I think it would be great if they brought some cards back temporarily, even shorter than a year, and made them free to use during those periods.
Rotating is better. Nerfs are likely to have the same impact, except it'll destroy archetypes forever. Perfect example is blade flurry nerf. I'd rather have that card been rotated than nerfed so you could play oil rogue in wild, which is something I had been looking forward to until the nerf. Instead, while we still have blade flurry in standard it is still useless and it is also useless in wild so they might as well have deleted it from the game.
I'm sure some people want to see nerfs just so they can dust the cards, but that is a pretty poor and selfish motivation.
The day they phase out Innervate is the day I stop playing.
If getting rid of Reno means they can print more powerful heals in general than I don't mind. If aggro is getting tools like STB & Patches, then control needs more heals and better, cheaper taunts. Reno gives those, but nothing is stopping them from printing another card that does something similar. Gives Armor instead of healing, or makes your hero immune, or wipes the board and plays a bunch of taunts or who knows what else.
Change is good for a card game and though I will lament Reno's loss, I'm hopeful that sets like MSG will keep giving Reno decks something to play even without Reno himself.
All of of the current Reno/Kazakus decks probably just won't exist with Reno gone, is the thing. This archetype needs a card like Reno to shut down all the burn decks in order to be viable. I don't see how Kazakus carries the archetype on its back by itself. Maybe the Highlander deck goes in some weird direction. Who wants to play a Kazoo deck?
There are a lot fewer answers to big Van Cleefs in the current meta. Basically just SWeath and Hex.
Warrior decks that could support a nerfed Execute were pushed out by Jade Druid, Mage has Poly but any decks that would run that would only run one copy, Paladin and Hunter are bottom tier so it doesn't really matter whether they have answers and if Warlock uses Blastcrystal on Turn 4 they've probably lost that game.That really isn't Blizzards' fault though, that's kinda on people who choose to tech decks without hard removal. I think a big VC is frustrating, but every class has access to efficient hard removal (except, perhaps, Druid). Not saying they ought to make the choice to tech against a big VC but the option is there. Of any complaints about individual cards I think this one is the least valid.
Ironically, in the current meta, it is rogue who is best equipped to deal with early big bombs via sap. Renolock is second with Blastcrystal and Siphon Soul.
Warrior decks that could support a nerfed Execute were pushed out by Jade Druid, Mage has Poly but any decks that would run that would only run one copy, Paladin and Hunter are bottom tier so it doesn't really matter whether they have answers and if Warlock uses Blastcrystal on Turn 4 they've probably lost that game.
There are a lot fewer answers to big Van Cleefs in the current meta. Basically just SWeath and Hex.
There are a lot fewer answers to big Van Cleefs in the current meta. Basically just SWeath and Hex.
polymorph, execute, entomb, silence, sap, shield slam, fireball...
If getting rid of Reno means they can print more powerful heals in general than I don't mind. If aggro is getting tools like STB & Patches, then control needs more heals and better, cheaper taunts. Reno gives those, but nothing is stopping them from printing another card that does something similar. Gives Armor instead of healing, or makes your hero immune, or wipes the board and plays a bunch of taunts or who knows what else.
Change is good for a card game and though I will lament Reno's loss, I'm hopeful that sets like MSG will keep giving Reno decks something to play even without Reno himself.
People complain about whatever card they lost to last.
Dealing 60 damage isn't fun for me, just annoying. One of the reasons I like Hearthstone is that I can potentially finish a match in 10-15 minutes.Reno is fun to beat. They drop reno, rope out a bit because they're waiting for you to concede. Meanwhile, you're not out of the game. In fact, you've thought ahead. You knew they were going to heal for full. Your deck can do some crazy stuff with the time you've bought and dealing 60 damage over the course of a game is not only possible, but planned for from a very early stage of the game. Then you unleash hell all over them.
Dealing 60 damage isn't fun for me, just annoying. One of the reasons I like Hearthstone is that I can potentially finish a match in 10-15 minutes.
I think most of my games last 10-15 minutes and I play quite quickly. How are you finishing your games in 3 minutes?I love Reno because I like my game last more than 3 minute
I think most of my games last 10-15 minutes and I play quite quickly. How are you finishing your games in 3 minutes?
Pirate shit. Most of my games are 5 min or less.I think most of my games last 10-15 minutes and I play quite quickly. How are you finishing your games in 3 minutes?
I'm actually working on both of those, but I don't have the right cards yet.try to play this tier 1 deck
aggro shaman
pirate warrior
what can you tech when u gonna lose on turn 5 lol
they already tech ships cannon for more power too lol
turn two with coin
ship cannon nzoth mate with patches coming. That's 6 damage incoming
turn 4 death spike so no need to play arcanite too
good luck with your tech cards![]()
I am convinced that priest players are the slowest of all types of players. Half the time I'm not even sure what they're pondering.
I am convinced that priest players are the slowest of all types of players. Half the time I'm not even sure what they're pondering.
if you are literally facing almost all PW and AS on the ladder as you say you are, deathlord, velens chosen, flash heal/circle of healing/auchanai, wild pyromancer, sludge belcher, bruiser, doomsayer, dirty rat with shadow words, potion of madnessx2 with shrinkmeister. this is how you play wild. you're facing almost all aggro, put together a package like that which PW and AS simply cannot beat. take a core like that, and squeak in whatever win condition you want; devils advocate lets say you add sylvanas and nzoth. pack the rest of your deck for value and voila. You won't lose to a PW. Unfortunately aggro does not take up more than 50% of the wild meta as it's pretty damn varied, the second you steer towards that you're going to get wrecked by every reno mage and reno warlock on the wild grid which there are many. but by all means if you build a deck in a way like that there's no way a PW beats you without a nasty opening. ok they took down a t1 doomsayer, they can't beat a deck like that built to beat them if that's REALLY all you're facing (not even all just 55%, but it's not)
I could do that and then the great bliz matchmaking will put me against the few reno decks they exist in this rank.
And be sure that even with all these tech cards you are not safe against all the aggro.
MSOG introduced the Priest class to Hearthstone, so it's only natural that players have to spend time reading the card text.
Wanted to play HS in my mobile, but the game is so big that I can't do it
That really killed the game for me
MSOG introduced the Priest class to Hearthstone, so it's only natural that players have to spend time reading the card text.
Wanted to play HS in my mobile, but the game is so big that I can't do it
That really killed the game for me
Having thought it over, I think I need to amend my statement at the top of the page. I wouldn't mind that much if they phase out tools like Innervate provided they do it for all classes and it allows Standard to improve. That means cards like Fiery Winaxe and Fireball have to go at the same time.
If they start nerfing more classic cards like they butchered AoL or Blade Flurry for the sake of one rotation cycle (when they don't even bring anything interesting to the table) then it is time to bail.
They should put a lot more cards in the newer expansion then, since the classic cards will be very bland if they are nerfing a lot of em.