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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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So many reviews from major sites in 90s and some even 10s and this game still couldn't crack 90 in MC and OC...what does a game these days needs to get to a 90+ aggregate??? I would have thought this game with its scores would have cracked the 90 score... I'm baffled.

Those few low scores really hit the percentage, it would have probably done 90+ if it wasn't for them, but a few dodgy reviews haven't put down the game by much and it's still got an awesome score.

The Pope

i guess it's not gonna reach 90+

still pretty amazing for a new IP from a studio that released bad games for nearly a decade

hope they leak the game a week earlier like RE7

i've been wanting a good dinosaurs game for a very long time now, cannot wait to pick this up

Whats your opinion on MGSV? Do you like the open world? Is the game repetitive? What about the narrative - if you can call it that?
Note: Guys I dont want a thread derail but this answer will fascinate me.


I was going to buy this game but since it won't be 90+ on metacritic, I'll just wait until it's $20.

I'm sorry, but this some dumb shit. I can't help but laugh. I guess that's a great way to control your spending on gaming...

EDIT: yep I was right about the gaming budget thing ^


As a protagonist, Aloy is a strong, smart woman with a great head on her shoulders. You’ll be able to make some choices in conversations to build the personality you want her to have, but it never feels like you need to. She’s a caring, kind person, and being mean or blunt whilst in conversation feels wrong. It’s not just her character that makes Aloy great; whether you’re traversing the various landscapes, climbing up mountainsides, or taking down a Watcher or two, the control system is wonderful. There’s plenty going on at times and after some initial tutorials you’ll be switching weapons and overriding animals with ease.
lowkey that doesn't sound like a five out of ten but she's definitely free to voice her opinion and her score. I thought there was something AWFUL about it.

Yeah I don't know UsGamer's score metrics, if they have any. It does seem pretty low, but from her review summary it sounds like she was completely bored by it. And I guess if the purpose of a game like this is to entertain, then I guess you could say it failed for her by that standard.


Doesn't make her opinions any less valid.

Of course it does.

Would you want to fly with a pilot that's flying the passenger plane for the second time in his career or the 290th time?

Because opinion on a game is as dangerous.

No not realy but she is way way off from the majority....so makes me wonder.

Wonder what? That she has different opinion than others because she hasn't reviewed games for long and not because she just has a different opinion?


I went and read the review, and if that was her first big review then she has a good reviewing future ahead of her. I thought it was fairly well-written, and explained exactly why she thought it fell short. It does contain some light story spoilers though.

Her general complaints seem to fall into four categories:
- The main missions are full of claustrophobic corridors and repetitive arena battles, which negates the positives of free traversal in the world.
- The side content is full of generic RPG missions like fetch quests and "kill x creatures" that are uninteresting and repetitive.
- She feels Aloy's character never really develops, and constantly falls back to a generic "sarcastic hero".
- She says the narrative's momentum fizzles out about halfway through, leaving you to push on for several hours more, a la Wind Waker, until you finally reach the end.

Yeah I thought it was a decent review. But what does that matter when AGGREGATE AGGREGATE


Doesn't make her opinions any less valid.
It doesn't make your opinion less valid but your pedigree does. For example if you go to a doctor because you are having knee issues, would you rather go to the kid that just got out of med school or the person that has 10 years experience and specializes in knee diagnosis.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
I left this thread on page 12, came back now, and some people are still mad about the US Gamer review?

Let it go guys, it's just a review....
Uncharted 4 has a 4/10 and a 5/10 review, yet sits at a 93 on MC.

With Metacritic it kinda depends on which sites give which scores, as they weigh the review into the aggregate differently per site. Were those maybe smaller sites that gave the low scores?

Also UC4 had more 10's than Horizon I think
I left this thread on page 12, came back now, and some people are still mad about the US Gamer review?

Let it go guys, it's just a review....

Seriously. It's getting pretty pathetic that people are jumping at every little thing.

"Oh but this review said this"


"Oh but the reviewer has done this"

The game is sitting at an 89 on MC for crying out loud. It's literally one of the best revived new IPs critically in some time.

The Lamp

It doesn't make your opinion less valid but your pedigree does. For example if you go to a doctor because you are having knee issues, would you rather go to the kid that just got out of med school or the person that has 10 years experience and specializes in knee diagnosis.

What kind of pedigree do you need to have an opinion about a video game?


really? i thought was other way around. can you link a few?

Not gonna go through every review I've read today, but here's couple off the top of my head:


[...]side-quests that pop up as little exclamation marks on you map. While the latter are as lengthy as the main missions, they do quickly fall into regular fetch-quest patterns: go and find this thing, kill some things, return, collect reward.


At best, typical side quests are vehicles that propel you into the far-reaching wild with some semblance of narrative motivation, but it's common to find the personality of the quest giver more interesting than the ultimate meaning behind your objective. With larger questions and fates at play in the main quest, Zero Dawn's sub-stories simply can't compete.


Side-quests suffer due to similarity
With Metacritic it kinda depends on which sites give which scores, as they weigh the review into the aggregate differently per site. Were those maybe smaller sites that gave the low scores?

Also UC4 had more 10's than Horizon I think

Yeah, I noted that in a quick edit. I'm not sure how specific sites are weighed on MC, so I can't speak on that.
From the Giantbomb Review

By the end, Horizon comes to a satisfying conclusion in a way that left me feeling like they should probably never make a sequel. It's a near-perfect story that creates a world and also provides meaningful answers about said world. Not to soapbox about it, but games don't do that often enough anymore. The events of Horizon have weight and the game feels less like franchise building and more like a cohesive statement.

I like the sound of this. Too many games and even movies these days are set up for sequels and DLC.
It's like people never learn anything. I don't know why every time a super hyped game comes out we have these kind of threads(I'm all for review threads, but it's the same discussion every time). Heres how to stop this from happening: don't feed into the hype.

Edit: Since people are misunderstanding me, I'm talking about people getting bent out of shape over a 88 on metacritic. Or it not reaching 90 (for now?) Come on.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
I see we have reached the "come up with excuses why the negative reviews don't really count" phase of the review thread.


What kind of pedigree do you need to have an opinion about a video game?

you do need SOME experience to review anything and be taken seriously to be honest. I don't know why people are clamping down on the reviewer, she said why she didn't like it and and reviewed it using her own metrics and that's fine. The world's not perfect and Horizon Zero Dawn will do great regardless since I originally thought this game would score on metacritic much lower!


for these 4/5 reviews, I've noticed that a lot of them state that the game is excellent, a ton of fun to play, visually stunning, but don't really do anything innovative or new. It's interesting because it kind of makes me wonder what it would have had to do to earn that 5/5 score. Maybe have a better story/characters? Otherwise, I'm not sure what else GG was supposed to do here to substantially improve this. This game has fucking random unscripted battles that take place in the middle of your playthrough. I don't think I know of a lot of open world action RPGs that have stuff like this.

Yeah, seems narrative is still a sticking point for GG. Some reviews feel Horizon lacks a sense of unique identity or flavor, despite its unique looks. I can see that, nothing wrong with incorporating game design that works but it probably made progression feel too familiar. Games like the newer Tomb Raider get similar critique but also play very well as Horizon seems to.
A Ratchet and Clank thread:
Guy 1: "Man...these crappy Mario games are only rated so high because of nostalgia!!"
Guy 2: "This'll never beat Mario on metacritic."

Everybody: "This is a Ratchet and Clank thread."

Guy 1: "A 93% on metacritic for 3D World?! These critics have no objectivity! Mario was always bad imo :mad:"
Guy 3: "This'll totally beat Mario on metacritic."

Everybody: "...we wanna talk about Ratchet and Clank."

Guy1:"Seriously, how can these critics do this to me!? I think 3D World was bad, stop liking what I don't like! :,("
Guy 4: "Can't wait to see the drama when this beats Mario on metacritic! hehehehe"


"This is a Ratchet and Clank thread, we wanna talk about Ratchet and Clank and it's critical reception."


It's like people never learn anything. I don't know why every time a super hyped game comes out we have these kind of threads(I'm all for review threads, but it's the same discussion every time). Heres how to stop this from happening: don't feed into the hype.

The game reviewed well ,many people have play it and said it was amazing, when can we get super hype?
Those few low scores really hit the percentage, it would have probably done 90+ if it wasn't for them, but a few dodgy reviews haven't put down the game by much and it's still got an awesome score.

That's just bs that a few bad scores do that to the aggregate score. The outliers should not weigh so much on the final score.

Anyways it's still a great score and really happy for GG.
people have a right to give low scores, aggregates are just a number. Who cares about the difference between 88 and 93

I see it as a game, in entertains me while I'm at work. It doesn't change the quality of the game, I give that there might be a study regarding perception between an 89 and a 90 but still it's pretty unimportant. I like to think that we're playing on this.
It's like people never learn anything. I don't know why every time a super hyped game comes out we have these kind of threads(I'm all for review threads, but it's the same discussion every time). Heres how to stop this from happening: don't feed into the hype.

What are you talking about? Horizon is the real deal.
It doesn't make your opinion less valid but your pedigree does. For example if you go to a doctor because you are having knee issues, would you rather go to the kid that just got out of med school or the person that has 10 years experience and specializes in knee diagnosis.
You'd go to your family doctor who'd likely give you a referral to a knee specialist.
Lets try this one guys, If you were asked to produced an award winning short film to enter the film festival, would you hire the short film director with at least 3 dozen reputable films under his/her belt or the one who just made one last week?

No plane crashes here, no one is dying, no danger or risk to human life.
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