I swore an oath that I wouldnt play maly decks.
There are too many decks out there with their own game plan for me to avoid a particular deck. I have to stay at 30 health and keep the board clear against half the meta right now or fear getting burst down in 2 turns. Reno mage trying to burst you down with Solia/Antonidas, Reno Lock with combo, Miracle rogue, OTK priest and Maly Druid even popping up today.
I think it is only fair they have to play around me getting a good Yogg or a Maly burst on them.
How do you pronounce Hearthstone correctly?
Like heart, hurt (Kripp), heard, or how?
How so in a control deck?Finder's Keeper is bad.
Finder's Keeper is bad.
Especially in a control deck I'd prefer upfront costs over overload. There's also no overload synergy in the deck barring unlocking them.How so in a control deck?
Still up for grabs if anyone's interested. I also got a spec quest if anyone would hook me upAnyone up for a challenge quest? Have had one hanging around for a while now, don't want to throw it away. Quote for my id, on EU.
Fine by meAt that point just have everyone start out at 2 mana then.
Are you asking for a trade for the challenge quest? Or are you just giving it away? If the latter, I will take it.Still up for grabs if anyone's interested. I also got a spec quest if anyone would hook me up
Fine by me
No trade necessary, I get my gold anyway, right? Never had one of these before.Are you asking for a trade for the challenge quest? Or are you just giving it away? If the latter, I will take it.
No trade necessary, I get my gold anyway, right? Never had one of these before.
Still up for grabs if anyone's interested. I also got a spec quest if anyone would hook me up
Fine by me
wickerflame redemption
redemption getaway kodo
against aggro shaman =D
I have trouble even beating control decks because they usually have 6-9 HP minions. I usually don't get the right cards to ramp golems or deck cycle fast enough before I get hit with 5+ legendaries.I have such mixed feelings about Jade Druid. It is only about 10-12% of the meta but it absolutely stomps all over slower control decks. This means that at least 1/10 matches with my current deck, control shaman, is an auto loss.
I can see the appeal of the deck too. I spent a good portion of the Mean Streets release week playing the deck. Some people say it is boring, but even though it is easy to pilot there are a lot of decisions. Each turn can go on forever if you draw well. Raven idol also adds some interesting RNG. When it gets a good draw it is extremely powerful and can even beat aggro decks if built right.
Every time I play against it I want to hate it, but I remember how fun it was to play. It will probably never have a chance to dominate the meta since people favor playing faster decks.
I have such mixed feelings about Jade Druid. It is only about 10-12% of the meta but it absolutely stomps all over slower control decks. This means that at least 1/10 matches with my current deck, control shaman, is an auto loss.
I can see the appeal of the deck too. I spent a good portion of the Mean Streets release week playing the deck. Some people say it is boring, but even though it is easy to pilot there are a lot of decisions. Each turn can go on forever if you draw well. Raven idol also adds some interesting RNG. When it gets a good draw it is extremely powerful and can even beat aggro decks if built right.
Every time I play against it I want to hate it, but I remember how fun it was to play. It will probably never have a chance to dominate the meta since people favor playing faster decks.
I have trouble even beating control decks because they usually have 6-9 HP minions. I usually don't get the right cards to ramp golems or deck cycle fast enough before I get hit with 5+ legendaries.
I don't own Raven Idol or the deer legendary card though.
the deer? aya? fandral?
Fandral, sorry. The deck I'm using is supposed to be complete besides the addition of Fandral and maybe Raven Idol (which is rotating anyway).I don't have that much trouble playing a n'zoth deck.
the deer? aya? fandral?
Livin' the Miracle Life~
Fandral, sorry. The deck I'm using is supposed to be complete besides the addition of Fandral and maybe Raven Idol (which is rotating anyway).
I probably need to learn mulligans better, though.
EU. Will probably be on tonight for more Resurrect Priest because god damn Dragon Priest is so boring.Which region? I'm up for EU.
RNG belongs in bad decks only (like mine)I truly dislike playing against Priest more than almost any other class due to RNG. Besides, I suppose, Shaman.
Instead of Drakonic Operative, a priest just pulled Nefarian against me from a historian.
Livin' the Miracle Life~
It's always hilarious watching these people go super tryhard with their cookie cutter netdecks in casual against my quest decks.
As funny as watching everyone try to emote me and not realizing I have them all muted.
How would you know?
Flametongue need fixing if they really want shaman dominating less
as it is its basically 2 mana Korkron elite with infinite upside, its fucking ridiculous with shaman can easily create multiple bodies.
It's always hilarious watching these people go super tryhard with their cookie cutter netdecks in casual against my quest decks.
Anyway, Crystalweaver and Kabal Trafficker are super cool cards. I wonder if we'l ever get to a point where they're viable.
No.Druid is never boring to play.
they so flashy
I miss top dog druid meta.
I've been playin' Kibler's Evolve shaman and it's pretty damn fun!
And the best thing is that you dont feel all dirty like when playing Aggro Shaman.
I have to say I am impressed at the amount of decks that are viable on wild ladder right now.
Currently playing Chillingos maly shaman and having lots of fun.
http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20516958/the-gift-exchange-tavern-brawl-returns-1-30-2017Already an owner of the Winter Veil Wreath card back from last year's festivities? Winning a game in the Gift Exchange Tavern Brawl will reward you with a Classic card pack instead!
No chillSanderN 18 minutes ago
Is this a joke? Team5 I think you should check your calendar you're over a month late.