They were quite clear last time that they find innervate core to class identity and it wasn't changed because of that. I don't see it. Every druid deck might have innervate but they don't play anything alike, it's not a card that creates a evergreen archetype like force of nature did, it's just a good class card. Innervate to druids is quite important too lore wise.
I think the cards to get rid of for a meaningful change are these.
Azure Drake; it's just above curve for a 5 drop looking at everything else, the card is good enough that you don't care if you use the spelldamage at all. They will probably bump it to 6. After Lore nerf, AD was just silly in the state it was.
Rag; you just jam it in if you want a big guy, better than most of the class options even. RNG is dumb and game deciding too.
Swamp Ooze; yeah, 2 drop 3/2 destroy a weapon no matter what the weapon is. Weapon hate tech this good just hurts weapon classes too much. Just because pirate warrior is stupid doesn't mean this should exist like it is. That needs changing too of course. Right now, try playing paladin, your best card early in the game is Truesilver, it's instantly oozed right now, you just lose. It's not fair. Maybe limit the cost of the weapon it destroys for example. Removing gorehowl and stuff with ooze is just stupid. Makes Harrison look silly honestly in fast games that we have now. I said before, I think cheap high attack weapons and weapon upgrade shouldn't be a thing either, ooze is just a bad solution and burns innocent and guilty together. Look at the secret hate cards, they are no where as good and playable. 2 mana 3/2 isn't really going to hurt you for playing it. You know it's dumb when aggro decks tech in ooze...
Kor'kron Elite; cheap high attack charge doesn't belong in this game.
Ice Block; "take an extra turn after this one".
Conceal; It's just dumb and non interactive.
I like to add gadgetzan auctioneer, but they way iksar was commenting on their rogue's design around msg launch, they seem to like it and adding coins and such. I don't think it will go. Actually I would throw in Brawl because I just hate it lol.