Patch just dropped it looks like. Downloading now, 1.9 GB.
Yep shows the Tavern Brawl starting in 20 hours now.
Patch just dropped it looks like. Downloading now, 1.9 GB.
"Sees no play = 1 star" is the type of evaluation criteria that completely eliminates the distinction between cards that are kinda bad and cards that are horrible. You've completely crunched a huge range of cards into a tiny hole. When you do this, you can be completely blindsided when cards that have not been in the meta for a long time suddenly re-emerge or become relevant.
River Crocolisk saw constructed play in classic and you can put it in a newbie deck. The difference between a card like that and Magma Rager is immense. You can't put those two in the same category.
Hope that means the golden cards will be shown on a site later today. I like the art in this set a lot so I want to see a lot of them golden.
If I don't open the game until the expansion drops do I get a chance at a golden MSOG epic?
Magma rager saw play in classic too, in handlock. It's still a 0.
The only way a card like ferryman becomes playable is if rogue ever needs to run 4 brewmasters or some combo synergy card is added. 4 brewmasters is highly unlikely to see play in this set and we know now there is no combo synergy card soo... right now it's worse than a card that sees practically speaking 0 play. If you want 4 bounce effects, you probably run shadowsteps and brewmasters before running ferryman. So you essentially need a deck that requires 6 of those effects.
It just won't see play in constructed. And there are a ton of cards that could see constructed play but would be around 2-3. They aren't great cards, but could be good enough. Ferryman just doesn't fit there. It's just not good enough, nor does it have some unique role to fill outside of being a vanilla 2/3 sometimes and vanilla 2/3 sucks.
Posting for new page.
Magma Rager did not see serious play in Handlock. I recall a single meme video that played it with Shadowflame. But it wasn't a serious video.
And the fact that you keep trying to convince me that Gadgetzan Ferryman will see no play in the next meta is just demonstrating the fact that you're completely missing the point. I already know it won't see play in Constructed.
I am just trying to get my point across in that this is an evaluation of constructed. I think when I see you saying a vanilla 2/3 is a 2, you're talking about arena. That's the only world where a 2/3 for 2 mana is acceptable to be played.
I am talking about Constructed. "Sees no play" is not an automatic 1 star. That's the point I'm trying to get across.
Vicious Syndicate has actually put up a poll for people to vote on card strength. They are also using 1-5 scale.
As far as I can tell these are the cards they rated as 5 in the majority:
Pat Rack
Jade Idol
Drakonid Operator
Dragonfire Potion
Aya Blackpaw
wait.. The Dark Wanderer? that doesn't sound Christmas-esque at all
I think plenty of cards won't see play that will be rated at 2 or even 3 due to their potential. I am saying ferryman doesn't have that potential. If you want a bounce mechanic you pick shadowstep or panda before ferryman I think.
It's not necessarily an either/or thing. You might want all three. Redundancy is important sometimes.
That's like arguing 8 ragers could be vital to a deck. Maybe if there was a strategy that let you win the game if you play a rager on turn 3.
If you're playing a deck that seeks to troll people with rager, then yes, 8 ragers would be important.
But we're talking about bounce mechanics. If your whole deck is built around bounce, having 4 bounce cards is not enough.
You can build your deck around bounce mechanics, and maybe you run 6. It won't be remotely competitive though.
Probably not now. I'm sure some people will try a Jade Spirit bounce deck. It probably won't be good.
Introduce a similar minion at lower cost? It might be competitive.
But there is no similar minion. This is how it is rated now.
Biggest change of the patch is no more "Heroes of Warcraft"
Hearthstone GAF Gadgetzan Card Rating survey is ready! Quote to reveal the link.
Biggest change of the patch is no more "Heroes of Warcraft"
Over watch expansion next!
Hearthstone GAF Gadgetzan Card Rating survey is complete! Quote to reveal the link.
This makes me so happy. Hopefully this will stop the incessant whining about characters not matching their Lore counterparts and also the constant begging for certain characters to be added into the game. Let Hearthstone be it's own thang.
If everything is rated by constructive playability then there are only 3 options: Unplayable, playable and staple/broken. That pretty much means that every 3,2 and 1 card is unplayable, 4 is playable and 5 is staple. Putting 60-70% of cards in the game in one broad category is not helpful in categorizing.
Nice to see I am in line with what most of GAF is thinking.
After seeing the whole set I am more excited to try out the new warrior cards.
People still hesitant to call cards top tier and shit.
I love to see how some cards are really all over the place on opinions here, like pint-sized potion, while others are absolutely well received, like Drakonid operative.
BTW I see gateway kodo as a very good card, but same as PSP, it is all over the place
There are people other than me who think Pint-Size Potion is overhyped?? I thought I was the only one. D=
I'm the one guy who gave PSP a 5. Get at me.
It's a 3 mana 5/5 if you want to play minions again just trade with it.Probably the one I find most interesting so far.