Shamanstone gonna continue i guess
Can Firelands portal summon the 5 mana 10/10? That might deliver enough salt to put Kripp into cardiac arrest.
Discovers two and Entombs your own.I can already taste the salt when priest discovers the 10/10 from your deck.
I think the first deck I really want to try out is a midrange paladin list.
I just have to figure out exactly how many 1 drops I want to run. It kinda depends on how powerful the ramp potential is there.
This is what I have so far:;49662:2;49667:1;49677:2;49683:1;49712:2;
You might laugh at fight promoter but fight promoter's text doesn't require the 6th health minion to be "another" or "other friendly". I think if fight promoter gets buffed to 6/6, he draws cards when you play it since it'll trigger off itself.
The number of 1 drops is the most up in the air. You want to draw some early and you still want to get 3 off small time recruits, both times preferably. If fight promoter works out really, maybe even cut 1 small time recruits and cut the 1 drops in half. The main win condition I want to focus on is dopplegangster.
I just really gotta play with the deck type some to really get a feel of how strong buffing 1 drops are.
People are still running fire elemental?
It has never been bad ever.
all of these are good or great hits.Barnes isn't very good in midrange shaman.
The best barnes targets are deathrattle and end of turn effects, shaman was very little of either.
Everything else is usually too slow.
Trogg and drake aren't that great, TBV only if you have enough mana left,but often you want to play Barnes on curve.all of these are good or great hits.
that leaves Harrison if you tech it, TfB which is a 1/1 taunt and totem golem which is essentially a searing totem.
- tunnel trogg
- thalnos
- flametongue
- mana tide
- azure drake
- Ragnaros
Even isn't as good as he mgith look on paper.
I was surprised at first as well but Midrange Shaman is the best Barnes deck.
Trogg and drake aren't that great, TBV only if you have enough mana left,but often you want to play Barnes on curve.
Also, Barnes is much better in hunter since the only bad target is houndmaster and they have crazy high rolls like Highmane and Huntress.
Nah he's right Barnes is total garbage in Midrange Shaman that's why only 50% of the Midrange Shaman lists in Dreamhack Winter 2016 had Barnes, these tourney players know nothing /s
Also, Barnes is much better in hunter since the only bad target is houndmaster and they have crazy high rolls like Highmane and Huntress.
Barnes is not optimal for shaman BUT even a sub-optimal Barnes is OP so you can play him.
Barnes only ever hits Houndmaster tho
It's never hit anything else ever
So this is why Twitch viewership is down for Hearthstone. Some guy in a basement got bored and stopped boosting various channels (Forsen, Massan, Amaz) with bots.
grow up
Are you making fun of Levi or is this a meme and I've missed the memo?
Would be cool if Fight Promoter could proc off itself when being buffed in hand. Would increase the chance to actually get the battlecry off considerably. Whatcha think about running Mistress of Mixtures? Used to run Zombie Chow in my Midrange Pally deck in Wild, but the Mistress looks great against aggro and has an extra upside of healing urself too.
Also, whatcha think about running Brann? U got a lot of battlecries in that deck.
Monthly reminder that secret paladin (wild) is the most insane shit even today.
Monthly reminder that secret paladin (wild) is the most insane shit even today.
Shamans can go and eat a dick.
You guys think the Scheduled Maintenance Tuesday means anything? Blizard could just release the expansion like Thusay.
You guys think the Scheduled Maintenance Tuesday means anything? Blizard could just release the expansion like Thusay.