Rank 5 achieved in Wild with the greatest of ease using Renolock:
Pretty sure I was operating at over 80% win rate. I could go to Legend with it if I had the time to play more.
Observations of Wild meta:
*Way, way more varied than Standard meta.
*Introduction of Kazakus has greatly reduced the number of Nzoth decks I saw. And if you have the read that you are playing against a Nzoth deck finisher then you can do the Bran Kazakus combo to get the Polymorph whole board spell. Even if you don't, the big board clears allow you to weather the storm of Nzoth. I haven't had a problem with Nzoth in Wild using this deck.
*A lot of people in Wild even at rank 5-6 are using Standard decks with just Dr Boom or another card in there. Seems I am one of the few people using Loatheb in Wild lol.
*Zombie Chow is non existent in Wild now, has pretty much been "power crept" by Mistress of Pain. Because of the high aggression, the 4 heal to self is just more valuable than the extra health that Zombie Chow has.
*Secret Paladin is still bull shit especially now that they have restarted using Divine Favors in their deck to counter Renolock. Had a Secret Paladin where he had 7 card advantage on me lol... and of course the god curve of Secret Paladin is still unbeatable by any deck.
*A few of the Pirate Warriors I faced put in Ship's Cannon and it's absolutely brutal. Died on turn 5 against one with a coin Ship's Cannon opener into double 1 drop Pirates + Patches.
*Shaman and Rogues generally tend to use Standard decks with the occasional Rogue using cheesy Mill decks that you have to be careful for playing Reno decks.
*Unless you are Secret Paladin, playing old school Wild decks actually does not cut it anymore. You have to at least use some of the cards from MSG/Karazhan to keep up. Hunter used to be top tier in Wild but it doesn't feel like that anymore, it just gets rushed down despite having an insane quantity of sticky minions including Mad Scientist. Still a lot better than in Standard, Hunter is an actual class in Wild and so is Paladin. I was fortunate enough to face only one Face Hunter using PPP which I won against because of on curve Reno.
*Jaraxxus saved me many games in Wild because there are quite a few people using slower decks because of the availability of the anti aggro tools to go late game. Won against a bunch of Priests, a Reno Mage and healed me to safety against a bunch of aggressive decks. Jaraxxus the GAWD!
*Wall of shame games included a game where I had a Reno Dragon Priest dead to rights with Jaraxxus at full HP + Dread Infernal against his empty board...plays Nefarian and gains Sac Pact for lethal. Another one where I had the Secret Paladin on the ropes but turn 6 MC, turn 7 Dr Boom, turn 8 MC, turn 9 Divine Favor hand refill into Shredders on board ... yeah that was a non sense game too. A few "fun and interactive" Patches game as well.
*Faced mirror Renolocks that I lost as much as I won. Those losses felt the toughest mostly because if the draws ended up in a different way I would've won.
*Didn't have any obscene Dirty Rat games, card was solid not crazy. Pulled a few strong minions into Twisting Nether, denied a Reno Jackson, used it on a Pirate Warrior and it put nothing on the board because the hand was full of spells and comboed effectively with Doomsayer.