rank 3 to dumpster legend EU.
shaman stats
I was so unlucky, every rogue had the vancleef bullshit in the opening. nerf plz.... Iw as stuck at rank 1 for a while then I was facing so many reno mages, I said fuck it, I play jade druid.
went 4-1 to legend with jade druid. Only loss was to kun druid. got rekt. Absolutely destroyed reno mages which there were 3 of them, the other guy was pirate warrior and my list does well against pirate warrior, it's only bad against shaman. I think jade druid is still pretty good and underrated. Specially if reno decks are a meta deck.
I'm rank 3 NA, maybe get legend there too, never been legend on both servers in one month. I have time right now lol. I'm not sure it's feasible in two days. I like this meta overall, it's pretty healthy except for paladin/hunter.
legend seriously needs much better rewards, it's fun getting there but there is very little incentive to actually do it.

shaman stats

I was so unlucky, every rogue had the vancleef bullshit in the opening. nerf plz.... Iw as stuck at rank 1 for a while then I was facing so many reno mages, I said fuck it, I play jade druid.
went 4-1 to legend with jade druid. Only loss was to kun druid. got rekt. Absolutely destroyed reno mages which there were 3 of them, the other guy was pirate warrior and my list does well against pirate warrior, it's only bad against shaman. I think jade druid is still pretty good and underrated. Specially if reno decks are a meta deck.
I'm rank 3 NA, maybe get legend there too, never been legend on both servers in one month. I have time right now lol. I'm not sure it's feasible in two days. I like this meta overall, it's pretty healthy except for paladin/hunter.
legend seriously needs much better rewards, it's fun getting there but there is very little incentive to actually do it.