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How do you view EA?


jedimike said:
MS has done Voodoo Vince, Blinx, Kung Fu Chaos, and Grabbed by the Ghoulies.

Yeah, but 3 of those are standard platformers with gimicky characters or some time system thing. (haven't played any of them, so assumptions)

Kung Fu Chaos is just weird from what I've seen of it. Just doesn't really give off the "art house" feeling. (haven't played it, so once again, assumption)


::scratches head::

I think EA is a large publisher that puts out decent games. I honestly don't know where the hate comes from.







Junior Member
Lil' Dice said:
Overrated cocksuckers...\
If EA were in the automobile industry they'd be another Hyundai, or Saturn....

I dont get this logic. They would be more like ford. Lots of sequels and they bought up a bunch of other car manufacturers.


Unconfirmed Member

That really does just about say it all.

But if you must know, I do usually think "EA Sports" first and foremost.
I don't particularly care for sports games, so what comes to mind first when I think EA is that THEY KILLED ORIGIN! (along with Bullfrog, Westwood, etc...).

I still savor destroying their logo in Ultima VII to free the land form evil.

I have a copy of the original PC Marble Madness, where they show the development team in a picture inside the folder. I realise that they once more put out good games, but nothing can forgive the sin of what they did to Origin, especially the late Ultima games, when they pushed Richard Garriot into rushing games out the door.
Saint Cornelius said:
I miss the EA days when they were building "_____ Construction Set" programs. The Pinball one & the RPG one were fucking incredible.

EA (and Activision, another conglomerate that is a shell of its former self) was also one of the first companies to give designers credit for their games.

Finally another person who has played Adventure Construction Set!

Damn, that game was awesome. The amount of time my siblings and I spent with that game is ridiculous.

Musashi Wins!

I think of their sports titles foremost though they have a couple of others I enjoy. Some games I love, some I don't, just like most developers. I certainly respect (in terms of power) the force they've become in the industry.

And they really piss off a lot of the pretentious "fans" of gaming, so that's a definite plus.


needs to show more effort.
dark10x said:
Well, they did publish System Shock 2...but I can't give them a whole lot more than that. :p
they did? damn it =\

I was all eagre to say, "I don't look at the publisher of a game when I buy it, but I suspect I have never liked an EA game in existance."

you just shot that idea in the face with a bazooka >_<


A lot of very solid games, very seldom outstanding games, but very few abysmal ones too. Well, Catwoman apparentely stinks ferociously and they pushed out the violently poor Rising Sun as well. But those are the exceptions to the rule.


Tabris said:
Have they ever made a game you would consider "art house" or "deep"?

It seems like almost all of the big developers and publishers have, except for EA.

They don't have a game like ICO to their name. Just mainstream games.

Microsoft is kind of guilty for that also.

Actually when they started back in the 80's Electronic Arts was THE company for "art house" and "deep". Down thru the years they became a business. A very succesful business.


I mainly think of them as a sports. They do have some fun non-sports pc stuff though, like BF1942 and MOH. I can't really hate them because I've bought more of their games in the past 5 years than I have for every other western publisher put together.

Alex said:
They're a fuckton more useful than Sega is nowadays, that's for sure.


I only own one EA game in my entire collection (SS Fifa 96) and I just have it since it is the only game I don't care is destroyed when doing the swap-trick.
I guess that answers the question.


I thinkt hey are bad for the industry. At this point they use their clout (and licenses) to push otherwise mediocre games to the top of the hype train, which leads to original and creative games from poorer publishers/developers to fail. In the short term their advertising and mainstream appeal helps the industry, but in the long hall their squelching of creativity could destroy the industry.

A good example of this is the Dreamcast. People say that EA's refusal to develop for the system led to its death. While I agree that EA hurt the sales of the system by doing that, their absence (and the hesistency from other big publishers) was a huge reason why the Dreamcast was dominated by original and often niche games which got the attention they deserved, which really made the Dreamcast a great system. In contrast, EA's decesion to support the PS2 so strongly was immediately helpful to the system, but in the long run might hurt the industry.


Musashi Wins! said:
I think of their sports titles foremost though they have a couple of others I enjoy. Some games I love, some I don't, just like most developers. I certainly respect (in terms of power) the force they've become in the industry.

And they really piss off a lot of the pretentious "fans" of gaming, so that's a definite plus.


Lil' Dice said:
Overrated cocksuckers...\
If EA were in the automobile industry they'd be another Hyundai, or Saturn....

Nice try, but that doesn't make any sense.


Hail to the KING baby
When any company pisses off a large contingent of gamers, it usually means they're doing something wrong (at least from my perspective of being an avid gamer), but hey whatever floats your boat.


AstroLad said:
When any company pisses off a large contingent of gamers, it usually means they're doing something wrong (at least from my perspective of being an avid gamer), but hey whatever floats your boat.

What is a "large contingent of gamers?" How many exactly?


What makes EA so successful is that even people who hate them (i.e. me) still buy their products...

I hate EA, but that doesn't stop me from buying their games... I really can't figure out why.


What is a "large contingent of gamers?" How many exactly?

Hundreds of thousands, how does that sound?

I found their recent NHL games to be insulting to the sport. And it's a sport I love. There are many gamers like me, I meet them all the time.

Understand that if SEGA were given the licenses for many of these movie/TV show games, they would do them just as well. I think most big name developers would have done them just as well. If other developers realize that the key to making money on the videogame biz is to get the biggest and most popular franchises along with marketing it correctly, EA would be out of business, because the games from these other devs would be of better quality.


Hail to the KING baby
loxy said:
What is a "large contingent of gamers?" How many exactly?

I don't know, why don't you take a look at this thread, for example. And GA is hardly unique; you could post a thread like this on any non-EA gaming forum and get a similar cross-section; in fact, I've seen it on probably about ten different forums in the past. And the reason I said "large contingent" is because I've personally observed hundreds of people and I take it that the feeling is similar among those groups of gamers with whom I haven't associated. You can go out and count how many exactly if you're interested on having a precise figure, but absolute precision is not only impossible, but completely irrelevant to the point I'm making.


Stop to complain about EA people. We don't have socialism anymore. EA is a wonderful and smart company business wise. They produce what people want, that's why they are the number 1. If you wanna go deep in this issue, you must blame american people to find the EA games great.

BTW, they produce a lot of excellent games. Without EA (and Sony), the games industry woudn't reach the mainstream audience and wouldn't grow anymore.


Hail to the KING baby
bobafett said:
Stop to complain about EA people. We don't have socialism anymore. EA is a wonderful and smart company business wise. They produce what people want, that's why they are the number 1. If you wanna go deep in this issue, you must blame american people to find the EA games great.

BTW, they produce a lot of excellent games. Without EA (and Sony), the games industry woudn't reach the mainstream audience and wouldn't grow anymore.

Yes, just like we can't knock the quality of Backstreet Boys music because they sold so much. We're not loving in socialism people, worship the Backstreet Boys you elitist pricks!
Mashing said:
What makes EA so successful is that even people who hate them (i.e. me) still buy their products...

I hate EA, but that doesn't stop me from buying their games... I really can't figure out why.
That's because, in the end, it's about playing games and not playing companies (whatever the hell that means).


AstroLad said:
Yes, just like we can't knock the quality of Backstreet Boys music because they sold so much. We're not loving in socialism people, worship the Backstreet Boys you elitist pricks!

Well, compare Atari to Backstreet Boys, not EA.



Mr_Furious said:
That's because, in the end, it's about playing games and not playing companies (whatever the hell that means).

IAWTP. I don't care about brands, I care about games. I don't understand all the EA hate...


Major suckage. All of their games suck. The ridiculous load times. Less than spectacular graphics. Un-funness. Really, even though I own some EA games, I could do without EA and not give a damn.


Hates quality gaming
I view EA with indifference, mostly. It'd be nice if they made a sequel to Skitchin' or a new Mutant League game, if anything, but I'm certainly not holding my breath.

If it weren't for SimCity4 I would be able to say I don't own a single EA title. Owning a JPS2 and a US GC doesn't create a lot of reasons to own EA games ; )


bobafett said:
IAWTP. I don't care about brands, I care about games. I don't understand all the EA hate...

Me too, I don't care about brands... but I do fear that overwelming smaller companies can plunge us in a river of drab games. I still want my games to be refreshing once in a while.

And I certainly don't hate EA, they really know how to do business and I can only praise them for that. I say, give a raise to the CEO. I just hope they would drop some genuine title that I can sink my teeths in. Otherwise, they just steel the air from good little companies that would provide us with those rare gems. And for me, this is a crime. They should be unnable to promote there game (ahah, yeah right !).


Tabris said:
Have they ever made a game you would consider "art house" or "deep"?

It seems like almost all of the big developers and publishers have, except for EA.

They don't have a game like ICO to their name. Just mainstream games.

Microsoft is kind of guilty for that also.

Newsflash: ICO blows, and is played by pretentious tards who think a hackjob of prince of persia and lemmings' gameplay suddenly makes it "art house".


EA is the whore of American taste. They make what the people want and nothing more. The American people want dull, uninnovative and often times mediocre products. So EA is out there to deliver that.


I just wonder why they neglect that Skate or Die! brand.

You figure, they've pretty much raped the competition on all other sports fronts, so why not skateboarding, too?

Or at least rerelease the ancient one so old dudes like me can revisit the glory days of C64 load screens.


EA is the whore of American taste. They make what the people want and nothing more. The American people want dull, uninnovative and often times mediocre products. So EA is out there to deliver that.



bjork said:
I just wonder why they neglect that Skate or Die! brand.

You figure, they've pretty much raped the competition on all other sports fronts, so why not skateboarding, too?

Or at least rerelease the ancient one so old dudes like me can revisit the glory days of C64 load screens.

Probably because they know THPS/THUG would likely rape whatever they put out. Maybe they're waiting for Hawk's deal with Activision to expire, and then they'll try to snag him.
I hate EA. It would do the industury a world of good if they suddenly went out of buisness. Than maybe there teams would go off and make there own companys to make the games thye want to make. I don't play sports games, so I could care less about them, but I have come to realize almost every game I have played that's been developed by EA directaly has really sucked. I only own like 8 EA games, anyway, and was actualy quite suprised how I actualy liked Return of the King. But EA should be cast in to hell for what they have done with the Bond licence. I mean Agent under Fire was a shit fest, Nightfire was slightly better (though I couldent be botherd to complete it, and I must admit, I was also suprised by Everything or Nothing, the only one of there Bond game I did bother to play all the way through (and I love FPS's) But just showing off there blatent stupidity, they decide to go BACK to the formula they suck at try for ANOTHER Bond FPS. And if that wasnt bad enough, the game is a complete cash in on the Goldeneye name. Like FUCK EA, Dr. No is DEAD, Goldfinger is DEAD, Oddjob is DEAD, Scalamanga is DEAD. And whoever the fuck else they decide to put in this travisty that will undoubtedly sell millions, are most likely DEAD. Like fuck I though they were at least trying to keep some continuity. And who actualy gives a fuck about playing a cherecter in the Bond universe that's NOT even Bond? EA pisses me off, they MUST DIE.

Im sorry, but I just hate the fact that it seems EA is now going to get away with destroying what little of the reputation the origonal GE had left of being a good game.

~Black Deatha


I hate the company, but I like a lot of their recent games. While I hate that they destroyed almost all the developers I used to love as a kid (mainly Origin and the Wing Commander series), it wont stop me from buying Burnout 3.

I just hope Vivendi wont have to sell off Blizzard because of their recent money troubles. If EA got Blizzard it would be the official end of PC gaming in my eyes.
Arcticfox said:
I hate the company, but I like a lot of their recent games. While I hate that they destroyed almost all the developers I used to love as a kid (mainly Origin and the Wing Commander series), it wont stop me from buying Burnout 3.

I just hope Vivendi wont have to sell off Blizzard because of their recent money troubles. If EA got Blizzard it would be the official end of PC gaming in my eyes.

No, there would still be Valve, and Id I suspose. Though I would hate to see the results if a Blizzard game was EAified, and same goes for HL2 and Doom 3, good, can you immagine those games with EA's blood/content censor?

~Black Deatha


Hail to the KING baby
Matlock said:
Oh nos! EA sells a fuckload of games, we need to hate them!

Just like I think you shouldn't like EA just because they sell a lot of games, neither do you think you should dislike them for that reason alone. To me, EA has made several decisions that are good for business, but bad for gamers like me; I don't praise these decisions or sit by amazed just because they made a lot of money; to me making money is only relevant in the sense that I want companies that make good games to make more of it and vice versa; it has an obvious influence on what will be published in the future, but sales have no direct impact on the actual quality of each game. I know you weren't directing your comment at me, but I just want to make clear that people who have issues with some of EA's decisions aren't merely blindly hating some corporate logo. SSX and Tricky? Amazing games. Not to mention some others. I may sometimes speak hyperbolically about EA and some of their moves, but my feeling simply is that they have done some things that bother me, and when something bothers me I tend to speak up about it when it's appropriate.

They've done some good things as well, yes, and sold a hell of a lot of games, but let's not lose sight of the fact that it's just as irrational to admire a company's games because of that company's sales as it is to hate them for those sales.
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