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How many of Nintendo's franchises do you personally care for?


Super Mario Bros
Advance Wars
Star Fox (been very disappointing)
Golden Sun
Punch out
Mario Kart
Mario Party (with my kids)
Animal Crossing
Brain Age
Donkey Kong

Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
Kid Icarus

The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario Sports
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)

Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Puzzle League
Star Fox
Super Smash Bros.

Sin & Punishment

Most of them.



3D Mario
Metroid (but not stuff like Other M)

I was a huge Mario Kart fan since SNES but this franchise had sort of lost me. I'm not such a huge fan anymore of rubberbanding AI.

I'm hoping Nintendo will add a bunch of discounted Wii U games to the eShop since I skipped last gen.
I should list the ones I really don't care about instead:

Splatoon: Feels like a party game from a compilation. We had paint games before and Splatoon is not fun for me as are the others.

ARMS: Third person fighting is not a common genre but I think it shouldn't be. They are really hard to control.

Pikmin: I'll always see Pikmin as a glorified Lemmings/Tower Defense game. Such stuff I usually stay away from.

arms is not out yet. pikmin really has nothing to do with tower defense.. splatoon is a competitive third person shooter which is very similar to team fortress or overwatch


F-Zero (GC DX game only though, didn't care about GBA/SNES ones)
Golden Sun (or maybe not anymore considering Golden Sun: Dark Dawn on DS was crap)
The Legend of Zelda
Metroid (only 2D series)
Mario (not sure about this one since I'm not that much into platformers anymore, still love NES Mario games though)

That would be it.


This thread made me realise that I don't actively care for any of them. Maybe because it's been so long since I played one of the major ones, but I'm more interested in its first-party work because I know they'll be expertly crafted games, rather than Nintendo franchises.

I'm a bit surprised to find myself saying that.


In order of care the most to care the least:

Star Fox

I only really care a bunch about F-Zero though, I fucking love high speed racers, and would totally buy a Switch for it.

Too bad 3/4 franchises are basically fucking dead.

I really need to get around to playing Xenoblade, I think I'd like it.
Star Fox is very dear to me, the N64 game is one of my all time favorites. I even liked Zero, but understood its flaws.

Zelda and Fire Emblem are close behind. I never cared for Pokémon or Metroid, Mario is ok but not that big of a deal to me.

Splatoon is also pretty damn good.
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun

That's pretty much the ones I'm dead-set on getting the latest copy of. There's others, like Mother, that I will play occasionally. But as far as what I care for, that's the list.


Metroid first, then Zelda. F-Zero, but that's even ded'r than Metroid.

Don't really care for anything else.


Super Mario (some games I love, some I hate) hit and miss

Zelda (2D over 3D, hated the DS games, have gotten worse lately, yet to play Breath of the wild.)

Metroid (love love the 2D games, Super is best, Prime series was good too)

Mario Kart (great games, 8 is a great iteration.)

Punch-Out (the original and Super Punch-Out are great, Wii version no thanks.)

Pilotwings (SNES and N64 games were great, never played the 3DS game)

Smash Bros. (all are great fun)


Metroid and F Zero, so nothing i guess.
Oh Zelda too, but that only includes the top view ones, i don't really care for the 3D zelda like oot or the new botw.


Metroid is my number one Nintendo IP. After that it's Zelda. Then Mario, although the characters don't really mean much to me, just that the games are good. I also liked Pikmin 3, the only of the Pikmin I have played. I like most of the other franchises but they don't really mean much to me.

If Metroid gets a good game on the switch it's going to be difficult to resist getting one. Since I have Zelda for the Wii U there's no temptation there, but if a second Zelda comes out for Switch that would also be tempting. I wasn't too excited about what I saw from Mario Odyssey, but I'm sure it will be good, but Mario isn't a system seller to me unless it's as good as Galaxy.

For the time being, I have no plans to buy a Switch, but I'm not ruling it out for the future, maybe ~3 years from now if I can get one cheap. Unless Metroid comes out and it's great, that could change things.


Fire Emblem
used to care about 3d mario games but after that disgrace Mario "3D" world, i lost interest in mario games in general, hope Odyssey brings back real 3D mario to it's glory
Donkey Kong

Kid Icarus
The Legend of Zelda
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Kart
Star Fox
Super Smash Bros.
Wario Land
Wave Race

Bolded are the ones I care the most about.


4, in order of awesome

Metroid Prime
3d Mario
Mario Kart

A few I'd like to play or I think are OK

Animal Crossing
Pokemon (Yes I know it's technically not theirs)


The Legend of Zelda, above and beyond and always
Mario when it's a 3D platformer or Mario & Luigi
Super Smash Bros.


A lot:
Advance Wars
Golden Sun

A good amount:
New Kid Icarus (?)
Animal Crossing
Wii Sports (?)

A bit:
Mario Kart
Fire Emblem

The "a bit" category is the one with mostly titles I'm not playing because they are not what I'd hope they be, but still have some interest in their changes to eventually come back (like I will do for Zelda).

BTW so happy to see Gaf loves GS and AW, and so sad to think we'll never have more of them at least in their genuine form.


Super Mario Bros.
Mario Kart
Mario sports
Animal Crossing
Fire Emblem
Rhythm Heaven
Smash Bros.
Wii Sports

Mario RPG, Brain Age, and Splatoon are just below them.


I care about almost every series in the OP (plus more) quite a bit. I will own a Nintendo machine as long as they keep releaseing them because of it. The only other company that has made even close to as many games that I love is probably Square Enix if we also count both Square Soft and Enix's catalogs.

I really hope Golden Sun, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid, F-Zero, etc. get another chance.


I'm in a weird spot with Nintendo at the moment. Pokemon, Metroid and Fire Emblem were the core of my gaming interests for years... but all three of them have really slipped for me lately. I didn't enjoy Moon at all, for too many reasons to list right now. Fire Emblem's recent emphasis on marriage has come at the cost of interesting supports imo, and the characters seem much more one-note than they did pre-Awakening. I don't even need to explain the issues with Metroid.

I was also a huge fan of Smash Bros. and Mario Kart, but I think I'm past the point of being able to get much out of those kinds of games. Back during the school years I'd play them with friends weekly (if not daily at points), but that just doesn't happen anymore. Hell, I was the only one in my circle of friends that even owned a Wii U, so online was out of the question as well. Playing them solo or online against randoms isn't all that interesting.

Anyway, I do like most of their other franchises, although with these it was always much more of a case by case basis in terms of whether I enjoyed it or not.

Zelda - Many of the games are among my favourites of all time. The DS games were really average though. Twilight Princess & Skyward Sword didn't do much for me either.
Mario - Not a fan of the 2D games anymore. Super Mario 64, Galaxy and Galaxy 2 are ace though. Wasn't a fan of 3D World, but am excited for Odyssey.
Splatoon - Fantastic new franchise, looking forward to the sequel.

I'd be cautiously optimistic for any future Golden Sun, Star Fox, Advance Wars, Mother, F-Zero, Eternal Darkness or Kid Icarus game too. Honestly, the only 'big' Nintendo franchise that does nothing for me is Kirby, and I really don't need another 2D Donkey Kong game for a while. I think I'm just tired of 2D platformers in general.

In spite of all of that, I somehow already have a Switch! I had intended to wait for Odyssey if not later, but the launch day Zelda hype won me over. Can't say I regret it though - Breath of the Wild is some of the most fun I've had in a game in years.


Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
Golden Sun
Kid Icarus
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Nintendo Wars (Advance Wars, Batallion Wars etc.)
Super Smash Bros.

(I want to try these, so in a sense I care about them)

If the switch can release one game in each series, its money well spent IMO. I wanted to get one on launch. But now am glad I waited. I'll pick one up when Mario kart drops, maybe sooner.


Fire Emblem - love my strategy RPGs

Advanced Wars - love strategy games and not caring if my units die

Professor Layton - enjoy puzzle games, feels like I'm playing a saturday morning cartoon.

Ace Attorney - enjoy the absurd stories overly dramatic turnabouts.

Elite Beat Agents - needs to return

Pokemon - but I really want a full featured console RPG, enough with the handhelds.


Junior Member
mario kart
luigi's mansion
3d mario
2d mario
metroid prime
advance wars
2d legend of zelda
3d legend of zelda
donkey kong country
paper mario
mario & luigi
professor layton
wario ware microgames


Top tier:
The Legend of Zelda - I've been a fan ever since I was a little kid. I have fond memories watching my older brother play Ocarina of Time. Some of my favorite titles include Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Oracle of Ages, and now Breath of the Wild. I honestly love them all.

Pokémon - Like other 90s kids, I had to get Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow. As a loyal fan, I have bought nearly every game in the main series. I LOVED the GSC and RSE generations. Unfortunately, my interest has begun to wane since Generation VI.

Super Smash Bros. - Honestly, I don't play these games over consistent periods of time. Once I buy the game, I play it for a prolonged period of time until I get bored and never return. I guess I really enjoy the pre-release hype.

Splatoon - Possibly my most played game of all time. Clocked in more than a couple hundred of hours on the Wii U. I'm really looking forward to the sequel!

Xenoblade - This series took Zelda's place as my #1 favorite series of all time. I have played countless hours exploring the worlds between the two games released so far. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is currently my #1 most anticipated game.

Animal Crossing - I have bought almost all of the games. I enjoy them, but I don't go out of my way to buy them as soon as they release.

Donkey Kong - I enjoyed Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and whatever game is on the GBA. But my favorite DK game is DK64 by far.

Golden Sun - I was actually trying to beat Golden Sun before Breath of the Wild came out. It's a fun game full of charm--I've always wanted to play it when I was little.

Mario - Other than Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, I don't obsessively play the Mario games.

Mario Kart - My interest in Mario Kart rapidly fell after Mario Kart DS came out. My favorites include 64 and Double Dash especially.

Pikmin - I didn't get very far in Pikmin 3, but I plan on beating this after Breath of the Wild and Golden Sun. I also have Pikmin, but barely played it.

Star Fox - I enjoyed Star Fox 64, Adventures, and Assault. Embarrassingly, Assault was the first game I ever beat outside of the Pokemon games. Haha.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Zelda, Metroid and Mario are the three big ones for me.

Also really like Splatoon, Mario Kart and Smash.

Pokemon, Fire Emblem (the last couple 3DS ones that are easier anyway) Star, Fox, Animal crossing, Kirby, Mario RPGs, Yoshi platformers etc. are solid.

Would like to see some dormant/dead IP like Fzero, Wave Race, Startropics etc. come back.


Golden Sun - I was actually trying to beat Golden Sun before Breath of the Wild came out. It's a fun game full of charm--I've always wanted to play it when I was little.

They seriously need to bring this back. One of my favorites.


The following franchises are really the only Nintendo ones i really care about.

Animal Crossing
Donkey Kong
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario Sports
Star Fox
Super Smash Bros.

The others like Fire Emblem, Golden Sun etc. I've not really got into, i've tried but they are not for me as such.


Smash is one of my favorite games, but I seem to like each new iteration less and less (since Melee at least.)

I like Zelda and Metroid, as well, but not to the point of having a significant emotional response to either.


Considering the plethora of games I've played. My list is very limited when it comes to Nintendo,

Mario (Kart, Party, Olympics)


Fire Emblem (to an extent)
Donkey Kong (again, to an extent)

Honestly, looking at that list, that's a ton of 1st party IPs to like.


Some of these franchises cast such a big net that I'd rather go by series.

Tier A: Series that I'd really like to see get more games:
  • Animal Crossing
  • F-Zero
  • Kid Icarus
  • Kyle Hyde (at least I think Nintendo owns this now that CiNG has gone under)
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Mario (3D)
  • Metroid (2D, not Prime)
  • Mother
  • Advance Wars (Just one game per generation is enough for me, though)
  • Paper Mario (Color Splash redeemed Sticker Star, but I'd like to see the series take a different direction)
  • Pokémon (In danger of dropping to Tier B because of the direction the 3DS games have taken it)
  • Punch-Out
  • Star Fox (preferably with less control gimmicks)
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • Splatoon
  • Sin & Punishment
  • Wave Race
  • Wario Land
  • Xenoblade Chronicles

Tier B: Series that I don't get excited for, but would like to see continue at some capacity:
  • 1080°
  • Donkey Kong (Country at least. Give me a new 3D one, and I'll re-evaluate this.)
  • Excite Bike/Truck/Whatever
  • Fire Emblem (Too many games this generation with too little to set them apart)
  • Golden Sun (Used to be a Tier A franchise before Dark Dawn)
  • Kirby (I really like Kirby, but I feel like these games come out too often. Would like to see something more like Dream Land 2 & 3, or a 3D Kirby)
  • Luigi's Mansion
  • Mario (2D)
  • Mario Kart (But whenever there's a new one, I'll likely buy it)
  • Mario & Luigi (Same issue as Fire Emblem)
  • Metroid (Prime)
  • Yoshi's (These games have been very hit & miss. Yoshi's Island is still by far the best one.)

Tier ?: Series I'd like to see return, but my excitement would depend on how they've been modernized, if at all:
  • Ice Climbers
  • The Mysterious Murasame Castle
Day one:
- Zelda
- Pokémon

- Metroid
- The Yoshi series
- Star Fox (if we ever get a true Star Fox game. No spin offs or gimmicks)
- Fire Emblem
- Advance Wars
- Mario Kart

- Donkey Kong platformers
- Kirby
- Mario platformers


Pretty much all of them

The only one they've actually fucked up is Metroid, which is ironically the one i care the most about
Just looking at the list, I can see quite a few franchises that I'd look into buying most games on.

Animal Crossing
Donkey Kong
Fire Emblem
Kid Icarus
The Legend of Zelda
Mario Kart
Mario RPGs (Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario)
Advance Wars
Super Smash Bros

While Fire Emblem would be my favorite out of these, the sheer quantity of these coming out on Nintendo consoles are the reason I'm able to pick them up day 1 with no remorse.
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