Early April for launch is fine but so long to wait for new card reveals!
Nzoth Priest HAS to be back with this.
7 Deathrattle minions played to get that godlike card.
That Mage Legendary card....
It looks pretty mediocre but it has the Elemental tribe now. I guess that's a thing in this expansion.
They start in your opening handit, but man, you have to have a legendary in your opening hand ..
Yes to all. It says "set" your HP to 40 so it's like a super Reno effect.wait so the priest legendary that you get after the quest... does it go to your hand? And does it HEAL you up to 40 as well?
Volcano is like a worse Elemental Destruction imoFuck that. Shaman shouldn't get anything but nerfs and zero cards and be bottom tier and get uglier art and fuck shaman.
wait so the priest legendary that you get after the quest... does it go to your hand? And does it HEAL you up to 40 as well?
Also, will every class get their own quest card?
They start in your opening hand
I thought they said quests are added to your opening hand
Are you still sure it's 200% fake?I would not trust any card "leaks" right now. We usually get a group of fake/blurry/off screen card "leaks" before expansion time.
And I just read that card effect.... yeah that is 200% fake. That's the most powerful card in the game. Unless it's like a Guardian that you get from White Eyes where it's actually part of another, weaker card.
Fake as in a card you play in your deck, not fake as in a token you get from some other card which this is. So I am still right in that this is not a collectible card you put in your deck.Are you still sure it's 200% fake?![]()
ohhh no...
more legendary cards... hope they just don't add more than the normal 20 legendaries, because these legendary spells could become my bane of HS.
other than that, I like what I'm seeing, the quest thing seems very directed to make specific archetypes a thing, like, they are trying to hard forcing them
Are you still sure it's 200% fake?![]()
Well I guess now we know why Sylvanas was taken out and what "build around Deathrattle" stuff they had planned.
Cairne is back again boys! Also no more Museum Curator for Priest, they need more Deathrattle options.
Mistress of Mixtures, Shifting Shade, Loot Hoarder, Twilight Summon, Cairne... kinda need more Deathrattles than that.
That quest reward card is not collectable, right? Just one time use in that game.
Well, the post you were replying to said, "Apparently you get it through a new quest mechanic in-game. I called this months ago."Fake as in a card you play in your deck, not fake as in a token you get from some other card which this is. So I am still right in that this is not a collectible card you put in your deck.
I doubt they'd print that as the class Legendary without supporting cards.
You say that, but remember Flame Leviathan?
Well, the post you were replying to said, "Apparently you get it through a new quest mechanic in-game. I called this months ago."
So, it wasn't being suggested it was collectible.![]()
Priest might be back in tier 1 in Wild with this.
Insane Deathrattle options in Wild. Zombie Chow, Dark Cultist, Belcher, Shredder, Deathlord.
With how she said "ambitious", I'm pretty sure she doesn't care about the welfare of those children.Also can we talk about how irresponsible Elise is? Who on earth would bring children into *this* place?
Priest might be back in tier 1 in Wild with this.
Insane Deathrattle options in Wild. Zombie Chow, Dark Cultist, Belcher, Shredder, Deathlord.
Also can we talk about how irresponsible Elise is? Who on earth would bring children into *this* place?
They only appear visually in the same place Secrets do, they don't act like Secrets. So no.So do these quest spells act like secrets in that they are affected by flare, eater of secrets etc. ?
They aren't secrets so I seriously doubt it.So do these quest spells act like secrets in that they are affected by flare, eater of secrets etc. ?
I doubt they'd print that as the class Legendary without supporting cards.
Yes to all. It says "set" your HP to 40 so it's like a super Reno effect.
Thing is that it's not really a win condition against other control decks. You are still going to get that work against Control Warlock decks (if that's still a thing).
And against aggros the game is going to be decided before you play 7 Deathrattles in most cases but if you survive long enough to play 7 Deathrattles then you auto win against Aggro. It's like a clock against aggro.