Played two terrible reno warlocks in a row. One guy dirty ratted me on kurve and then couldn't remove my board which eventually snowballed and killed him.
The second renolock decided not to tap on turn 2, clearly advertising the lack of reno in his hand and giving me the go-ahead to go all-in with face damage.
Someone help me understand what's wonderful about Patches? In every single instance where my opponent had him, he came out, did his 1 charge damage to my face, and subsequently died the next turn via one spell or minion or something else.
This forum isn't the place to get a fair look at the strengths and weaknesses of that card. It's an article of faith around here that Patches is the
Most Broken Card to Ever Be Released in the History of Hearthstone and dissent from that viewpoint is not tolerated.
Notice that the other card in that farcical deckbuilding guide is Kazakus, yet any suggestion that Kazakus might be overpowered is met with scorn and mockery, the same as anyone who doesn't worship at the altar of Reno Jackson, which is apparently the only well designed card in the whole game and anyone frustrated by playing against nothing but Reno decks is clearly lying because besides the people who post here the entire meta is people playing "unfair" Pirates decks.
It's almost like it's only okay for Control decks to get overpowered cards, but anything that enables aggro is inherently unbalanced. Hmmm.
To your point, Patches
is overpowered. You had to spend resources (mana, a card, a trade, something) to remove something that cost your opponent literally nothing to summon. To your other point, it's a fucking Stonetusk Boar so at the end of the day who really gives a shit? Not me. If it wasn't for Small Time Bucaneer, Patches would be a niche card choice in bad warrior and rogue decks.