What cards do you have in your wild lock?
Generally pretty standard list with the Leeroy finisher.
Only Wild cards are Loatheb, Belcher, Dr Boom and Healbot.
Healbot and Dr Boom are pretty essential for this deck.
Loatheb really helps in the Mage, Druid and Rogue match ups, helps you set up lethals against other Warlock players too because you can't be board cleared. Very strong card.
Belcher helps against the aggro as people aren't running silence and they have to kill the taunts twice. Helps buy a turn before Reno Jackson.
I had Dark Bomb in there and it's a good card in this list (has additional reach utility) but eventually I had to cut it because I just want to tap on turn 2.
If you were serious about climbing past rank 5 then I would cut Jaraxxus. It served me well to get to rank 5 but in the last couple of ranks it started to falter as people had faster decks. I would imagine it gets faster. Of course I would NEVER drop Jaraxxus but I have to give the proper advice and say to cut Jaraxxus.
I don't have any taunt givers and Faceless Shambler. I think you need one taunt giver in this deck at least so I would probably add that in. I don't think Faceless Shambler is good without Mountain Giant, there aren't enough good targets for it without it. And I think Mountain Giant is particularly bad in Wild so I don't even run it. There was like one match in Wild where I was like "oh man if I had Mountain Giant on turn 4 this was a done deal" but honestly I never missed it.
You can probably think about cutting Farseer too but aside from that there are very few flex spots, every card has a purpose and is very strong. All the cards served me very well.