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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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Brian Altano from Podcast Beyond FB page...

So, Horizon: Zero Dawn. My God.
First off, anybody who talked shit on the PS4 Pro or called it a useless upgrade needs to pay Horizon on a Pro + 4K TV immediately. There's no going back. It's the best looking console game ever made. Yes, it even tops Uncharted 4's visuals, which I didn't think was even possible this generation. I had my moments of buyer's remorse as a I played through a bunch of old 4K upgraded PS4 games at the Pro's launch, but this is the new standard.

Also I'm 20+ hours in this weekend and plan to spend the entirety of this rainy San Francisco day playing Horizon, much to the chagrin of my loved ones. If it was gorgeous and sunny outside and Wu-Tang was performing at a Pizza Festival down the street from my apartment, I'd still stay inside to play Horizon.

I can't stop thinking about this game. I'm completely hooked on it.

I'm not as enthused by the story as many others are and the radar/mini map/mission structure can be a little cumbersome at times, but I am completely in love with nearly everything else. The world is stunning. A gorgeous blend of mechanically mangled used futurism and vast, breathtaking natural vistas that make me wonder how Red Dead 2 will compete. The enemy designs are exciting, brilliant and terrifying, like Dinobots meets Xenomorphs with vivid splashes of neon energy thrown around everywhere. Combat encounters are almost always completely fucking exhilarating and rewarding.

And did I mention just how completely fucking massive this game is? It feels like it takes hours to travel across this world with dozens and dozens of side quests and main missions to take on, hunts to conquest and secrets to untangle. This game might actually be too big. You will get more than your money's worth if you're looking to stretch your $60 as far as possible.

If you own a PS4, you need to play this game. If you're worried about finding the time to play this and Zelda in the same week, start shopping for neck braces or leg casts on Amazon and start faking an injury so you can get out of work for a week. It's that good and every PS4 owner owes it to themselves to experience this master class in game design.

Sony has another fantastic exclusive in its hands and it joins the likes of Bloodborne, The Last of Us and Uncharted as a franchise I hope we're experiencing for a very long time. And now, I must go play more <3
He is replying to me.. an I assure u idc about Zelda at all.. so nah same tune over here. An the ppl who will care in the Zelda thread aren't saying o just ignore it... I am. Unless u got some quotes from others in this thread you ain't talking bout nothin.
There's an ignore it post a few posts above but since that bolded came off a bit hostile for no reason I'll end this convo with you no


Post Arcade (National Post) 9.0
It’s so unlike anything Guerrilla Games – a studio better known for macho, gory shooters – has done before, and it’s so fully formed right our of the gate for such a vast and ambitious game that it just seems sort of…well, improbable. And yet here it is. A giant open-world action RPG that can stand toe-to-toe with some of the biggest and best in the genre.
There's an ignore it post a few posts above but since that bolded came off a bit hostile for no reason I'll end this convo with you no
And are you just assuming they will sing a different tune in Zelda topics. Go ahead don't continue the convo makes me no never mind. Don't make claims without some reasoning behind it besides " fanboys will fanboy."!
Brian Altano from Podcast Beyong FB page...



I think it's a kind of dumb aspect of human nature that we can sift through so much praise and still put all of our focus on the unavoidable specks of criticism, no matter how fractional they are.

Like, I understand that sweet, sweet aggregate score is akin to smack, if smack were a bunch of people agreeing with you, but sometimes that's just not the way things are. Things can't be spotless, and it shouldn't affect our own positivity, but for some reason we can never let those little smudges go.
Regardless of what you may think of the quality of the Zelda games, they don't "always get a pass":

Mainline Zelda Metacritic History

99 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 1998

95 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 2000

95 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 2002

95 The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition 2003 (free Zelda GC bundle disk)

95 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 2006

94 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 2011

93 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 2011

91 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 2013

90 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD 2013

89 The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap 2005

89 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D 2015

86 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD 2016

73 The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes 2015

Pretty much proves his point no way in hell is Skyward Sword a 93.


For those who have reviewed/played the game, how easy or encouraging is it to forget the Fast Travel entirely and just travel on foot/via dino to complete Main and Side quests?

I know that Fast Travel requires some small resources, which I think is a great idea, but how often did you find yourself using Fast Travel versus just getting to your destination on your own?
And are you just assuming they will sing a different tune in Zelda topics. Go ahead don't continue the convo makes me no never mind. Don't make claims without some reasoning behind it besides " fanboys will fanboy."!
Because it will be a different tune it's been done already. Both sides have been going thru the same stuff. Convo wasn't directed at you. So your hostility of I'm not talking about anything was pointless to begin with
Well for a game you're not too bothered about, it's humorous that you'd remember and reference posts from three weeks back.

And I could say that for a game you're not too bothered about, it's humorous that you felt compelled to go to a community thread that has nothing to do with Horizon and tell people that you're not bothered about Horizon.

Incidentally, in light of the response from critics, I am keen on giving the game a try at some point during the year now.

Umm, I'm pretty sure most people can tell when posters have an axe to grind. You had that crow on low simmer for weeks.

Not really. The reviews came in and people were bringing up crow eating and I was reminded of a page I read from (an apparently whopping) three weeks ago. It was merely intended as a gentle ribbing, but you're free to interpret it however you want.

Gonna beat Zelda in MC scores.

Not a chance. If Zelda is below 90 I'll eat my hat.
Any video reviews worth watching? I've already watched EZA and Kinda Funny.

Speaking of which I can't believe Colin loves Horizon more than Uncharted. That guy loves Uncharted like a lot.


I am so happy that Guerrilla has created an amazing franchise and probably the best open world game. The most surprising thing is that these guys used to create first person shooters.

I hope reviewers have Horizon fresh in their minds when looking at Zelda.

I hope Zelda gets the same treatment and reviewers leave their rose-tinted glasses off and judge the game on its own merits and not just give it high scores because it has Zelda in the title.

I just don't get this comment. It's not like Nintendo didn't have to work damn hard to build up the Zelda series. The Zelda name didn't just magically hold weight. It took years of work to build it up to where it is. It didn't get there without pretty f-ing amazing games in the series. You can't really separate the game from its roots so nostalgia is going to play a part. It's the same thing for Uncharted, Last Of Us, and Mario. The same thing will happen with Horizon over time.
you're in a review thread, genius.

God forbid someone should actually have something to say about a reviewer.
A review thread about a game, not do you can have a hissy fit about what reviews you want to pick apart over a game you haven't played.

Let's not act like you're not targeting that review in particular because of its score. Grow up.


A big factor that plays a role in the enjoyment of the story is the perfectly cast voice actress for Aloy. The player is meant to feel that Aloy is growing alongside them as they play through the game, with Ashly Burch capturing the confident, but still vulnerable protagonist that is very endearing to the audience. Aloy is the type of lead character that you will just want to root for throughout, with you getting to experience her highs and lows first hand. The various side characters that you meet add more life to the game as well, though some obviously stand out more than others.


It'll be another Bloodborne versus Witcher 3 situation. Vaguely similar, quality titles that happened to release in close proximity.

Except also with the competing exclusives factor and storied and beloved franchise compared to new IP theme.

The Zelda review thread will be ridiculous I think.
99% agreed. -1% because I adore the plot in this game lol

What happened to bish?

No longer a mod. Talk about Zelda or Ubisoft can make it a bit maddening trying to keep up with the on topic stuff :p Some of the positives about Horizon are shocking to me, not in that they're considered Pros at all but for GG to seemingly do so well on their first foray into the genre, and have Aloy be a good character etc...it's way more than I was expecting :)

Next week will be busy...
Brian Altano from Podcast Beyond FB page...
Reviewers saying the game looks even more stunning that Uncharted 4 has me tingling in my gaming parts.

Its fucking gobsmacking what devs are managing to squeeze out these machines.

Better even than UC4?, hot fucking damn.

I know its Guerrilla, but still, hot damn.
I am so happy that Guerrilla has created an amazing franchise and probably the best open world game. The most surprising thing is that these guys used to first person shooters.

Yeah, and not only a FPS. but an extremely tight, personalized FPS. The moments I remember most from that game are fearfully peaking over a wall into a flood of bullets. That's about as far as you can get from an open world game design.


Any video reviews worth watching? I've already watched EZA and Kinda Funny.

Speaking of which I can't believe Colin loves Horizon more than Uncharted. That guy loves Uncharted like a lot.

Only watched IGN but thought it was very revealing, showing new locations, characters, and things that are better for you to experience yourself
Because it will be a different tune it's been done already. Both sides have been going thru the same stuff. Convo wasn't directed at you. So your hostility of I'm not talking about anything was pointless to begin with
You quoted someone who quoted me. No hostility you weren't talking about anything that has happened in this thread. And if it wasn't the people in this thread who said it before who are saying it now then your point means nothing. Speculation at best an Ima call it out for what it is. What happened to not addressing me in this convo anymore an all that jazz.
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