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How do you view EA?

I think of their glorious roots on the C64. Bird's One on One, Bard's Tale, etc. Also the mutant league series and the other revolutionary sports titles on the Sega Genesis. Madden and NHL Hockey were favourites in our house when I was growing up.

Now? I'd have to say NBA Street and Def Jam Vendetta are welcome additions to the EA line. And silly as it may seem I look forward to the possible adaptation of The Godfather franchise.


I must say it's been a pretty amusing thread. 'Gamers hate EA'. Looking at the charts, most of gamers actually like EA. Those who actually hate them, well, most of them, are old, bitter DC fanboys. EA made a great decision by not supporting the DC. That console was always dead in the water. Now get over it.


bobafett said:
Stop to complain about EA people. We don't have socialism anymore. EA is a wonderful and smart company business wise. They produce what people want, that's why they are the number 1. If you wanna go deep in this issue, you must blame american people to find the EA games great.

BTW, they produce a lot of excellent games. Without EA (and Sony), the games industry woudn't reach the mainstream audience and wouldn't grow anymore.

I have one more reason to love socialism now.


Izzy said:
I must say it's been a pretty amusing thread. 'Gamers hate EA'. Looking at the charts, most casual gamers actually like EA. Those who actually hate them, well, most of them, are old, bitter DC fanboys. EA made a great decision by not supporting the DC. That console was always dead in the water. Now get over it.

Fixed. I'm not a DC fanboy and I hate them. What's not to hate from a company that has destroyed great developers has released some of the most uninspired mainstream games ever and every fucking year releases the same games with different graphics? And the most enfuriating: People actually buy their retarded games.


Che said:
Fixed. I'm not a DC fanboy and I hate them. What's not to hate from a company that has destroyed great developers has released some of the most uninspired mainstream games ever and every fucking year releases the same games with different graphics? And the most enfuriating: People actually buy their retarded games.

Bullfrog, Origin and Westwood were on their way down even before the purchase. So called rehashes are obviously a smart biz for EA.


Izzy said:
Bullforg, Origin and Westwood were on their way down even before the purchase. I agree about the rehashes, but it's obviously a smart biz for EA.

I didn't say acquired I said destroyed.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
You know... EIDOS may not be a great company, but at least they have their "Fresh Games" label, releasing stuff like Mr. Mosquito in the US and such... if EA had a more "art house" development group, devoted to niche games, the company would definitely get a bit more respect. But no, unless a game turns up a huge profit, EA wants nothing to do with this. They could actually do some good with all their money - putting hype behind obscure Japanese -> American ports or indie games... but instead, they just waste their time with subpar products.


The thing is, the sports updates are not just rehashes. They tend to have a bunch of new features every time out. I'm certainly no EA fanboy but bashing any company for releasing yearly sports updates is just dumb.


In the days of the Commodore 64 (my first real gaming system), the Electronic Arts logo on the box was a guaranteed sign of genius. EA and their subsidiary companies put out so many great original games it was ridiculous. No matter how I feel about them now, I still can't fault EA entirely just because it backed Interplay.

Now the EA logo means "decent and solidly made, but relatively uninnovative," but you could say the same for 90% of console/PC gaming now.


Prospero said:
In the days of the Commodore 64 (my first real gaming system), the Electronic Arts logo on the box was a guaranteed sign of genius. EA and their subsidiary companies put out so many great original games it was ridiculous. No matter how I feel about them now, I still can't fault EA entirely just because it backed Interplay.

Now the EA logo means "decent and solidly made, but relatively uninnovative," but you could say the same for 90% of console/PC gaming now.

That's what I've been trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to convey to all those haters. During the C64 and Amiga days, EA logo on the box meant quality. I still remember the first time I played One on One on my good old C64.

User 406

I'm sickened by the amount of responses in this thread that castigate EA for swallowing up and destroying smaller developers, using their size to drive competitors out of business, releasing inferior products while depending on their brand clout, and so on...

...and yet many of the same people who hate EA have no problem blithely accepting Microsoft, a company that has done all of these bad things and more, over and over in the market they dominate. Actions that affect our economy and our world, not just games.

Microsoft's very origins are based on a lie used to attach themselves to IBM's computer monopoly. The list of smaller developers that they've crushed since then through FUD, code theft, "partnership" then betrayal, and intimidation of PC manufacturers reads like the Vietnam Wall. The colossal amount of man-years of productivity lost to businesses due to bugs and security holes in their software over the years is uncountable. They were convicted of antitrust violations, and were only able to escape breakup because a corporate friendly administration was elected.

And now they're back to business as usual. Especially in the console market. Buying marketshare by incurring unrealistic losses. Trying to mask those losses with dubious accounting tricks. Spreading FUD to cover their own hypocritcal 180 degree change of direction from "only the power of the Xbox can allow developers to realize their dreams" to "we believe that software is the most important thing, while our competitors are focused on hardware power".

How anyone can rail against EA as a monolithic evil corporate entity and yet welcome Microsoft into their hobby with open arms is beyond me.
How do I view them? As a games company....and like any other game company, they have some games I love, some I like, and some I hate. The anti-EA stuff cracks me up, it's not like they're Acclaim who basically releases nothing but crap or Infogrames, who now try to pretend they're one of the industy's originals. And practically every company has a laundry list of sequals and wannabe games. Although EA hasn't really yet tried to cram some kind of GTA element into all of their games which seems to be the current fad.


shantyman said:
The thing is, the sports updates are not just rehashes. They tend to have a bunch of new features every time out.
But sometimes it's the other way round.
FIFA 98 had an indoor soccer mode that was really fun but was missing in all following versions. :(



Like the man said.
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