the meme train starts
I'm pretty sure Blizzard just baits this shit. lol
Incredible. This community complains too much at times, but they are sure are fucking funny.
the meme train starts
I'm pretty sure Blizzard just baits this shit. lol
Freeze Mage could still have a hard time against jade golem druid thanks to moonglade portals.
the meme train starts
I'm pretty sure Blizzard just baits this shit. lol
you know what would be good against giant x-x stat minions?
that dragonfire potion aint shit if they're 7-7s and up
I think there are enough stealth minions for a stealth rogue deck to be pieced together. It could be pretty non-interactive and non-interactive = powerful.
People joked about shadow rager, but what if later they rage about rager.
You probably run both jungle panther and shadow rager. Get that shadow sensei value on curve. Hit face. Coin conceal. Hit face twice again. Drop another stealth, conceal. Sap their taunt, hit face 3 times.
Shaku fits well too though, so maybe you run 1 shadow rager, 2 panthers, and shaku.
Thankfully we have a neutral minion that reveals all Stealth minions now.
Feel kinda bad. The game just matched me with a C'Thun Druid that was obviously new using stuff like Mark of the Wild, Ironbark Protector and Demolisher and I won with this.
Oh and, if you're wondering, I'm 31/50 on my play 50 Paladin cards quest lol.
Played almost 0 constructed Hearthstone this month. At rank 17.
Not a single fcuk given. Marvel 4 incoming.
I don't think anyone blames you for playing what is the cancer meta of Shamanstone. Thursday will be nice.
Most of them looks usable. Great card imo. So u can only get the potion of ur class?So all the potions here.
Best: 2
Pretty good: 4
Rarely useful at best, depending on your class: 2
9 out of 10 times bad: 2
6/10 pretty good, 4/10 it's likely useless. Seems good enough, it's fair.
Most of them looks usable. Great card imo. So u can only get the potion of ur class?
This card is very good, hunter got some good stuff, rip Fiery Bat. Hyena back in every hunter deck I guess.
You can play this with Starving Buzzard and draw 2 cards btw!
Wow that's even, you can get any of them.
Kabal Chemist is probably good enough to see some play but those times where you roll Bloodfury Potion/Freezing Potion/Pint Size Potion or Polymorph Potion are going to be super frustrating.
It still needs a certain level of consistency for it to take up a deckslot. I think it depends on how much of the card pool is actually relevant, since Renolock is desperate for AoE, single target removal and healing it will most likely get the best use of Chemist but Priest probably doesn't have much need for most of those areas with their new additions so I don't see it being worthwhile to run. Mage might run it in Reno but probably not outside that.They balance the card. If you would get powerful board wipes every time the card would be OP as shit.
It still needs a certain level of consistency for it to take up a deckslot. I think it depends on how much of the card pool is actually relevant, since Renolock is desperate for AoE, single target removal and healing it will most likely get the best use of Chemist but Priest probably doesn't have much need for most of those areas with their new additions so I don't see it being worthwhile to run. Mage might run it in Reno but probably not outside that.
Is the silence minion from priest an autoinclude for the class? at least silence doesn't seem to be that important like it was pre-standard/on wild
Any information on whether we will get one or several free booster packs when the set releases on thursday?
Any information on whether we will get one or several free booster packs when the set releases on thursday?
I doubt it will see any play while Entomb is still in Standard, no reason to silence a powerful deathrattle when you can just take it for yourself. But even though they have a spell literally called Silence, Priest has always been one of the classes that utilised the effect the least. Even when Ironbeak Owl was a staple in almost every meta deck, I don't remember any silence effecting being common in Priest.Is the silence minion from priest an autoinclude for the class? at least silence doesn't seem to be that important like it was pre-standard/on wild
I was thinking which 'themes' Rogue has had since release:
- Weapons
- Pirates
- Deathrattles
- Stealing cards from the opponent class
- And now stealth
It's like they set up a theme but dont push it enough to make it good before moving onto another theme.
You know blizzard want to push Priest when they make the first playble Silence card since the classic set.
Seriously, since then we only got Wailing Soul, Purify and Light's Champion.
Anyway, I think Jade Golem N'zoth Control shaman could be a thing,I came up with this.