looking for someone to trade 80g quests on NA
quote for battletag
Since I opened Finja and been trying to make a Paladin Dragon Murloc deck work. Saw that there is a Dragon Warrior with Finja. Thing is I don't have Patches and don't want to craft it because it's disgusting. Any way to replace it?
Since I opened Finja and been trying to make a Paladin Dragon Murloc deck work. Saw that there is a Dragon Warrior with Finja. Thing is I don't have Patches and don't want to craft it because it's disgusting. Any way to replace it?
why don't you make a murloc paladin deck? they have been really good now apparently
here's a fun priest deck i made
patches is just really good early game for warrior in general. as for paladin, idk, dragon murloc sounds like something that would be MUCH more viable in wild since you'd have access to other very strong early game options like minibot and muster. in general finja is HUGELY better in wild due to being able to include old murk eye.
finja is also fun with a triple faction zoobot druid deck if you want to play dragons finja package and some beasts with savage roar
I like Dragons. And I'd like to play Dragon Murloc Warrior without Patches.
Thanks but I don't like playing Wild that much. If I play Wild than exclusively N'Zoth Patron.
looking for someone to trade 80g quests on NA
quote for battletag
so many random decks and druids at rank 10 and nothing working at the moment. Been rough since I hit rank 8 yesterday.
Hey, I'm looking to trade the 80g quest as well.
Tag in quote
the ranked floors are amazing, probably the best improvement they've made to the game IMO
Firebat's malygos rogue seems good.
Wanted to craft one, but it's so close to un'goro and I'm hesitate to spend gold and dust for the current meta.
what in the world could someone find bad about ranked floors? they allow you to play around on ladder and snag ranked wins and have felt like they've increased diversity, at least at 5/10/15 since people aren't terrified to lose ranks and feel free to step a tiny bit away from the 5 netdecks that otherwise pollute everything. what's bad about that lol
netdecks. you used netdecks as a pejorative term. you called a meta 'pollution'
Could you at least explain why you don't like the floors? I'm having trouble understanding why they're an issue, too, when it seems to me like they only encourage deck variety.netdecks. you used netdecks as a pejorative term. you called a meta 'pollution'
i did, this is a children's card game, i could care less about hitting legend and whatnot, no point in bothering to try to get above 5 monthly. i get the most enjoyment out of playing semi creative decks that people don't expect but work alright and i love it when i run into others doing the same, that's why i'll probably always be a fan of wild. any changes to the game that allow more decks and cards to be viable or played is great.
I'm not really against people trying out different decks and doing their quests. It is just frustrating wading through a meta of pirate warrior and random ass bullshit.
Again for anyone who is seriously trying to climb the ladder it can be tilting even if irrationally so.
The fact that you're losing to a bunch of random quest decks be the fault of the game or you?![]()
Netdeck and chill...Don't know why anyone would be against rank floors. Can't see a good enough reason against it.
Of course I'm terrible at the game and am losing due to constant misplays.
give me a break.
If you're really competitive you picked the wrong TCG to be honest.
No matter how skilled you are, Hearthstone is designed in a way that you'll lose to shit decks and against people who are clearly not as good. If that bothers you a lot, you should give Magic a chance.
I'm in agreement with the pirate warriors, but I don't think that seeing the same 10 netdecks in ladder with no one trying out new things would make it a good experience.
why leeroy over rag or sylv
you do what you want to do but the contempt you're holding for the existence of a meta is laughable.
Malygos is a miracle variant though.Crafted malygos and kinda regret it. It's too slow for me, miracle suits me better. But the combo is so satisfying.
This is heavily targetting the meta deck, I kinda like it but these decks sometimes fail heavily. I still like Emperor Thaurissan in the deck though, it's just so much tempo freedom in the later game even with no combo.I think I'm gonna go with this Renolock for tommorrow Heroic Brawl
Its extremely brew for against Pirate Warrior, Water Rogue, and Mid Shaman, 3 most popular deck that I expect to meet the most.
Some explanation about card selection:
- There is Leeroy but no faceless or emperor, I think even targetting tempo deck like Water Rogue, some burst is really needed to finish/stole game, you shouldn't expect to just clear their stuff, also valid tactic against mid-shaman, also needed vs janky control deck that can pop out of nowhere, its not maximum burst but I think its workable
- No Gang Boss but Red Ooze instead, I think its better because Red Ooze can kill Frothing and Gang Boss not
- Felfire Potion instead Shadowflame to handle Finja's board more flexible
- No Mountain Giant and Faceless Shambler, putting more reliable 4 drop like argus and Tazdingo
- Still not sure about not playing Shadowflame tho, the only tempo board clear that I have is Enforcer and perfect Kazakus Potion, can screw me vs Jade Deck, already had trouble vs Jade Druid when testing on Ladder. its look promising versus 3 deck that I target
I had to cut Leeroy then if I cut PO not sure if I like that.This is heavily targetting the meta deck, I kinda like it but these decks sometimes fail heavily. I still like Emperor Thaurissan in the deck though, it's just so much tempo freedom in the later game even with no combo.
I think you might as well cut Power Overwhelming since you have neither Sylvanas nor Shadowflame. It's going to be kinda dead especially against the decks you are targetting.
Crafted malygos and kinda regret it. It's too slow for me, miracle suits me better. But the combo is so satisfying.
Got 3k gold.
I think 4k gold is possible by the end of month.
But you also have Soulfire. That's essentially a 3 piece combo right there for 14 damage. Where as Leeroy and Soulfire can be used for other stuff, PO is now only really there for the combo and occasionally trading one of your bad minions. Without Sylvanas/Faceless/Shadowflame/Shambler the value of PO is a lot worse.I had to cut Leeroy then if I cut PO not sure if I like that.