Don't act like you're surprised. This is not the first time that Blizzard has intentionally printed an OP card in order to push an archetype.
His colleague McCall shares the sentiment, "Operative is a class card that you have to build a deck around, so it has quite generous stats. It could perhaps have done the job of 'push Dragon decks before they rotate' at 6/5 or 6/4, but we were more confident in our estimation of the Dragon deck's power level than we usually are, and we knew that if we were wrong, the problem would fix itself after rotation."
Is Reynad in charge of Tempostorm? I'd be fine bumping that off my bookmarks if he's gonna keep spreading fud.
Kazakus is still playable after rotation but without Reno Jackson and Bran it has a far less power level.
Unlike say Patches which in Pirate Warrior's case is losing......... Finley and maybe Horserider. That's not enough to stop the archetype from being strong.
I'm expecting them to print more singleton cards to power that deck, since they seem to really like the archetype.
Operative is broken enough that it's going to find a way to stay in Priest decks. You can run Azure Drakes and Ysera and they will probably print more dragons in future sets.
Kazakus is still playable after rotation but without Reno Jackson and Bran it has a far less power level.
I'm expecting them to print more singleton cards to power that deck, since they seem to really like the archetype.
"Operative is a class card that you have to build a deck around, so it has quite generous stats. It could perhaps have done the job of 'push Dragon decks before they rotate' at 6/5 or 6/4, but we were more confident in our estimation of the Dragon deck's power level than we usually are, and we knew that if we were wrong, the problem would fix itself after rotation."
I'm expecting them to print more singleton cards to power that deck, since they seem to really like the archetype.
The problem was and still is that 5 drops tend to be terrible. When one is printed that is strong it seems outrageous in comparison.
5/6 for 5 is a good statline, but it is far from good enough to be playable by itself. It's not like this card has made dragon priest anything better than a midteir deck, I don't understand the concern.
So, speaking of arena not giving me any legendaries at all, I was about to beat someone at 2 HP with the alternate mage skin. Then they pulled Reno.
I know it's random, but couldn't they balance where everyone gets one round of 3 legendaries to choose from?
Unlike say Patches which in Pirate Warrior's case is losing......... Finley and maybe Horserider. That's not enough to stop the archetype from being strong.
N/(N+1) for N mana is essentially the yardstick by which all other cards are judged. It's the "perfect" distribution of stats for vanilla minions. Sure, these cards are usually just below the power curve in constructed but they're considered good or even above-curve in arena.
When the text of a card helps you gain card advantage (draw, discover, get a random card), there has always been some sort of stat penalty attached, because playing a minion without losing a net number of cards in hand is a very powerful effect. Drakonid Operative is the first card ever printed in the game that breaks this rule.
The real TL;DW is actually worse than this.
Reynad isn't actually sorry about talking shit about VS. He thinks it wasn't his intention to personally attack VS even though in the end he did exactly that. Then he said VS's response was mean and flawed and that every fiber of his being wants to tear it down. But he's not going to try and tear it down because he's so above it all and it's not going to change any minds. So that's nice. He continues to spread FUD and insult the VS report without making any actual points and then tries to claim the moral high ground while doing so. Neat.
Reno is the worst feeling to lose to, for me. To be about to beat someone at 2 HP that you've worked very hard for all game, only to lose the entire progress and potentially the game, feels incredibly impactful for one card.DrakOp just has the added problem of feeling bad to lose to.
Btw is DrakOP is legit the most intimidating card to drop since dr balanced?
If you see him down, you can tell "god, I'm fucked"
his card art is scary, his sounds scary, SECRET AGENT COMING THROUGH
Just so you know, about the reward for beating the cow king:I only started playing a week ago. This is daunting.
Just so you know, about the reward for beating the cow king:
There is no reward. You don't even have to GET to the cow king to unlock the card back.
You get no gold from this Tavern Brawl, since it's versus the computer.My brother (who is responsible for introducing me) told me that Tavern Brawl was the best way to get goldI already got the card back![]()
People hate losing in general but there's a special tier of hate where you lose to cards that are either not in your opponent's deck or they steal from your deck/class.
My most hated "bad" card in Hearthstone is Sacrificial Pact. The card exists only to mess you over when the opponent plays a steal card. Thank god at least Nefarian is rotating out.
Pirate Warrior was a good deck before Patches. People brought it to tournaments and got high legend with it long before Patches hit the scene.
Which feels worse: getting beaten by a Rogue using a random card from your class, or getting beaten by a Priest using a card you chose to put in your deck?
Depends, if a rogue gets a pyroblast that feels pretty dirty, but I've seen some awesome plays by rogues using cards in a way that their base class couldn't have replicated.Which feels worse: getting beaten by a Rogue using a random card from your class, or getting beaten by a Priest using a card you chose to put in your deck?
Priest cause they peeked through my deck and grabbed my card that I cant even get to. It's crazy. At least give us a card that let us scry our own decks to make it fair lmao
Tracking is a card.
You get no gold from this Tavern Brawl, since it's versus the computer.
If you want coins, you can look at the information here and do the quests:
But is Hunter a class?
But is Hunter a class?
Tracking is a card.
Scry is a keyword action that allows a player to look at a certain number of cards at the top of his or her library and put them back in any order
Which feels worse: getting beaten by a Rogue using a random card from your class, or getting beaten by a Priest using a card you chose to put in your deck?
Tracking is a deck thinner. It isn't a proper Scry.
Scry comes from MtG. I only know of it from Eternal (MtG clone)