I was a scumbag and just continued to play Aggro Pirate Shaman till I got to rank 10.
I only played 7 games, and went 6/7. The nerfs definitely hurt, but I'm not sure its actually enough. I think the deck is more fair though, especially Spirit Claws (Though I also think Spirit Claws is still playable). Majority of the games went to turn 7 and 8.
Also, some poor mage played Dirty Rat/Doomsayer, pulled a Flamewreathed Faceless, and I then played my second Flamewreathed Faceless, and kill off both his Dirty Rat and Doomsayer using the magic of Tunnel Trogg.
Then I played 3 games of Enrage Warrior in Wild. It's such a bad deck, but since I usually pull it out in rank 20+ of wild, the thing tends to come up with stupid wins.
I hope Blizard prints a new Enrage card this expansion. Dinosaurs and Enrage are a good combo!