It's a 3 mana 5/5 if you want to play minions again just trade with it.
Probably the one I find most interesting so far.
bananas are more value for the opponent than life is for you.King Mukla is a 3 mana 5/5 and I think the demon is probably worse.
The problem is, that you can't kill it that easily.It's a 3 mana 5/5 if you want to play minions again just trade with it.
It's a 3 mana 5/5 if you want to play minions again just trade with it.
Too gimmicky probably?;256:1;270:2;280:2;432:1;525:1;676:2;22265:2;27246:1;33159:2;33160:2;35232:2;42021:1;42042:2;42045:2;49625:1;49639:1;49677:2;49696:1;49751:1;
Obviously not refined, just kind of throwing stuff at the canvas.
So when are the gold animated cards being shown?
Ok, who gave Freezing Potion a 5?
Hearthpwn said:New Quests
It looks like we're getting some free card packs! There are also a couple of quests which appear to be placeholders.
Join the Goons - Win 3 games as a Hunter, Paladin, or Warrior.
Rewards 2 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Packs
Join the Jade Lotus - Win 3 games as a Druid, Rogue, or Shaman.
Rewards 2 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Packs
Join the Kabal - Win 3 games as a Mage, Priest, or Warlock.
Rewards 2 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Packs
I did. 0 mana spells are busted in Mage. It's a free Fireball with Archmage or extra missiles from Flamewaker, as well as being an Ice Lance or Shatter activator.
Data mining found us info on a free pack promotion for MSG:
Wise Beyond Your Years - Reach Legend 1,000,000 times. Rewards 1 Gold
A Job for Ya' - Destroy 100,000 minions. | Rewards 1 Gold
I think it can be rushed down however druid has lots of tools to build to big jade golems and survive. Not to mention lots of soft Taunts most rushes cannot ignore.I am not convinced that the Jade Golem deck is anything but anti-control and anti-Reno. I think both aggro AND midrange can race it down before it gets into the late game with Jade Golems.
also, YES! free packs is just the last bit of good news I needed for this expansion.
If there were free packs, we'd probably know by now.
If there were free packs, we'd probably know by now.
If there were free packs, we'd probably know by now.
New Quests
It looks like we're getting some free card packs! There are also a couple of quests which appear to be placeholders.
Join the Goons - Win 3 games as a Hunter, Paladin, or Warrior.
Rewards 2 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Packs
Join the Jade Lotus - Win 3 games as a Druid, Rogue, or Shaman.
Rewards 2 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Packs
Join the Kabal - Win 3 games as a Mage, Priest, or Warlock.
Rewards 2 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Packs
This week tavern brawl reward would be WoTOG or MSoTG pack?
Dahbomb and I are looking to continue our card review stream tonight. Look for us to start in 15 to 30 minutes.
Is the queue slow for anyone else ?
Time to build a dragon rogue deck. Imagine getting deathwing off thistle tea, then getting 2 12/12s off the deathrattle... that's is what I am aiming for.
still missing Deathwing good luck
dumb question: are any sets being cycled out with this expansion?
I broke bnet, 2-2 with it though lol
I lost to a tempo mage who got leeroy off of firelands portal. Later he got fire lance off babbling book to remove my big dragon (the 8 drop, can't remember the name, copies cards you draw). And then his ragnaros even sniped my face instead of hitting deathwing... RNG stone punishing fun decks.
No. Set rotation will occur first expansion next year, probably around april/may.