I tried arena again. I think I really should give up on Arena.
No epics or legendary. All common and junk commons to boot you hope you never see.
This time I choose a paladin with no weapons. I got tons of 3 secret choices. Go me.
and that comes close to sending death threats because of delays?
Yeah, a big chunk of the community are really really bad.
But it happens to all "big" games, so there's not much you can do.
I tried arena again. I think I really should give up on Arena.
No epics or legendary. All common and junk commons to boot you hope you never see.
This time I choose a paladin with no weapons. I got tons of 3 secret choices. Go me.
you are doing it wrong if you think you need epics or legendaries in arena to win, I have at most 1 epic in all my runs and I usually end up at 4-5 wins on average (one time i ended up at 9).
commons and rares are usually enough if you know how to chose them, if you don't know, use apps like heartharena that help a lot in how good is a card in arena (which is usually vastly different from constructed)
I hear what you are saying, but this is horrible.
ooh. 3 secrets again. Never a weapon or spell choice.
:-/ Honestly made me want to cry.
I quite liked this week's brawl. Premade decks, lots of crazy legendaries to play with, and a free pack.
My free pack gave me Gruul, a neutral legendary! I don't know if he's good though. That's my first random legendary drop I believe, assuming all players start the game with a legendary.
Unfortunately for you (and me, that was one of my first Legendaries too), Gruul is one of the worsts ones in the game, too slow and costly to make a difference in a game.
also, may be you started with a legendary because of C'Thun, but that is a promotion from WOTG, it won't be forever
1 mana:
Southsea Deckhand
N'zoth's First Mate
Small Time Buccaneer
Sir Finley
2 mana:
Fiery War Axe
Heroic Strike
3 mana:
Bloodsail Cultist
4 mana:
Dread Corsair
Kor'kron Elite
Mortal Strike
5 mana:
Arcanite Reaper
That's 24. The remaining 6 can be filled out with:
Bloodsail Raider (kind of a meh option early since it's a 3/3 on curve, and if used later isn't hard to remove at 3HP)
Frothing Berserker (slow, but if left unchecked can be a monster)
Acidic Swamp Ooze (for mirror or Shaman)
Captain Greenskin (Naga Corsair is better)
Naga Corsair (good body, can be played on curve even without a weapon)
Southsea Captain (good if you have a board)
Argent Horserider (has reach and stickiness)
Protect the King (decent anti-aggro)
*edit* I didn't know you could get 3 of the same card in an Arena deck!.
Yeti the gawd.Yeah, but what is the best card with no text? HUH?
Someone picked 9 copies of A Light In Darkness.Side note, I didn't know you could get 3 of the same card in an Arena deck!
My first legendary was "the beast" which is apparently also awful, so I dusted it on advice from someone. Should I dust Gruul too?
Side note, I didn't know you could get 3 of the same card in an Arena deck!
Someone picked 9 copies of A Light In Darkness.
Why does dusting a legendary kill the collection idea, if it's a legendary that's really bad? Can I theoretically craft it again after dusting (though I know the cost will be higher)?you should be careful with dusting cars, it is totally fine if you do, but first you should have a plan about what to do with that dust, for example craft some commons/rares to make yourself a good deck to continue.
also if you consider ever having a collection of cards, take in mind that dusting cards kills that idea.
yeah arena doesn't have a limit on the amount of cards, it also doesn't have a limit of format, so it works with wild cards, and t also has a good amount of exception of cards you can't get to chose (to balance arena)
Yeti the gawd.
Why does dusting a legendary kill the collection idea, if it's a legendary that's really bad? Can I theoretically craft it again after dusting (though I know the cost will be higher)?
Echanted raven thoughYeti the gawd.
I would be shocked if HS players haven't sent death threats TBH.
Best card with no text is actually The Ancient One.
Nobody said it had to be collectible!
Yeah, but what is the best card with no text? HUH?
My pick:
Fiery War Axe
just got Kun so I guess it's time to stop buying Gadgetzan since the only card left I want is Aya. Also a golden smuggler's run which is gorgeous.
I have my share of legendaries but for combo druid I'd have to craft Avianna and Alex and I'm not even close to 3.2k dust.
Kun is a solid card. I have tried running it instead of a second Ancient of War in Jade Druid and it works fine. Also did not want to craft Aviana to run the combo deck.
Worgen Greaser has the best play sound
I got that golden version and I'm very reluctant to dust it, it looks so good
Worgen Greaser
It's not great, but I love everything about it.
I really fucking hate how the Djinni of Zephyrs can't attack in the current turn if you use Mind Control. As a Priest main, it's probably my biggest annoyance with the game.
Found that out a couple of weeks ago. I laughed hard as hell when I did it.Also, don't entomb something if you have one out.
Found that out a couple of weeks ago. I laughed hard as hell when I did it.
I was like "wtf...I guess he grew tired of this world"
I would LOVE to see Conceal rotate out for standard. Such a disgusting card.
Just got a duplicate antonidas from brawl pack. I won't mind if they rotate him and give dust refunds now
Also one of the few remaining unique things rogue can do. Not saying I disagree with you really.