Looks cool. If the guardian is super OP a 5/5 taunt isn't too bad for 5-mana although you already do have two 0-mana 5/5 taunts lul.
Yeah, I'd consider this sufficiently super OP.
Looks cool. If the guardian is super OP a 5/5 taunt isn't too bad for 5-mana although you already do have two 0-mana 5/5 taunts lul.
I don't think so.Guess they are pushing control Shaman this expansion. Seems too slow for Midrange.
Most Control Shamans should definitely run White Eyes.
Not sure about midrange.
Why not run one you get a 10/10 for the late game. Imagine getting brawled then dropping a 10/10
Yeah I'm not even convinced that this is a Control Shaman only card. A 5 mana 5/5 taunt is not even a big tempo loss. That's comparable to DotC. Combine that with the possible upside of slamming down a 5 mana 10/10 taunt? Why wouldn't a midrange shaman play that? It's sort of like, you know how even some tempo mages are playing Forgotten Torch? This is better.
True. It's just the current midrange list is so refined. Not sure what you would cut for this. And when you already have two 0 mana taunts in your deck, a 5 mana one seems expensive. Even with that insane upside.
The minion that comes from the Deathrattle should have been "Blue Dragon".
Should of been a Rogue card.
Though I think Blizzard doesn't want Rogue to have any native taunts.
Any taunt for nzoth is huge.
I thought Warrior was the Taunt class?
I thought Warrior was the Taunt class?
I think that 3 6 is all they'll get for heal, but its strong with no healbot in the game anymoreSpeaking of Control Shaman, it'll be sad to see Healing Wave go. Hopefully one of cards that hasn't been revealed yet has a heal to it.