You will be disappointed.If that's the OP than this is the greatest thread ever.
You will be disappointed.If that's the OP than this is the greatest thread ever.
Someone with the know-how should make a .gif of when he bobs his shoulders during the "Get down girl go'n get down" parts.
But that's not really the OP right? I feel like the joke is going over my head. I guess it's that that guy is lip syncing, and the OP plagiarized?
Regarding this:Someone comes into my IRC channel to spy on us and then posts the log on that shithole forum, they deserve to get attacked.
And that's the last I'll mention of it.
Regarding this:
This is what this 'snesfreal' lad is talking about:
Irc log of #nintengaf during the Nintendo E3 Conference. It's rather entertaining to read, people are so energic about Nintendo during the conference; but be aware that there is a lot of colorful conversation and rather obscene/borderline hatred commentaries about gaffers/neogaf stuff
Happy readings!
This Steve Ballmer pitch was AMAZING. XD XD
Good morning.
I'm here to talk with you today about the WiiU, a new paradigm so exciting, so revolutionary, that only our talented team here at Micro- I mean Nintendo, could have made it a reality.
Instead of going into details on the hardware today, we have put together a special treat for you. Please welcome, the tweet choir!
That was just another amazing example of how we at Nintendo "get" the Internet, and the emerging Web 2.0 marketplace.
However, as revolutionary as our new WiiU technology is, our success depends on the most important element of all...
Now that I have made you all feel uncomfortable, and some of you scared, I invite you to check out the show floor for all of our new offerings for this revolutionary new platform.
Asymmetric gameplay is not what should be put at the forefront. It's not a simple concept to grasp, and there are single player games that use the dual screen, without asymmetric elements.
As I elaborated in the OP, the main communication focus should be around the best of breed controller, dual screen set up and social console.
I believe it's important Nintendo realizes this, sooner than later. As says PennyArcade: fix the Wii U marketing, or get screwed
EDIT: And wow, how did I miss VegaNine's Hemingway skit? AMAZING!
He seriously would have.He wouldn't have, he'd have scrapped it long ago.
Jack Tretton: It's a great honor to introduce our next guest. He is a world-renowned autho
Ernest Hemingway: That's unnecessary, Jack. An introduction from you is an insult.
In this thread: people intimidated by lengthy posts, what-if hypotheticals and a topic broached in any way other than a brain-dead question like "What if Nintendo presented their ideas differently?"
Seriously, people need to chill. I hate it when GAF pussies out in their insecurity over something different. The OP's post is no more a waste of time than any other "situational" questions given their own threads at GAF. And the way the OP presented it makes sense, given the point is how a keynote speaker delivers his message to establish a product in the minds of the masses. This, naturally, requires an example of a "different delivery."
So, to get back on topic: If Reggie had followed similar "beats" in his presentation -- repetition of key concepts, and breaking it down as an all-in-one controller, paired with DS-style play, paired with socialization -- would the WiiU have gone over better?
I say, no. At the end of the day, any and all middling response to the WiiU at E3 was due to the absence of games, and the shortchanging of good games they -did- have, like Project P-100. I would like to see Nintendo play up the "all-in-one" nature of the controller more, though, and always while in the same breath of it being part of a CONSOLE that is significantly more powerful than its predecessor.
Screw the haters, I read this in Jobs' voice and pacing and it was fantastic. This would have gone over much better than the real conference, and definitely inspired more energy and excitement.
The truth is, the Wii U will probably be fantastic, and the launch lineup isn't half-bad. The problem is that Nintendo had a botched delivery with their conference, and people on GAF are stupid-hard to please - they love watching Nintendo fail.
So again, forget the haters. I think you did a good job rewriting the conference. Anyone who gives you shit probably has a pathetically pessimistic and closed mind, or wants to look cool by hating on Nintendo.
Jack Tretton: It's a great honor to introduce our next guest. He is a world-renowned autho
Ernest Hemingway: That's unnecessary, Jack. An introduction from you is an insult.
*Tretton shrinks away*
My name is Hemingway. I'm a writer, a sportsman, and a man. I've been called here today to introduce Sony's Wonderbook. I've been paid handsomely for the job, but had I been given a photograph of this crowd, I'd have come at no cost.
Your faces impress me. I see children where men should sit.
You lot of reprobates. I was never so young!
You, therein front. I've traveled the world and have seen no face like yours. It's the face of an adult child. Yes, that's right.
Don't shy away! Look at me!
No man who has labored in the sun could give your impression. There'd be no lurching, no paleness, no coyness. They'd be sitting straight! Faces brown, eyes proud, hands clutching psalmbooks. But not you. You clutch a cellphone. Find me one in the hands of a matador!
"Puck." May I call you that? Tell me, Puckdo your veins pulse with blood? Come up here, then, and spill me a little. Spill some of mine if you can. I have your puberty in my fist. Don't you want it? No?
*hearty laugh*
I've only one question for the rest of you:
*stares out at crowd*
Have you nightcrawlers never looked into the eyes of womankind? Or can't you do it?
No, I don't imagine that any of you have charisma enough to woo the female sex, but if you ever impregnate a whore, the rats that crawl out of her backside will require some help. From you, they won't get any. From me, they just may.
That's why I'm here! The Wonderbook! It will morph your bastard pinkies into functioning humans. How, you ask, will it perform this shining miracle?
*appears onscreen: "Ernest Hemingway's Death in the Afternoon"*
With literature!
Literature is nothing like the shit you read today. You'll find no wizards in it. In literature, your children will learn to fear nature! They'll learn to smell blood!
My book will firm their handshake! My book will give them BALLS! When their wives ask a favor, they'll growl, "NO! I was conceived on a LUCKY DAYmy father was a miserable softie and I won't be the same! It was Hemingway! Hemingway taught me what it means to be a man! Do the job yourself, you bitch."
*blasts air through nose*
So I pleadif you MUST reproduce, and so roll the dice against posterity, then purchase the Wonderbook for the sake of our dying nation.
Then give that unlikely child a glass of cognac and sit him by the TV.
You can curl beside him in the fetal postion. Cover your eyes if you must. Just make sure that bastard pinkie finishes the book, and becomes more of a man than my new girlfriend, Puck.
Good night, and god help us.
*exits stage, drinking*
Jack Tretton: Wow, that was just great.
Best conference fanfic ever A++My name is Hemingway. I'm a writer, a sportsman, and a man. I've been called here today to introduce Sony's Wonderbook. I've been paid handsomely for the job, but had I been given a photograph of this crowd, I'd have come at no cost.
Your faces impress me. I see children where men should sit.
Like this?
That was impossibly great. Godlike post.Jack Tretton: It's a great honor to introduce our next guest. He is a world-renowned autho—
Ernest Hemingway: That's unnecessary, Jack. An introduction from you is an insult.
So absolutely nothing in the fanfiction arena?
God you guys are worthless.
*opens a Google*
Jack Tretton: It's a great honor to introduce our next guest. He is a world-renowned autho—
Ernest Hemingway: That's unnecessary, Jack. An introduction from you is an insult.
*Tretton shrinks away*
(rest of post)
A little detective work and I found the OP's YouTube channel
Regarding this:
This is what this 'snesfreal' lad is talking about:
Irc log of #nintengaf during the Nintendo E3 Conference. It's rather entertaining to read, people are so energic about Nintendo during the conference; but be aware that there is a lot of colorful conversation and rather obscene/borderline hatred commentaries about gaffers/neogaf stuff
Happy readings!
I skimmed through it.
Is this a fanfic?
I do believe that Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic Game(s) are the first to introduce Cinematic Dialogue Options
While dialogue choices is a very common element in Role Playing Games in the early 2000s, Bioware was the first one (to my knowledge) to imbue cinematic element in their dialogue system.
It is all starting to make sense!EDIT: wrong thread