? It's a big tempo loss.I might to craft a second doomhammer
I do not like that list at all, rockbiter doomhammer is no longer a sufficient aggro combo and 2 spirit claws as STB activators aren't nearly enough. I've played a list like that and the jade version is strictly better.