Yeah about that Kodo card...
That said, to all the players who are currently running bog-standard midrange shaman decks: what the fuck is wrong with you!?
I like how some people are just playing good old tempo mage, miracle rogue and midrange shaman without any of the any cards. I guess some people just like to see the world burns.
I think control warrior is pretty decent right now, play those 2/7 taunts and it just stop pirate warrior.
Sleep wit the fishes is like a better revenge . I only have one copy so far. I like it a lot. People trade into your 2/7 taunts, have bunch of damaged minions, you just kill them all. It doesn't really need combo to be good.
Dragon priest is easy to beat. Jade Druid is bad and renolock potentially. We'll see when meta establishes but I doubt cwar is ever dying if pirate warrior is popular.
Well it crushes Cwar.
The problem I've had with Dragon Priest so far is that you basically have to have a perfect curve opening and go full on face for any chance of winning against Jade Druid, if you can draw Dragonfire early that might give you a few extra turns in the game though.ok lets try how outrageous this dragon priest shit
17 packs - 2 epics, 0 legendaries
The life of a f2p continues to suck.
All I'm facing is aggro/face decks now.
Hearthstone sucks. Game is fucking flawed to the core.
The problem I've had with Dragon Priest so far is that you basically have to have a perfect curve opening and go full on face for any chance of winning against Jade Druid, if you can draw Dragonfire early that might give you a few extra turns in the game though.
I go 3-0 against jade druid so far, if you curve out, jade druid can't handle it
btw this Drakonid Operatives is so stupid
too bad my internet so shit today lose so many game because my internet dead![]()
no, its really on my end, my modem goes caput time to timeAre you on mobile? I got disconnected a lot on mobile today.
people sure don't know how to play jade druid, why you ever shuffle that in your deck early in the game. It's BAD, think about it. I've seen turn 1 Jade Idols now.
Also opened Wickerflame and have no idea what to do with it. Pray I get more handbuff cards, I guess.
It's a control/midrange card. Too bad all control decks are dead now when Jade Druid exists.
It's a control/midrange card. Too bad all control decks are dead now when Jade Druid exists.
Wickerflame is actually pretty sick in the 1-mana minion Paladin hand buff deck Kolento was playing.
Control Paladin should have a great matchup against Jade Druid. If both decks draw their 30 Paladin wins even with 1sided fatigue.
I think people gonna leave pirate warrior again once its settled, its good but established deck like mid-shamy, dragon priest is can neutralize quite easily
I predict dragon priest and shaman gonna around 45% of meta after it settled
I think dragon warrior still better than pirate, I think peep will realize dragon warrior is good in dragon priest meta
Wickerflame is actually pretty sick in the 1-mana minion Paladin hand buff deck Kolento was playing.