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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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Angry Joe reviews are an event. Even when his fans don't intend to buy them, they'll watch it because it's entertaining. And it helps that his reviews are legitimately good most of the time.
Never watched him. Then again I don't really watch channels for reviews. Does he actually do good analysis?

I made the mistake of not watching Double Toasted for movie reviews until a few months ago, so broadening horizons and all that


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Guys, the most important review hasn't come in yet


i thought that was biogamergirl

Never watched him. Then again I don't really watch channels for reviews. Does he actually do good analysis?

I made the mistake of not watching Double Toasted for movie reviews until a few months ago, so broadening horizons and all that

Joe is the best reviewer on youtube
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how great it is for AAA science fiction, that this is sticking the landing?

Personally I'd say that sci-fi in games, at least AAA games, is usually merely there for cool enemies, weapons, and settings, but most don't capitalize on the potential for great stories. Besides Mass Effect's space opera, Deus Ex's cyberpunk, and MGS's craziness, you have to look at indies for most examples like SOMA, Stasis, VA-11 Hall-A, Technobabylon, hopefully Tides of Numenera, and so on

So that we're getting a high-concept fleshed-out far-future setting and story that actually explores that all thoroughly as a core aspect of the narrative...it's a dream come true for a sci-fi fan


Angry Joe bigger than IGN? please....
Joe only has 2M subscriber ,how could be 1M viewers in 24hours?
While people go to IGN for various other videos, people only go to Joe for his reviews. So he could potentially have more people watching his reviews than IGN.

Kazuo Hirai

I really want everyone to know how much more Titanfall 2 sold than Nioh. It was a staggering amount.
Angry Joe reviews are an event. Even when his fans don't intend to buy them, they'll watch it because it's entertaining. And it helps that his reviews are legitimately good most of the time.
How about his influence? IGN made Nioh price up $10 in my country


Never watched him. Then again I don't really watch channels for reviews. Does he actually do good analysis?

I made the mistake of not watching Double Toasted for movie reviews until a few months ago, so broadening horizons and all that

He's not like Double Toaster or Half in the Bag in terms of content, he's more a mix of many different things.

Sketches, footage from live streams, long and usually well written rants, sort of an almagate of varying review styles. There's also some in-jokes and the like since it's been around for so long.
Never watched him. Then again I don't really watch channels for reviews. Does he actually do good analysis?

I made the mistake of not watching Double Toasted for movie reviews until a few months ago, so broadening horizons and all that

He does good analysis. He has his preferences and is biased toward length of content (he docks points for games being too short sometimes), but in general i would put his critical analysis of a game's pros and cons up there with the top 20% of reviewers. Not the best in class, but better than a lot.

However, he tends to get quite spoilery with his review so risk getting spoiled a little bit.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
How about his influence? IGN made Nioh price up $10 in my country

Joe has made games successes on his videos alone.

To the point where Sega officially name dropped his review for yakuza 0. We can expect his review to have pulled in a significant portion of people
....but why does he get his own thread?



Never watched him. Then again I don't really watch channels for reviews. Does he actually do good analysis?

I made the mistake of not watching Double Toasted for movie reviews until a few months ago, so broadening horizons and all that

If you could go past his antics -which sometimes are a lot of fun- he actually provides a surprisingly good analysis of games.


Never watched him. Then again I don't really watch channels for reviews. Does he actually do good analysis?

I made the mistake of not watching Double Toasted for movie reviews until a few months ago, so broadening horizons and all that

I think so, his Yakuza 0 review was excellent for example, with plenty of examples way it's great, but also shows and talks about it's flaws. He can sometimes get a little ranty at times though, and you always have to beware of some spoilers, but he's got better at not doing that.
I used to watch Angry Joe but his routine just became annoying after a while with all the yelling and antics and 'outrage!'. I also don't like how he always talks over the guy that does videos with him.


I used to watch Angry Joe but his routine just became annoying after a while with all the yelling and antics and 'outrage!'. I also don't like how he always talks over the guy that does videos with him.

I'm aware that angry joe is a big deal but I only know him from interviewing geoff that one time at the video game awards and crying about it afterwards

So cringe I vowed never to watch him again


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'm aware that angry joe is a big deal but I only know him from interviewing geoff that one time at the video game awards and crying about it afterwards

So cringe I vowed never to watch him again

That was 7 and a half years ago. Joe has grown and you should move on.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I have a Pro. I have a 4K TV. I'm ready. I also have the dentist the day it comes out but we'll gloss over that. 1st March cannot come soon enough.

That's the definition of pain and perfection coming in the same day my friend!

At least you can think about your glorious adventuring in 4K HDR you'll be doing after the Dentist is done: I'm grabbing a nice bottle of single malt to accompany me on my first day with Alloy, going to be grand!


Nice. What a huge success for GG. Amazing reviews. Seems like a new top rated franchise is born on Playstation. Fully deserved. Despite what everyone maybe thinks about GG and their games, I always appreciated their talent and hard work (no Shadowfall was not that bad as many saying). Will be there at the Zero Dawn on Day-1 :D

The Lamp

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how great it is for AAA science fiction, that this is sticking the landing?

Personally I'd say that sci-fi in games, at least AAA games, is usually merely there for cool enemies, weapons, and settings, but most don't capitalize on the potential for great stories. Besides Mass Effect's space opera, Deus Ex's cyberpunk, and MGS's craziness, you have to look at indies for most examples like SOMA, Stasis, VA-11 Hall-A, Technobabylon, hopefully Tides of Numenera, and so on

So that we're getting a high-concept fleshed-out far-future setting and story that actually explores that all thoroughly as a core aspect of the narrative...it's a dream come true for a sci-fi fan

I cant decide whether you're going to love this story or be disappointed by my hype haha.


Angry Joe videos are really rough around the edges and sometimes just a bit dumb in parts but he plays the shit out of the games and has a really good sense for what's important in a game. And he has a good appreciation for huge variety of styles and genres. With his focus on value and charming manchild antics I find him to be a good connection to the everyman gamer (for instance; people who buy maybe 3-6 games a year and considers 60 dollars expensive) that I feel somewhat out of touch with.

If he wasn't talented, there would be a lot more reviews as good as his. But there are not. He is an unassuming talent.


He does good analysis. He has his preferences and is biased toward length of content (he docks points for games being too short sometimes), but in general i would put his critical analysis of a game's pros and cons up there with the top 20% of reviewers. Not the best in class, but better than a lot.

However, he tends to get quite spoilery with his review so risk getting spoiled a little bit.

I feel like when he complains about length, the game deserved it. If it's 10+ hours, I don't think I've seen him complain about a games length, unless it's an open world game. At this point, docking games for being too short has become part of his character, if it's a short game, and he didn't point that out, it'd feel like a missed opportunity.

Agree about his pros and cons. If a game does something good, even if he hates the game, he'll dedicate 5 minutes to praising that part of the game. And he does smaller games as well, games that he knows won't get a lot of views, but he's passionate about. The only real problem is his schedule, which he seems to be fixing this year, figuring out the games he'll review ahead of time. The RF reviews were also kind of a meh time, didn't care for them as much, and they felt more forgettable.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how great it is for AAA science fiction, that this is sticking the landing?

Personally I'd say that sci-fi in games, at least AAA games, is usually merely there for cool enemies, weapons, and settings, but most don't capitalize on the potential for great stories. Besides Mass Effect's space opera, Deus Ex's cyberpunk, and MGS's craziness, you have to look at indies for most examples like SOMA, Stasis, VA-11 Hall-A, Technobabylon, hopefully Tides of Numenera, and so on

So that we're getting a high-concept fleshed-out far-future setting and story that actually explores that all thoroughly as a core aspect of the narrative...it's a dream come true for a sci-fi fan

Axiom Verge is one of the best that stands out to me.


That was 7 and a half years ago. Joe has grown and you should move on.

And if I recall he was very new to interviews and going to gaming related events.

They patched things up relatively quickly anyway, and Geoff was upset that Joe wouldn't make it on his E3 show due to his plane being delayed, so they seem to be on good terms.
I cant decide whether you're going to love this story or be disappointed by my hype haha.
I read one early-game spoiler and saw one GIF that confirmed that Guerrilla is handling things well. I'm sure it'll be the former.

A game has to be really try hard to disappoint me
angry joe I find is pretty hard working and I'd watch his videos. I have a feeling that he'll love horizon. I mean, Jim sterling loves this. I find him to be a real "hard marker".


Never watched him. Then again I don't really watch channels for reviews. Does he actually do good analysis?

I made the mistake of not watching Double Toasted for movie reviews until a few months ago, so broadening horizons and all that

I like Angry Joe, recently started watching his videos and he's definitely the only 20+ minute review 1 game show I would watch. He is very in depth and spoilery so I only watch his reviews on games I've beaten. He has good breakdowns of story and gameplay, with skits to keep you entertained.
joe isnt bad but i get tired of the skits and shenanigans his reviews entail. its just like, get to that damn review already.

I don't subscribe to his channel but I have seen a few of his reviews. His schtick of raging and being angry all the time is no longer as bad as they used to be. Well, at least with what I've seen on his Yakuza 0 review. The guy can actually do decent reviews but I'd admit they can be so long at times. That Yakuza 0 review was more than 30 minutes! LOL


I just read the Eurogamer review after seeing Greg read the summary. Eurogamer says the game feels like an empty robot without its own heart.

Get it? The game is like a robot without a heart... and there's like robots in the game. Don't you get the connection?

Much clever poetry, so depth.


Great reviews. Damn this year is so stacked. I'll be putting my free time into Zelda first then Mass Effect, then I'll get Horizon, and I've still got Nioh and Yakuza to get to. Holy guacamole.
I know it's weird to talk about potential sequels, but hear me out a bit in terms of expectation vs what reviewers have said about this for me.

Based on the gameplay previews, impressions and my own assessment of interview materials, my expectations for Horizon were generally the following:

Combat/Enemy/Visuals = 9 out of 10
World/Activity/Quest/Story/Other = 7 out of 10

In short, I expected a good game that is still constrained by a lot of generic trappings of the open world formula without notable standouts, but will be elevated by being best-in-class in terms of combat & enemy design, with all the technical mastery of visuals from the art team at GG.

And some of the reviews, by Kotaku UK & Eurogamer, actually echoed that sentiment. I think in terms of pure checklist of design, Horizon is that game. A game of standout 9s, supplemented by other parts that are 7s.

What I did not expect, was that Horizon would apparently have a story quality of a “9”, and executed the world/activity/quest/other aspects with the finesse and balanced design where even though the individual quality of those quest are maybe still a 7 or so, the way it’s laid out and executed as a complete package elevates it to an 8 in terms of the experience.

Of course, not everybody will resonate with execution, so some people will still see it as a 7, no matter how nicely it’s packaged, but the fact that a vast majority of reviewers though that the execution was brilliantly handled to the point that it’s comparable with the best-in-class open world games is quite possibly the biggest surprise.

To me, that is one of the hardest things to do in any game. It is not difficult for a game that is composed of a bunch of [8/10] mechanics/design elements to come together as a strong [8/10] piece. But it’s really really hard imo, to take a bunch of [6/10]s and [7/10]s and execute the balance of all those components to make it more than the sum of its parts.

Because, from where I stand, even iteratively, I see a ton of areas of improvement for a Horizon sequel that are complete no-brainers and is realistically, quite easy to implement given another 2-3 years.

Another additional 10-15 unique variants of machines would go a long way to make a truly complete animal ecosystem. 26 is good, but given the dynamic nature of interactions,I think every additional 5 would be exponentially incremental by leaps & bounds in terms of dynamism.
An actual melee combat system.
Multi-piece armor equipment system ala RPGs like TW3/DAI/etc.
Bigger settlements/cities/enterable buildings.
Improved human enemy A.I.
Improved side-quest writing/design.
Etc etc

Horizon, even based off all the glowing reviews, isn’t at the same situation like many highly lauded games like Bioshock, TLoU, Red Dead, Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, etc where there’s a very specific design choice in every part of those game that it isn’t an easy “+1” on everything to make an easy sequel. We saw how the “+1” mentality didn’t work with Uncharted 3/Bioshock Infinite/etc.

As it is, there are clearly many parts of Horizon that has a lot of room for improvement on an iterative level. It’s exciting to see where GG can take the formula further.


Looking back at that expectations thread

I'm pretty excited that it sounds that not only did they nail all of these things, but actually pulled off an awesome sci-fi story that doesn't avoid the compelling potential of its far-future world, while also working on the personal intimate scale with Aloy

That lore is your main collectibles here means I will be trying to seek out every collectible.

Yup, From the very first showing i was confident that the combat with machines will be the true defining feature of this game and was hoping that it will be accompanied by a serviceable Story. I am glad it just not only has great review regarding combat but also exceeded people expectations regarding Story. All this while delivering a solid performance on a console .

After Burning through with NMS hype , i am personally very happy that NZD delivered and it delivered good.I will get back to this game at a later date,I still need to buy one pro . Congrats to all who is playing this day one or early , And i am envy of you all for that :(


I know it's weird to talk about potential sequels, but hear me out a bit in terms of expectation vs what reviewers have said about this for me.

Based on the gameplay previews, impressions and my own assessment of interview materials, my expectations for Horizon were generally the following:

Combat/Enemy/Visuals = 9 out of 10
World/Activity/Quest/Story/Other = 7 out of 10

In short, I expected a good game that is still constrained by a lot of generic trappings of the open world formula without notable standouts, but will be elevated by being best-in-class in terms of combat & enemy design, with all the technical mastery of visuals from the art team at GG.

And some of the reviews, by Kotaku UK & Eurogamer, actually echoed that sentiment. I think in terms of pure checklist of design, Horizon is that game. A game of standout 9s, supplemented by other parts that are 7s.

What I did not expect, was that Horizon would apparently have a story quality of a “9”, and executed the world/activity/quest/other aspects with the finesse and balanced design where even though the individual quality of those quest are maybe still a 7 or so, the way it’s laid out and executed as a complete package elevates it to an 8 in terms of the experience.

Of course, not everybody will resonate with execution, so some people will still see it as a 7, no matter how nicely it’s packaged, but the fact that a vast majority of reviewers though that the execution was brilliantly handled to the point that it’s comparable with the best-in-class open world games is quite possibly the biggest surprise.

To me, that is one of the hardest things to do in any game. It is not difficult for a game that is composed of a bunch of [8/10] mechanics/design elements to come together as a strong [8/10] piece. But it’s really really hard imo, to take a bunch of [6/10]s and [7/10]s and execute the balance of all those components to make it more than the sum of its parts.

Because, from where I stand, even iteratively, I see a ton of areas of improvement for a Horizon sequel that are complete no-brainers and is realistically, quite easy to implement given another 2-3 years.

Another additional 10-15 unique variants of machines would go a long way to make a truly complete animal ecosystem. 26 is good, but given the dynamic nature of interactions,I think every additional 5 would be exponentially incremental by leaps & bounds in terms of dynamism.
An actual melee combat system.
Multi-piece armor equipment system ala RPGs like TW3/DAI/etc.
Bigger settlements/cities/enterable buildings.
Improved human enemy A.I.
Improved side-quest writing/design.
Etc etc

Horizon, even based off all the glowing reviews, isn’t at the same situation like many highly lauded games like Bioshock, TLoU, Red Dead, Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, etc where there’s a very specific design choice in every part of those game that it isn’t an easy “+1” on everything to make an easy sequel. We saw how the “+1” mentality didn’t work with Uncharted 3/Bioshock Infinite/etc.

As it is, there are clearly many parts of Horizon that has a lot of room for improvement on an iterative level. It’s exciting to see where GG can take the formula further.

Still insane to me that two of the biggest games this year (both attention-wise and time investment) are coming out within three days of each other.



Shouldn't comments like these be reserved at least till after you've played the game yourself? Seems like you're getting a bit ahead of yourself here and reviewing a game you've, from what I can tell, not yet played. I understand discussing reviews but reviewing a game and then proceeding to provide advice based purely on your review of reviews is somewhat... contrived

After all you might find it to be more in the arbitrary 4-6 range once you've played it and then can pan it as "C-tier sci-fi" as well and completely disagree with even the harshest reviews
Shouldn't comments like these be reserved at least till after you've played the game yourself? Seems like you're getting a bit ahead of yourself here and reviewing a game you've, from what I can tell, not yet played. I understand discussing reviews but reviewing a game and then proceeding to provide advice based purely on your review of reviews is somewhat... contrived

After all you might find it to be more in the arbitrary 4-6 range once you've played it and then can pan it as "C-tier sci-fi" as well and completely disagree with even the harshest reviews

I said "based off reviews and impressions of previews"

I acknowledge it's weird. Just wanted to get it off my chest because the reviews were surprising in that regard.

My own individual thoughts on this will naturally come later.


Another additional 10-15 unique variants of machines would go a long way to make a truly complete animal ecosystem. 26 is good, but given the dynamic nature of interactions,I think every additional 5 would be exponentially incremental by leaps & bounds in terms of dynamism.
An actual melee combat system.
Multi-piece armor equipment system ala RPGs like TW3/DAI/etc.
Bigger settlements/cities/enterable buildings.
Improved human enemy A.I.
Improved side-quest writing/design.
Etc etc

I'll just add to these what i think should be added to The sequel

> Co-op or buddy system, only two not more than that.
> Gears and armor adding value to combat like Ironman suit/Vanquish where you can hover or dash according to the equipped armor.
Expand upon the Cauldrons and Caves part


Oh man that video MiamiWesker posted in the spoiler free thread looks so damn good.

I just watched and lost my shit. GG just bought in intensity of a huge Killzone battle shit blowing up all right by you, slightly trembling your screen as you're barely dodging enemy fire... to an open world game... and it's glorious. I wonder how much time I'm going to spend running for my damn life, lol.


How the fuck is February so hot games wise? I'm never going to be able to play everything.
That post from DooMAGE. a real "Joke's on them, I was only pretending." moment.
I'm going to hold out the best I can waiting for crazy black friday deals.
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