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How many of Nintendo's franchises do you personally care for?


Metroid, Pokémon, Zelda and Fire Emblem.
I don't like the newer Mario games that much, but if Odyssey really follows the M64 formula, I'd become a Mario fan again.


Yeah, this.

This question is weird to me (even replacing Nintendo with any other game maker). I don't see a logo then go "ah this is a game not catered to my tastes based on past experience so I will not play it." I generally just play games that look fun, which describes nearly all of the Nintendo titles I see (not all). I get not being into a series in general, but that's a pretty easy way to miss out on great games. Opinions and all, but it's pretty difficult to get me to "personally not care for" a game or series.
Well it's impossible to play everything so you have to make a judgement call on what you see. I've played enough of previous entries of thier core franchises to feel I'm unlikely to care for a newer version either. And for the ones I haven't played, I see more fun in stuff elsewhere.

I largely don't see this Nintendo fun thier fans see. I buy thier systems for the games of other Japanese developers.
I enjoy mario kart but thats it. I just didnt really grow up playing their games or even games similar to them. I grew up with things like the amiga till i goy a SNES which was mainly for street fighter.

I think it's great they make so many games that have this large fan base but i have never been able to relate to the love for these IPs.

Last nintendo home console i had was an N64 and that was really for things like golden eye. Had a DS as well but that was for things like pressor layton when on holiday or what ever. Didnt get much use to be honest.

Oh we did have a Wii for a while. Didnt get much use really. I tried a few of nintys games on it and had the expected response. Enjoyed mario kart. Thought galaxy was OK but thats it and Zelda TP bored me.


Donkey Kong
The Legend of Zelda
Mario games

Kind of interested in :
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
Kid Icarus

But there are several franchises I like that is possible coming to switch: Luigis Mansion, wario games ( I love those) xenoblade, mario party (plaing with my kids) and potential exclusives like eternal darkness and bayonetta 3.


Donkey Kong
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)

These are the series that I am semi intersted in. For example Ive never played Splatoon but I would like to try it.


I love the mario platformers and mainline zelda titles. The donkey kong country games too. Not a huge metroid fan but super and prime 1 are great.

But I am ultimately a mario kart junkie and nintendo is my dealer. Put 15,000 online races into 8 and i'll put over a hundred hours into 8 deluxe most likely.
Based on the OP list these are the ones i consistently buy every time there is a new entry

Animal Crossing
Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
Kid Icarus
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario Sports
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Star Fox
Super Smash Bros.

If i had to pick a top 5 though

Animal Crossing
Smash bros

Im looking forward to ARMS and i hope its successful like splatoon was so we can keep getting new big IPs.
I never really got into Pikmin.. Still want to give Pikmin 3 a chance still.
I wasn't interested in Pokémon since the early 2000s anymore but Sun/Moon have my attention again.
Some of their casual games such as Nintendogs, Animal Crossing and the like... I adore their ideas and style, but they just aren't for me.

Otherwise, I love and play most of their franchises. Especially Zelda, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Xenoblade, Mario Kart, F-Zero and the platform series (Mario, DK, Wario, Kirby...).

And I would wish for the return of many of them, but especially Earthbound, Wave Race and Pilotwings need to return.


I love and end up buying most of their stuff, new and old, of about any genre... except for Zelda and Metroid.
It feels weird since I consider myself a pretty big Nintendo fan, but those two famous franchises don't do a thing for me.
I love:

Zelda (favorite franchise ever)
3D Mario
Mario Kart (best multiplayer game ever, can be enjoyed with anyone)
Splatoon (favorite online game ever)
Animal Crossing
Kid Icarus
and Bayonetta if it counts lol

l like:

2D Mario
Donkey Kong
Golden Sun
Luigi's Mansion


Fire Emblem and Zelda are my two system-selling franchises.
And I've never skipped a mainline Mario / Kart / Wars game either.
I like to love everything else they put out as well, aside from maybe Pikmin or Pilotwings.


I will buy most new Zelda, Mario, Metroid and Smash games. ACNL made me a big Animal Crossing fan now, too. For me the quality bar on these games alone is typically high enough to cover the cost of admission on a new Nintendo platform (RIP Metroid).

I like the Mario RPGs and play some of them, but skip some too. Similar with Kirby and Yoshi. I'll play a new Mario Kart or Star Fox once in a while but it's not set in stone. I liked Splatoon but I actually liked it less than I expected to. Pikmin 3 was great but I actually hadn't played the other two much at all.

Overall, they still have their claws in me.
I've loved most of their games since I was a child and was given a NES, particularly:

2D and 3D Mario
2D and 3D Zelda
Mario Kart
Paper/Mario RPG/and Luigi
Advance wars
Fire Emblem
Mario Strikers
Star Fox
Luigi's Mansion

But I've got to say, as of the WiiU, I'm just not feeling them as much anymore

Metroid has been shit for years, 2D Mario bores me to tears, Pokemon just hasn't had that magic it did in the first two generations ever again, Mario Kart is still fun but no longer exciting the Mario RPG games are either stale, or just utter wank in the case of Paper Mario games, Advance Wars is dead, Mario Strikers bizarrely absent Star Fox sent to die with how unplayably awful Zero was, and gods know when we'll get a third Luigi's Mansion.

So for me, Nintendo are pretty much the Zelda, 3D Mario and Fire Emblem company these days.

Sure, they put out the odd new golden game, and Splatoon was a must for WiiU owners, even if it didn't hold my attention longer than a month, and Xenoblade was brilliant on Wii, but its sequel disappointed enough to make me wary of the third game, to say nothing of all the duds they've put out of IP's old and new in the last decade.

I hate to say it though, but overall, looking at their franchises, and really thinking about the actual experiences I've been having with the most recent games Nintendo has released for them, or just how long it's been since that was the case, I can't help but feel that old magic is gone, and they've been costing a hell of a lot of their output on pure nostalgia with a sprinkling of the really good gameplay that can only come from a company that are still toy makers at heart.


I guess I care the most about their older IP. Mario (3D more than 2D unless with new art that is not New art), Zelda, Metroid (pre-Other M), F-Zero, Kid Icarus, Punch Out!, Wave Race, Donkey Kong (Country), Star Fox (though Zero mostly ruined that series for me), Fire Emblem (on console, though that series might be over-exposed currently in some ways...). I hope Nintendo will surprise me with a few Switch sequels or reboots for those. Metroid, F-Zero and Kid Icarus would be at the top of my list there.

That said, some of the older popular IP I have far less affinity with, like Pokemon, Smash and Kirby, all of which I never truly got into and mostly ignore nowadays. Mario Kart I used to love greatly but the later installments did less for me with their greater online multiplayer focus and resulting widening of tracks and the increase in kart part unlocking and such. I'll continue to keep tabs on new MK games though, just in case.

As for relative newer IP, Luigi's Mansion, Splatoon and Pikmin are some that I like quite a bit though they all run the risk for me of getting stale at some point due to how similar each sequel is in terms of art and atmosphere (compared to some older IP that get changed up far more on those fronts between games, Zelda and 3D Mario for example). I will continue to support them for a while still though. Wii Sports (Resort) is another more modern one that I like and I really hope they will revisit this series on Switch with its joy-cons in some way as it offers an experience that is still very unique. Animal Crossing is one I really loved on the Gamecube but never managed to get into again due to the change to the rolling world design and Nintendo's handheld focus. I would give it another chance on console though.

Hopefully the Switch will end up with a healthy mix of rebooted/revisited old IP (in the vein of Kid Icarus: Uprising, Metroid Prime, etc.), sequels to active IP that offer familiar yet new experiences (like Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild), new IP (similar to Splatoon, Mario Maker or ARMS), and collaboration projects with other Japanese devs / publishers (like a new Mega Man with Capcom, Castlevania with Konami, or a Metroid with FROM). That would make me really happy.

Edit: I'd also love a new Battle Clash now that I think about it, even if it is an obscure series nowadays. A shame how the Wii never got a reboot of that. More puzzle games in the vein of Dr. Mario, Wario's Woods and especially Tetris Attack would also be appreciated (or even ports of those).

Edit 2: I feel that Wario (Land) is also ripe for a comeback or reboot perhaps. I love the Wario Ware games and would like to see sequels to those, but I'd also love to see Wario star in something else as well.


A few:

Smash Bros.
Fire Emblem
3D Mario
Donkey Kong
Mario Kart

I also enjoy Xenoblade, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Animal Crossing and Style Savvy/Style Boutique, but not as much as the games above. Became a Nintendo fan in my teens so mostly Wii/DS era onwards. The only series I dislike is Star Fox. If Tokyo Mirage becomes a thing it would be up there :)


Animal Crossing


Fire Emblem

In that exact order. There really is no other game out there right now like Animal Crossing. Konami did a great job at emulating that same AC feel with Magician's Quest but I guess the game didn't sell well because they never bothered with a sequel. :( Anyway, I have all my amiibo cards ready for the next Animal Crossing. E3 2017. C'mon, Nintendo. I'm ready.


3D Mario

I'm so-so on Zelda, don't care a lot, but still care a little. Do absolutely love OoT and A Link Between Worlds though.

Don't care at all for the rest.


Not particularly attached to any. Fond of 2D Mario but wouldn't buy a console for it.

Advanced wars is my favorite series overall. In fact it's the only Nintendo made game I buy for my handhelds.

Use to be into Mario kart but couldn't get into MK8.


Mario side scrollers
Mario 3d games
Mario karts
Mario sports
Mario RPGs
Mario Parties
Paper Mario
Yoshi games
Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
Kid Icarus


In terms of "will play day one almost guaranteed"?

Fire Emblem

In that order, more or less. Granted I would be skeptical of any new Metroid game after Other M, but overall it's my second favorite Nintendo franchise. I like several others, but I wouldn't put them on the "priority" list.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I like most Nintendo ips, but the three "Day -1" IPs are Zelda, fire Emblem and Splatoon.

Games I don't care about: Smash Bros, Mario Party, Donkey Kong. (No problem if you love these, but I'm happy to skip them.)
Mario mainline games only (maybe.... starting to lose its shine)

Will sadly never see sequels again
Fzero but fuck Nintendo as they'll never make another
Golden Sun (I need a sequel)
Metroid (only 2D, Prime)

I scrolled down and realised that they're losing me. There's lots of franchises other people make that I'm more excited about.


Almost all of them, except for Star Fox, Animal Crossing and Golden Sun. Everything else is awesome or cool.


Mainly 3D Mario, Mario Kart and Zelda.

Donkey Kong and Smash Bros. to a certain degree as well. Used to be into Pokémon as well, but I think they should significantly shake up / expand the formula.

But I'm open to try their games that I'm not familiar with (like Splatoon, Pikmin) as well.
Mario (including spin offs like Mario Kart)
Donkey Kong
Luigi's Mansion
Kid Icarus
Animal Crossing
Smash Bros
Star Fox
Mother / Earthbound
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun

This would have been quicker if I had just mentioned the ones I don't care for.


Animal Crossing - Absolutely can't wait to hear about something for the switch, I'm hoping it's in development although I kind of doubt it with the mobile game on the way.

Donkey Kong - Donkey Kong Country 1/2/3 were one of the cornerstones of my childhood. This isn't as popular an opinion on GAF but I'm actually not a HUGE fan of the Retro DK games, although I'd be more than happy to see another, I'd like something that was aesthetically more in tune with the original Rare games, although I don't think we will ever see Nintendo do something like that it's a dream of mine

F-Zero - I love F-Zero and it's a shame we haven't gotten a real one in ages, I'd love to see them get Sega to do one again, I loved GX.

Fire Emblem - Like a lot of people in the west i got hooked with Awakening. The only Fire Emblem games I had played prior was the original remake on DS (liked it but it didn't click entirely with me) and the GBA games on an emulator way after they had come out. I'm a super fan now and am really looking forward the future games.

Kirby - Superstar was another staple as a kid, and I absolutely love the new ones. Planet Robobot might be the best Kirby since Superstar. Kirby is healthy right now and something to look forward to.

The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild GOAT.

Mario - I'm excited for anything but New Super Mario Bros, and even that would be worth a pickup for me. Super Mario World was the first game I ever played.

Mario Kart
- Actually not a huge fan of the recent games but I kind of missed out on Mario Kart 8 and am looking forward to getting back in. I think Double Dash / Mario Kart Wii are the worst in the series, because the rubberband / items aren't fun for tp me at all.

Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario) - I'd love a true Super Mario RPG but other than that I have no interest in Paper Mario at this time. I've only played the first Mario & Luigi and liked it a fair bit, I keep telling myself I need to get the other ones but it just never happened.

- I love Prime but not as much as GAF. That being said I'm excited for anything Metroid, just don't give it to Team Ninja again.

Mother - I have the Mother 3 handbook proudly sitting on my shelf.

Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.) - Definitely want to pick up that Advance Wars clone coming to the eshop. Advance Wars 2 was my favorite. Days of Ruin was pretty good too although I'd love to see them get back to the toonier stuff.

- Nintendo has to stop making these so they can finally ship out a Metroid.

Pokémon - My interest has been waning in recent years, I think Pokemon X and Y were the first mainline games I outright hated. Sun and Moon brought me back. I'm optimistic again.

Punch-Out - I missed it as a kid but actually fell in love with this Wii era thanks to virtual console and the Wii sequel. I like it enough, would be happy to see more. Not a huge priority but this is a worthwhile series to continue.

Star Fox - Pessimistic they'll ever make a good one again. Wouldn't mind if they took a break on it for awhile or shipped it to a 3rd party. 64 was a rental as a kid but no one I knew owned it, so my nostalgia isn't quite as strong as some other users.

Super Smash Bros. - Port Smash 4, give Sakurai a rest please.

Splatoon - Best new IP by Nintendo, as good as their classics. Cannot wait for 2.

Xenoblade - I'm only halfway through 1 and haven't played X, but what i've played I liked a lot.


I care more about playing a good game more so than caring about the franchise itself. Out of that list however I personally would like to see another Earthbound game, on the switch preferably.


Zelda, Fire Emblem.

I play Pokemon TCG here and there but don't care much about the vidoegames.

I liked Metroid too but that's not a thing anymore.


Zelda - My favourite series.
Metroid - Where are you?
Mario platform- 3D Mario is my favourite, but I like the 2D ones as well(though I am sick of the "New" series style).
Donkey Kong
Mario Kart


I like most. I don't really like Kirby, Yoshi Star Fox or Pikmin games.

I can take or leave SSB or any fighting game. I love the idea, but I'm terrible at them.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Golden Sun
Fire Emblem

These are dark times, for me.

Have never been able to get into Mario, Link, Donkey, or Kirby, as characters.
Advance Wars and Pokémon although both have been waning lately. Mario and Zelda below those as games I am like "These are fun too." Might be why I have no interest in the Switch. I have kinda fallen out of Pokémon in general so I don't know.


The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing.

There are other games in series that I really like, but I don't really care about other franchises like I do these two (not including spin-offs too).
Yeah, nintendo has been complimentary to me since the Wii. I was all-in on GameCube and N64.
I kinda like Mario. My first and only Zelda (ALBW) experience was average. I have never watched Pokémon or played the games, and Xenoblade Chronicles is in my backlog. I have not been amazed by anything I have tried since I got a 3DS honestly.
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