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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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Kinda lazy to go through all the reviews so I'll ask it here in hopes someone has the answer.

Are the side quests similar to TW3 in such a way that the side quests expand into this big-ass epic story that spans for 45mins to well over an hour?

My favorite moments in TW3 would really be doing a side quest I thought was simple such as finding the girls missing husband, and next thing you know I'm in the woods following blood trails and there he is, been bitten by a wolf and you gotta kill him.

Everything I've read about the game so far has been amazing. It's just the side quest I'm really hoping for.

Anyone? Tried googling a bit and came up with nothing. Just that side quests are varied but not necessarily epic in scale.
It was Killzowned in 09, in 2017 it's Horizowned.


I'm unusually proud of that one

But yeah no problem, just seemed weird, I took your post as if you were saying it's been a super long time and then listed a recent game
Some games im cool waiting for but some im like a mad man willing to drive however far and search however high or low to find an early copy. Im pumped


Times are different and Uncharted itself did help change gaming forever, but the first one would have been averaging 7s on MC in this day and age.


Around 10 years ago a STAR was born...

Around 10 years later and it's looking like history will repeat itself...

Reviewers were much lenient back then. As much as I liked the first Uncharted it doesn't deserve 88 MC. But I hope you are right about the future of Horizon.
Are you really getting bent out of shape about this? The thoughts were split with some people saying it looked good, others saying it looked like a generic open world game. Hell nzymes post was completely benign. How is he not being sensible? He basically said he's not into that type of game but good for those who are.

I'm surprised you read it that way.
This is the part of what he wrote I found snobbish and rather disrespectful:

'Yeah, glad to see I'm not the only one seeing it this way. Same old heavily marketed "graphics" show piece, well suited to those easily marketed to, looking for the above and with a casual enough interest in games that this is enough to satiate them. Meanwhile the rest seems to be the usual folks in for the "hype" of a typical graphical focused first party exclusive title satiating their own ego and platform baiting. Always a little bizarre to look at these things from the outside in and see it for what it is. Game looks as meh as most of these sorts. Good for those into that kind of thing'

How can you call this 'benign'. And no, I am not bent out of shape. Just disappointed that a poster that I respect and thought was above this kind of elitism, wrote this. I could post some of the other posts in that thread that are of a similar nature but I am tired and can't be bothered.
I'm glad it's getting good reviews, but I just can't get myself excited for this. In theory, it checks all the boxes for me, but just haven't felt any excitement for it. Maybe I'm just needing a break from open world games. On the plus side, I'm not at risk for setting expectations too high for when I do finally play it.


MC average aside, my expectations have skyrocketed for Horizon. I don't think high profile reviews were raving about Uncharted in the same language.

Yea I hear you. Only used Meta since this is the review thread but seems like Aloy is a great character and that HZD is great and warrants a sequel if not more.


Reviewers were much lenient back then. As much as I liked the first Uncharted it doesn't deserve 88 MC. But I hope you are right about the future of Horizon.

By today's standards of course not but for it's time I thought it deserved it. Didn't realize how much I loved that game until I replayed it in the remaster and it's behind 2 and then 4 for me.


One can only dream. I find this game more up my alley than the Uncharted series.
I won't have enough time to play Horizon, and Zelda. :(

My brain hurts even thinking about that. Only thing that helps is that I might be getting HZD this weekend and if so then I'm balls deep until I beat it.
I'm more excited to see all the mouth dropping and shit loosing grins people have once they get their hands in this. Game constantly wows me.
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