I keep seeing people say that Quests are always in your opening hand, anyone have a source for that claim?
on the announcement page, they are always in opening hand
I keep seeing people say that Quests are always in your opening hand, anyone have a source for that claim?
Three cards instead of two. One of the cards is a legendary. Requires an Emperor proc.
They said it in the videoI keep seeing people say that Quests are always in your opening hand, anyone have a source for that claim?
Leeroy Faceless Flametongue is 16 damage.
If you order it Leroy > Flametongue > Faceless, it should copy a 8/2 Leroy and get buffed to 10/2 for 18 total.Leeroy Faceless Flametongue is 16 damage.
Because you can stack them for more damage. It's like quadrupling the damage of Leeroy essentially because you are copying the Windfury effect.Why would Shaman bother with Faceless when they have Windfury?
Does it actually work like that? Never really tried it myself. One of those weird Hearthstone interactions then.If you order it Leroy > Flametongue > Faceless, it should copy a 8/2 Leroy and get buffed to 10/2 for 18 total.
I think all 4 of those cards should have been removed to be honest. A lot of people have said Leeroy and Gadgetan should have been removed and IMO PO should definitely have been removed too. I can see why they removed Conceal too.I think you can make a coherent argument that instead of retiring Conceal and Power Overwhelming, they should have retired Leeroy and Gadgetzan Auctioneer.
I'd assume that's what happens but I wouldn't know either. I don't even know how layers work in MTG and I've played that for more than a decade and Hearthstone appears much less structured like that.Does it actually work like that? Never really tried it myself. One of those weird Hearthstone interactions then.
Does it actually work like that? Never really tried it myself. One of those weird Hearthstone interactions then.
Why would Shaman bother with Faceless when they have Windfury?
Every combo deck seems cool until it's the meta and then everyone hates it.
kabal lackey + counterspell is going to be my cornerstone for the first few weeks of the expansion when everyone is obsessed with quests >![]()
So you're banking on getting a specific two card combo in your opening hand AND going first AND hoping they're stupid enough to try to play the quest with an unknown Mage secret out?
Sounds legit.
this is... expensive, I'm worried that it will be too difficult to get the pair
Two Legendaries per class? Damn that's going to be expensive for the average player.
That's cool, glad each class will have an opportunity to build around quests. Also wouldn't surprise if they give them out for free. Though at the same time it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't either lol.
This is actually a good thing because the neutral Legendaries have by and large been pretty crappy in the past.Blizzard has now confirmed that there will be only five neutral legendaries since each class is getting two.
Blizzard has now confirmed that there will be only five neutral legendaries since each class is getting two.
I really doubt they are free, after they made people craft the three tri-class legendaries (Which would have been perfect to give away and promote deck building)
Anomalus is still a bad card, elemental synergy or not. If you want to play with Elemental synergy in Mage you'll have Water Elemental available to you.
Blizzard has now confirmed that there will be only five neutral legendaries since each class is getting two.
You are assuming water elemental will be an elemental.
That's actually a great thing.You can't discover a quest or get it from an RNG effect. Bullshit!
If one of the options is Charge then yeah its going to be busted. Have to see all the options though. 5/1 is pretty above curve with Divine Shield, straight up power creep over Scarlet Crusader.Do you guys think a 3 mana, 5/1 Adapting Rager, that has "Battle Cry: Adapt" would be to strong?
I am very happy to find out you can't get Quest cards off shit like Babbling Book. For cards that have the potential to be seriously broken, it's good to keep reasonable restrictions on it.
That said I wonder if something like Mind Vision will be able to get it. It is a random effect, but it specifically calls out the person's hand as opposed to discovering or getting something completely random. Mind Vision still won't be a good card, but the idea is funny if that was the ONLY way to get the quests in other classes.
Even if you can steal it, it won't be very effective. Like you can steal the quest from mage. But you can't do it cuz you don't have the requirements to do the quest.
@notrob @LegendaryFerret @PlayHearthstone quests are spells, but due to its nature, we don't allow them to be discovered/randomly generated.
It's one of your initial cards that can be mulliganed i believe.The blog says quests start in your opening hand. Does that take place of another card? Or just warp from your deck to your hand? If it is the latter, can you draw it in mulligan?