Some tips without requiring any crafting:
- Taunts is something everyone new to the game falls for, even pros, but generally they really aren't that good. I know it's scary to have people lower your life total, but it is much important to keep good stats on the board. Something like goldshire footman might make the game last one turn longer, but that does you no good since it doesn't actually deal with anything on the board. Health is a resource, and don't be afraid to use it.
Of course sometimes you do need to force them to stop them from hitting your face, but the only taunt with good enough stats in the basic set is Sin'jin Shieldmasta. I would add that taunt to your deck and remove the rest.
- Totemic Might and Ancestral Healing are very difficult to get value with. I know 0 mana sounds really cheap, but you are also paying for it with an entire card. Remember you only get 1 card per turn, so you really need to make sure you are spending those cards well. And there really aren't many situations where you need to have your totems have more health, or you need to heal a minion and give it taunt.
- Windfury in general is really bad, both the card and the keyword in general. It's generally dificult to get minions like that to live a turn to attack, and when they do, all you usually get is a little extra face damage in, which isn't needed when you have bloodlust to do a ton of damage.
- Dust Devil is simply a bad card. One health minions in general are bad because many classes can kill them without using any cards at all thanks to the hero power.
- You don't have enough jade cards yet to really make that mechanic work. I probably wouldn't use any until you have at least 6. You also don't have enough Murlocs to make Coldlight Seer work, and really need the entire deck to be worth it.
Basic cards you could use as replacements:
Fire Elemental
Acidic Swamp Ooze
Frostwolf Warlord
Gnomish Inventor
Sin'jin Shieldmasta
Razorfin Hunter
Bloodfin Raptor
Chillwind Yeti
Bolderfist Ogre
Here's a deck I might try out with the cards you have:;530:1;576:2;604:2;636:2;49629:1;49719:1;
And i would craft Lightning Bolt, Lightning Storm, Feral Spirits, Mana Tide Totem, Flamewreath Faceless and Thing From Below all before trogg/totem golem since trogg/totem golem will rotate out in a few months. Maybe Totem Golem just because it's only 40 dust.