Asking again, anyone on NA want to trade friend quests? Hit me a PM.
Sent a PM. Feel free to add me.
Asking again, anyone on NA want to trade friend quests? Hit me a PM.
30 wins away from my first golden hero! Mage
What are some good sites for Wild meta Info? I was thinking of crafting some Wild cards since I didn't start playing until Old Gods. Seems like I mostly need Dr. Boom and Loatheb from what I gather.
What are some good sites for Wild meta Info? I was thinking of crafting some Wild cards since I didn't start playing until Old Gods. Seems like I mostly need Dr. Boom and Loatheb from what I gather.
Double post, but anyone who saw Reynad's bullshit "my meta report is great and the competition's is terrible" video should read this:
Reynad get smacked down by numbers and science? I like it.
I like to think most people agree with me that VS' reports are much better than anything tempostorm produces, but the meta snapshots remain very popular.
In any case, I'll always take data over opinion. VS has data and Tempostorm is opinion.
30 wins away from my first golden hero! Mage
Good response, far more mature than what Reynad put out. Though shots were still fired and that was successful in salting my popcorn.Double post, but anyone who saw Reynad's bullshit "my meta report is great and the competition's is terrible" video should read this:
Double post, but anyone who saw Reynad's bullshit "my meta report is great and the competition's is terrible" video should read this:
I don't know why people are surprised - I've been saying it all along, Reynad is a dumbass when it comes to the intricacies of hearthstone. He's barely an enjoyable caster to watch, and yet so many viewers hang by his every word.
Yes he's a decent hearthstone player and may have popularised some decks, but other than that he brings nothing original to the game. What vS does is a million times more useful to me than what Reyand can ever do.
Are there any Warrior cards that are almost essential to have even for a new player? I have 16/20 basic cards and I may have lost like 8 in a row besides a single leaver.
My biggest weakness seems to be that I can't clear the field and keep minions alive, no matter what class I play against. If I use charge minions, I can only hit one enemy and the other player wipes it so I can't build up. Same with taunt minions. If I use spreading minions like the cheap merloc, they also get wiped.
I tried damage spells like whirlwind and execute, but that combo only kills a single target and doesn't compare to the 3-HP minions people drop on turn 1.
Rank 5. Awful.
Are there any Warrior cards that are almost essential to have even for a new player? I have 16/20 basic cards and I may have lost like 8 in a row besides a single leaver.
My biggest weakness seems to be that I can't clear the field and keep minions alive, no matter what class I play against. If I use charge minions, I can only hit one enemy and the other player wipes it so I can't build up. Same with taunt minions. If I use spreading minions like the cheap merloc, they also get wiped.
I tried damage spells like Whirlwind and Execute, but that combo only kills a single target and doesn't compare to the 3-HP minions people drop on turn 1. *edit* I tried adding Public Defender to my deck, but I've heard this card is bad? (But then again, I'm super ultra new so who knows what "bad" means for me)
Thanks for the tips. Since I'm so new, what I'm looking for is ways to understand general concepts and build my own decks.It depends on what deck you're playing. There are a lot of fairly standard cards when it comes to what deck archetype you're trying to build.
If you're talking about control cards, here is a control warrior list:
Brawl is their biggest board clear. Shield slam and execute are their strongest single target removal.
What happened?made a mistake and played arena after ages, to think people infinite run this garbage. one and done.
Speaking of newer cards, are Grimestreet Outfitter / Grimestreet Enforcer very strong cards? I think I've seen one or the other in the top 1/3 of people's decks for 3-5 games in a row.
So far today (at rank 17 after the reset) I've faced two Jade Druids and two Pirate Warriors.
3-1. (Only lost to a frothing I couldn't answer).
I still have yet to play Dragon Warrior that might be a lot of fun
It's curvestone with RNG clownfiesta at its worst
What do you guys use to track matches like that? I sort of want to give ranked a serious run this month, and something like that seems neat.
Hearthstone deck tracker
Ouch, but you did have guaranteed lethal with huge toad and twisting, assuming no sticky deathrattle.
I didn't do the right play. I should have bombered before and then attack. But I wanted it to do with style. Legit did not see Nether plus Toad. But who can expect getting hit in the face 3 times with 6 other possible targets...
I didn't do the right play. I should have bombered before and then attack. But I wanted it to do with style. Legit did not see Nether plus Toad. But who can expect getting hit in the face 3 times with 6 other possible targets...
Fast start, strong midgame and a few late game bombs just in case.
I play the version with pirates and Curator, topping out with Ragnaros.
There is nothing more hilarious than decks in wild at rank 20+.
Shatter was being run in one of them.
Malchezar is run in all of them.
It's so fun to play against. Because it is so random. Losing is even so ridiculous that it's enjoyable.
Casual just isn't the same. I wish I could stay at rank 21 forever.
I lost to a Reno Shadowpriest who also an Malchezzar, which seems like an awful idea to me because,you know, it could accidentally disable Reno Jackson.There is nothing more hilarious than decks in wild at rank 20+.
Shatter was being run in one of them.
Malchezar is run in all of them.
It's so fun to play against. Because it is so random. Losing is even so ridiculous that it's enjoyable.
Casual just isn't the same. I wish I could stay at rank 21 forever.
I lost to a Reno Shadowpriest who also an Malchezzar, which seems like an awful idea to me because,you know, it could accidentally disable Reno Jackson.
But then he had the luckiest damn thing happen: Malchezzar gave him a Sylvannas.
And he had a second Sylvannas in his deck.
And he Entombed my Sylvaanas.
And he was playing N'Zoth. :-/
Yeah, I didn't have what it took to get through all of those efficiently.
my stats from last season with Casie's QA deck. Cant recall how much I used on Standard/Wild but my rank on both ladders was almost identical in any case and I hit rank 10 early last month as soon as i went on christmas break (so before middle of month I think?)
I don't understand how this is possible. Malchezzar can't give you a Legendary that you already have in your deck.I lost to a Reno Shadowpriest who also an Malchezzar, which seems like an awful idea to me because,you know, it could accidentally disable Reno Jackson.
But then he had the luckiest damn thing happen: Malchezzar gave him a Sylvannas.
And he had a second Sylvannas in his deck.
And he Entombed my Sylvaanas.
And he was playing N'Zoth. :-/
Yeah, I didn't have what it took to get through all of those efficiently.
I don't understand how this is possible. Malchezzar can't give you a Legendary that you already have in your deck.
I don't understand how this is possible. Malchezzar can't give you a Legendary that you already have in your deck.
The way he wrote it out seemed like he faced off against 3 Sylvanas.He is saying malch gave him sylvanas and when he entombed a sylvanas he then had 2 sylvanasus