I don't know how you don't test this kind off stuff before launch this just seems like negligence on Blizzard's side.
Maybe it's thematic because it is the Means Streets of Gadgetzan where you can be shaken down and robbed by crooks.
I don't know how you don't test this kind off stuff before launch this just seems like negligence on Blizzard's side.
You have 70k+ people watching you and you play a 35 Legendary deck that contains like 5 new cards... why? Way to waste your viewership.
You have 70k+ people watching you and you play a 35 Legendary deck that contains like 5 new cards... why? Way to waste your viewership.
Maybe it's thematic because it is the Means Streets of Gadgetzan where you can be shaken down and robbed by crooks.
The 6 free packs also shit.
I need to craft kazakus
Abyssal Enforcer?
It was almost game winning in my first game against a Druid but against a Shaman it was game losing if I played it because I was in fatigue and low on HP.
But I like the card overall. There have been times where I was wishing I had top decked it.
Felfire Potion is aces against Midrange Shaman. I won all 5 of my Renolock games although it's start of season and I am at low rank.
Playing Renolock feels SO GOOD now.
I don't think results are meaningful right now. Remember OG launch, where C'Thun Druid was super good? Now it's not even an archetype.This is extremely non optimized, I plan to add Faceless and Leeroy to this somewhere. Mostly just testing the new cards.
Mistress of Potions (? Forgot her exact name, 1 mana 2/2 Heal both)
Power Overwhelming
Mortal Coil
Dark Peddler
Sunfury Protector
Imp Gang Boss
Earthenring Farseer
Kabal Courier (really impressed with this card, something to do on turn 3)
Kabal Chemist
Twilight Drake
Defender of Argus
Refreshment Vendor
Blastfire Crystal (4 mana removal)
Cult Apothecary
Felfire Potion
Reno Jackson
Siphon Soul
Emperor Thaurissan
Abyssal Enforcer
Twisting Nether
I have not been disappointed by any of the new cards I added in there.
I don't think results are meaningful right now. Remember OG launch, where C'Thun Druid was super good? Now it's not even an archetype.
Has the main arena pack been switched to Gadgetzan yet?
Sure but Renolock is very much buffed at the moment.I don't think results are meaningful right now. Remember OG launch, where C'Thun Druid was super good? Now it's not even an archetype.
So whats the overall attitude NA peeps? Yall opening your packs or waiting?
I got the preorder unopened and then another 3000g that I was gonna buy packs with.
The Kabal Courier is pretty good for Warlock.lots of people are playing those terribad discover cards. turns out they're pretty bad.
Kripp just lost to Krul the Unshackled.
Dahbomb on blast confirmed. Kappa
Priest is still garbage if you ask me. lol
Priest is still garbage if you ask me. lol
Turn 1 Smalltime Buccaneer + Patches, coin, Nzoth's First Mate.
What the hell is this bull shit?
The Kabal Courier is pretty good for Warlock.
After the launch of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan on the Americas server, we discovered a bug with Mean Streets of Gadgetzan card packs that unintentionally made the drop rate of tri-class cards higher than intended. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
A hotfix was rolled out to all players on the Americas server at 2:30PM PST, which corrects this issue. Players on the Americas server will now see tri-class cards appear at a drop rate that is consistent with other cards of their rarity.
Any player on the Americas server who opened Mean Streets of Gadgetzan packs before 2:30PM PST will receive additional Mean Streets of Gadgetzan packs as compensation. The affected players will receive 33% of the total amount of Gadgetzan packs opened before 2:30PM PST, rounded up, to a minimum of one, regardless if the player acquired packs through gold, Quests, or real money. Since cards are generated upon pack opening and not pack purchase, packs purchased before the hotfix but opened after the hotfix will not experience this bug and will not be a part of the compensation roll out.
For example, if a player opened their 50 pack pre-purchase bundle before 2:30PM PST, they will receive 17 additional packs. (33% of 50)
If a player opened one pack of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan cards and completed a Quest that awards two packs before 2:30PM PST, they will receive one additional pack. (33% of 3)
If a player opened 47 packs before 2:30PM PST, and 23 packs after 2:30PM PST, they will receive 16 additional packs. (33% of 47 affected packs)
This fix will also be added to the release of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan before packs are available to open in all other regions, so players will not be affected by this bug when Mean Streets of Gadgetzan goes live in their region.
We are currently working on when the compensation will be applied to affected players. We will provide additional updates as they become available.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
Blizzard you alright
That seems like about an equal trade given the rate at which tri-class cards were dropping, though obviously you got a good dust gift.
Oh fuckin baby
Blizzard Response to Pack Issue
Sounds like in this case it'll work out for the better for anybody who opened packs. I had discounted this type of compensation because I thought it would be too complicated for Blizzard to implement. I guess not.