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How many of Nintendo's franchises do you personally care for?


A lot of them for nostalgic reasons, but having been there since before the NES I am honestly pretty fed up with some.


Neo Member
The ones I want to focus on are the particular ones we haven't seen a proper console title on in a while:

Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Battalion Wars etc.)

While Advanced Wars and Battalion wars were great games there are several franchises that have emulated or improved on these genres. For Advanced Wars, Fire Emblem and XCom come to mind as good examples. For Battalion Wars there really hasn't been much in that type of real time tactics gameplay. Personally, I thought the hybrid was a bit too much and a sequel would almost suit better as a Brothers in Arms type of game.

F-Zero GX and Metroid Prime came out when I just had started out gaming and both had unique experiences that were incredibly fun to play and immersive. I'm not sure about sales figures but I wonder why these games haven't received proper updates or sequels.


I don't really get ultra-attached to game franchises, but yeah. I like Mario, F-Zero and Mother games the most.


Just Zelda. Would love to play the latest one but any Nintendo console would basically just be an expensive Zelda adapter to me.
Basically all of them except for garbage like Pikmin and Kid Icarus.

Are your personal choices enough to get you to buy a system? If not, what would it take for you to do so?

Only Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Pokémon and 3D Mario are system sellers to me though.



Formerly cared about:

Fire Emblem
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Star Fox
Super Smash Bros.


Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Advance Wars
Super Smash Bros.

That's actually a pretty long list.... But 2 of them (Golden Sun & Advance wars) are probably dead for good and I didn't enjoy the most recent installments in several of them (Smash, Metroid, Pokemon to a lesser degree)


Neo Member
All their T/SRPGs (Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, CODENAME S.T.E.A.M.)
Donkey Kong
Art Academy
Mario (somewhat...)
Kid Icarus
Smash (somewhat cooled down on it after Smash 4)

The rest, I get them when I can, and enjoy them for what they are. I think only Donkey Kong Country, Splatoon and Fire Emblem (and BotW) can make me mad with anticipation.


Of the ones they still make games for probably
3D Mario
Mario Kart
Fire Emblem
Donkey Kong

Dead/Dormant ones I care about:
F Zero
Advance Wars
The only stuff that really interests me is Zelda and Mario Kart. If I were to get a Switch (having never owned a Wii U) those two would be all I'm interested in from their first party stable.


From most favorite to least, with the bolded being far above the rest.

Metroid - 2D ones and Prime, I'm in denial about Other M and Federation Force
Mario Kart
Mario - 3D and 2D - but not "New"
Super Smash Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Fire Emblem - Once my number one favorite series, after the latest few games though, I'm not so passionate any more.

Mother - I still haven't played any of these games but feel like it might belong among my favorites.

If they were to bring out a new proper Metroid I would buy a Switch in a heartbeat. The others, I'm not so sure, since I have so much else to play anyway.


Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Star Fox
Super Smash Bros.

As an adult, I don't always think Nintendo is a good fit for my tastes, but it doesn't stop me buying each and every platform they produce. Dat SNES nostalgia (also some great memories of the original Gameboy).

Oh, and Metroid Prime is one of the greatest games I've ever played, and I only did so about 2 years ago. Best worldbuilding and story in a Nintendo game imo.


From that list:

Animal Crossing: I've been completely addicted to every single one of them.
Donkey Kong: The Rare DK games were incredible.
F-Zero: I only played F-Zero GX back in the day and adored it.
Fire Emblem: I enjoyed Awakening a lot. I would play more FE games if I had the time.
Kid Icarus: the reboot in 3DS was very funny. I would love to see the series evolve in that way.
The Legend of Zelda: obviously.
Mario: obviously.
Mario Kart: obviously.
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario): I love them, specially when they include more RPG elements.
Metroid: one of my favorite series.
Pikmin: I loved the three main Pikmin games. Can't wait for more.
Punch-Out: wouldn't mind new games.
Puzzle League: I'm a super fan :)
Star Fox: it needs more love.
Super Smash Bros.: I can't have enough of it.
Splatoon: The world needs more Splatoon and more Squid Sisters's music.
Pushmo/PullbloxBoxboy/Picross: puzzle games are always welcome.
Xenoblade: I loved the first Xenoblade, I didn't like Chronicles X as much. X2 looks great.

Edit: oh, Rhythm Heaven and Band Brothers... I love them too!
Enough to get me to buy all their systems, usually about a year after launch:

Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros.


-Paper Mario
-Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros.
Animal Crossing
Star Tropics
Donkey Kong Country
The Wonderful 101
Fire Emblem
Nintendo Wars
Puzzle League/Panel de Pon
Star Fox
Duck Hunt
Wii Fit
Kid Icarus
Eternal Darkness

And that's keeping in mind...
A.) We don't know if ARMS will be good/I've never played the Xenoblade series.
B.) I don't include series I enjoy but don't care too strongly about, like Zelda, Yoshi's Island (If they never made sequels, it'd be up there), or Dillon's Rolling Western.
C.) We don't include franchises Nintendo formerly owned; Killer Instinct, Battletoads, & Conker would definitely be up there otherwise.



High degree of "care"

Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
Mario & spin-offs (Kart and RPG series)

Medium degree of "care"
Golden Sun
Kid Icarus
Star Fox

Of the ones in the high degree of caring, only Zelda and Smash are enough to convince me to buy a system, although I'll probably buy all releases of the other ones.


Gold Member
Like a lot:
- Zelda
- Metroid
- Pokemon
- Fire Emblem
- Kid Icarus: Only Uprising though, which had very little in common with the old games, and has no sequel that we know about, so I'm not quite sure I'd call it a franchise
-Donkey Kong
- Mario Kart

Like, but not as much as the above
- 3D Mario
- Kirby
- Smash
- Xenoblade

I don't really care about the rest
I don't care much for the strategy games, ie. Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, and Pikmin. I'll play anything else. Zelda and Metroid are my favorites.
Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
Kid Icarus
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)
Puzzle League
Super Smash Bros.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Animal Crossing - no interest whatsoever.

Brain Age - bought it just to see what the Japanese hype was, played it for a few hours then put it down and never touched it again.

Donkey Kong - depends. I like the 2D platformers and DK '94 is an all-time favorite, but the

F-Zero - liked the first one on SNES, the N64 one wasn't bad, hated the controls of the GC one. Much prefer Wipeout.

Fire Emblem - now that you can turn off permadeath I've been getting much more into it.

Golden Sun - cool puzzle-based dungeons but not as good as Lufia 2 or the Wild Arms games.

Kid Icarus - the old one was frustrating but felt like an accomplishment when I beat it, the new one just gave me hand cramps the whole time, but at least it got me through Superstorm Sandy.

Kirby - I don't play every game in the series because there's just so many, but they are some fun platformers, whose intricacies become a lot more apparent when you try to 100% them.

The Legend of Zelda - it has its hits and misses but the hits are some of my all-time favorite games. I love the puzzle-based design and exploration. A top-tier game franchise for me.

Mario - I prefer the 2D to the 3D but make sure to play them all.

Mario Kart - I won't pick up every game in the franchise but I love the ones I do get.

Mario Sports - not really interested but I won't be opposed if friends want to play one.

Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario) - the original Super Mario RPG was by far the best. The other ones I've played just are too quirky for their own good and combat gets repetitive quickly.

Metroid - love the 2D ones, not big on the Prime series or the spinoffs. Really want a new 2D game.

Mother - 1 is far too grindy but an impressive technical feat for the Famicom (such a large world map). 2 is a bit less grindy and has lots of great scenarios, but I feel it's a bit overhyped. 3 is one of the all-time greatest RPGs, with a lovely, poignant story.

Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.) - played a bit of AW2 for GBA, and it was pretty good until I hit a difficulty curve I couldn't surmount.

Pikmin - I agree with the guy who posted questioning why Nintendo continues to push this franchise. Played the original (or was it the second?) on Cube and wasn't that into it. Then again I'm not a big RTS guy either.

Pilotwings - never really got into this franchise.

Pokémon - I follow the cross-media properties more than the core franchise, for some reason. Really need to buckle down and play one of the RPGs beyond "wasting all my brother's Pokeballs on Pidgey when playing his Red cart".

Punch-Out - like the first and the Wii game, though I'm not very good at it. Lots of character.

Puzzle League - Would Tetris Attack fall under this? That's a pretty fun arcade puzzler.

Star Fox - meh, never got into it. Some good music though.

Super Smash Bros. - love the franchise and its celebration of all things Nintendo. Spent my undergrad years playing 64 and Melee religiously.

Splatoon - haven't really gotten into it but I wanna give the local multiplayer of #2 on a chance.

Pushmo/Pullblox - never heard of it.

Xenoblade - the original is my favorite RPG of the 2010's so far. While X was disappointing it had one of the most interesting worlds to explore in gaming history. Both games have stunning graphics and music. Really looking forward to XB2.

Sin & Punishment - really underrated series, much better than Starfox when it comes to rail shooters. Original is my favorite N64 game, and the second is a top-tier Wii game.
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