When the xpac gonna live?
Need someone for easy 80 gold (daily friend match quest). Soggoth#2947
That's like not dying to cancer ,because you had a heart attack instead.You know what will be hilarious? Shaman will still crush all the cancer decks that spawn efficient little minions like buccaneer because they play 2 storm 2 maelstrom EleGiggle
I can see Wrathion not making a cut in Dragon decks. But that is just my intuition.
uhh what. Wrathion is insane in literally every dragon deck.I can see Wrathion not making a cut in Dragon decks. But that is just my intuition.
Most surprising for me is seeing Abyssal Enforcer rated so highly. I think it is a solid card, but did not expect it to end up a top 5 rated card from the set.
uhh what. Wrathion is insane in literally every dragon deck.
Lets see you say that again when Wrathion turns out to only draw 1 card most of the time. Most dragon decks don't actually run that many actual Dragon minions, there's only like 8-12 worth running in a Standard deck. So your odds of pulling a dragon each draw is around 30%.
Lets see you say that again when Wrathion turns out to only draw 1 card most of the time. Most dragon decks don't actually run that many actual Dragon minions, there's only like 8-12 worth running in a Standard deck. So your odds of pulling a dragon each draw is around 30%.
Lets see you say that again when Wrathion turns out to only draw 1 card most of the time. Most dragon decks don't actually run that many actual Dragon minions, there's only like 8-12 worth running in a Standard deck. So your odds of pulling a dragon each draw is around 30%.
Yeah, but Azure Drake is run in tons of decks simply because it's a decent minion that draws a card. Wrathion costs 1 mana more but you get 1 extra health and Taunt. You are perfectly fine with it drawing only 1 card. If it draws more, it's insane.
Isn't a 6 mana 4/5 taunt + draw pretty solid even if you don't draw multiple dragon cards?
Ancient of Blossoms isn't that bad, but it don't think you would ever put him in your deck.
As an arena card, he is alright.
Right. He's a fair card for his cost. Solid in Arena but will likely never see play in constructed. That's basically the definition of a 3, given the rating system we agreed on. But most people gave him a 2 or even a 1. That's way too low imo.
There aren't enough Midrange demons for that to be a thing. The best one is the 6/6 that gets demons which is a good card but that by itself can't make an archetype.Any thoughts on midrange Warlock with the new cards?
There aren't enough Midrange demons for that to be a thing. The best one is the 6/6 that gets demons which is a good card but that by itself can't make an archetype.
Most of the good demons in Warlock are concentrated in the early game which is why Zoolock becomes the dominant deck for the class many times.
Brann will definitely be in that deck. Double discover on the Historian and the Operative is too good.
uhh what. Wrathion is insane in literally every dragon deck.
When the xpac gonna live?
You need a couple of solid 4 drop options, a couple of 5 drop options. And another 3 drop option that isn't Imp Gang Boss.Thanks for the quick reply.
How many mid-ranged Demons would it take to make it a solid archtype in your opinion?
You need a couple of solid 4 drop options, a couple of 5 drop options. And another 3 drop option that isn't Imp Gang Boss.
Warlock has Pit Lord, Felguard and Doom Guard. Doom Guard isn't as good in a Midrange type deck. Pit Lord and Felguard have a hefty penalty.
They printed a new 4 drop that buffs demons but that again helps out the early demons. There isn't any good demon in the actual midrange slot. Your first good midrange demon comes at 6 mana with Dread Infernal and the new 6 mana 6/6.
Yeah but it gives you more demons and the body itself is a very solid.the 6/6 isn't even demon herself
Peléo;225702149 said:Surprised to see Kabal Talonpriest this high in the list. It's a solid card, but I wouldn't say this powerful.
It's a better Dark Cultist dude...
About those new quests, are they a one time thing like old gods or regular quests?
insant value is much better than deathrattle since most of the time your opponent can decide the deathrattle.It's not strictly better. You could play dark cultist on curve on an empty board and still get value out of his effect. And he is a solid nzoth pull.
Been working overtime to avoid Card reviews. I jsut want to come into this expansion fresh and goof off. Had a lot of time goofing off in WoTG and I think a large part of it was back then I didnt really stress about the meta. Just played with the cards I was given and formed my own opinions. Then a month later I started looking up meta decks and got triggered- since I was missing a bunch of cards.
It's not strictly better. You could play dark cultist on curve on an empty board and still get value out of his effect. And he is a solid nzoth pull.
I love me some Reynad but i also love me some Kibler!Still waiting for Reynad's review, it's the only one I care about. He's the only one that points out things and combos I didn't notice about card.
Welp, we got a garbage RNG tavern brawl instead of something with new cards.